r/biotech 25d ago

Will anti aging or longevity ever progress? Open Discussion 🎙️



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u/ALeeWriter 25d ago

Oh so you don’t think a trip to Mars is suitable even any time soon essentially. I don’t mean to tie everything back to anti aging but that makes me wonder even more as to why Musk doesn’t invest…Bezos does I believe Gates does and even Vladimir Putin does now. Shocking that the richest man in the world doesn’t


u/Bioinfbro 25d ago

We can do a one way trip to Mars now. We can probably knock in many copies of TP53 whale anti cancer gene into a human embryo now. The likelihood of success is low, and it's horribly unethical, but it's possible?


u/ALeeWriter 25d ago

That and also no point in an embryo, I feel that cancer is targeted more for adults who should actually be more concerned about it😭 Just a fun add on I genuinely am contemplating cryonics (I’m 20 so in an ideal world death is probably like 60 years away from me minimum) but just wondering what are your thoughts. I’m assuming you’re an actual scientist yourself


u/Bioinfbro 25d ago

Well the embryo will turn into a person and may live to 200? but it won't help us.


u/Bioinfbro 25d ago

Yes, I am a successful scientist. Let me put it this way. We are a flying airplane with engine defects. We are talkng about fixing engine in flight without falling out of the sky.  All the current methods are basically, let's adjust the fuel ratio to put less wear on the engine so it lasts longer...


u/Bioinfbro 25d ago

So, as far as cryonics, obviously the odds are greater than 0. Which is what you will get without cryonics. 


u/Bioinfbro 25d ago

Highly recommend you read transmetropolitan.


u/ALeeWriter 25d ago

Gotcha, also I DMed you as a request to continue this conversation there! If you don’t want to we can continue it hear no problem at all


u/bitechnobable 21d ago

Because they are not actually trying to go to mars? They are selling the idea of doing it.

Living on Mars requires studies that simply re not being conducted imo.