r/bsfl Jul 30 '22

Harvest before prepupal stage

Hi all!

When first reading about BSFL before researching further and gathering materials for bins, I read it said that harvesting before the prepupal stage where they darken and self-harvest is more efficient from a biomass/nutrients in to mass/BSFL nutrient composition standpoint.

I can't find that resource again, or any others explaining more thoroughly.

I did find peer-reviewed studies explaining a digestive buildup of chitin that blocks protein absorption in chickens eating prepupal is to be avoided, and a video in an East-asian country demonstrating harvest methods for open beds for BSFL before the prepupal stage. But these methods don't apply to bin rearing.

Does anyone have resources about harvesting BSFL before they can self-harvest for efficiency and nutrient bioavailability in a bin system? Thank you!



u/LTGIV Jul 31 '22

If I were to attempt your goals in my bin, I would try to use a grate that I could place at the bottom of the bin, which would give enough space for the younger larvae to fall through. I think the metal wire at a feed store may be too big and would probably try to cut slits in plastic, acrylic, or wood with a Dremel or small holes with a drill. One option that might work is a salad to-go container with some food inside with small holes in the lid. With the heat wave in Texas, all my larvae try to burrow as far as they can, so you could put this container in the corner of your bin.