r/biotech 25d ago

Will anti aging or longevity ever progress? Open Discussion 🎙️



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u/ALeeWriter 24d ago

I agree, but with the lack of money they receive and the unbelievable complexity of the issue are we really surprised that they haven’t made a game changing breakthrough or is that sort of the expectation in science?


u/bitechnobable 19d ago

The answer here is simply because it's not s huge problem for humanity. We have societies that are somewhat balanced with our rate of aging. There is therefore little societal value in curing aging. Since science only gets a small slice of the resources available. People could and should study whatever they find interesting. Yet I struggle with understanding why any scientist would find aging an interesting area. From societies perspective.

Don't get me wrong. If musk wants to spend his money in brain machine interfaces he is free to do so (as of yet) but to argue that science which is mainly tax money, should invest in aging above say malaria medicine is purely bonkers.

Imo most people are happy about their length of life. Many even want shorter ones (death aid etc). The ones that both sit on money and worry about this is restricted to a few rich wankers.