r/benshapiro Sep 26 '22

Now it makes sense why the Left kept targeting Trump even after he left office, they were trying to derail his social media deal. Hope Ben will discuss in today's show. Ben Shapiro Show


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u/Runtzupnext Sep 27 '22

Get out of here the ELECTION WAS STOLEN! Period. No body wanted to take it up and it was BS. Trump had planned all along to bring the troops home. He always said he didn’t think it was right to be there. Trump is the one that rebuilt our Military after Obama decimated it. You watch 2000k Mules? That was just one or two states. Been proven that Dominion Voting Systems are corrupt. We need to outlaw them everywhere. Go back to the old way. Counting by hand! Y’all take the top half,we will take the South back. By the way there is a Republican that have nothing good to say. Lincoln!


u/[deleted] Sep 27 '22



u/Runtzupnext Sep 27 '22

Everything has a time. Biden could have done it correctly. So what if we weren’t out of there that day. Not one day that went by was he not being attacked. I am surprised he was able to get anything done at all and yet he did more for America than just about every other president. We could have packed everything up and rolled out. Biden was in office before the date that was set. If he was that concerned about it he should have started with that instead of shutting down energy production. The only reason they are messing with Trump is due to him being elected again. Maybe if he gets in he can finally lock up the real criminals. Every president in history has taken their documents with them when they left office. It’s completely normal! Trump secured his documents much more than any of the modern day presidents. Clinton locked his up in an abandoned car dealership. Obama also didn’t secure his any better than Clinton. The place his documents are stored is a fortress! Not only locked up there but had installed an extra lock per FBI request. It is guarded by secret service 24 hours a day. Also a president has the ability to declassify any of their documents they wish. The documents belong to them. This is a much of a sham as the Russian collusion deal. Every bit of it is garbage. They have weaponized the DOJ against political rivals and any American citizen that doesn’t agree with them. Communist move ! If the patriots that went into the capital on Jan 6th are terrorist then the people that so peacefully protested during the summer of love definitely are. You need to open your eyes and look around. They are lying to the American people just like communist China does to theirs. The people in charge are evil to their very souls ! Everything they push is evil! They are distracting people away from Biden for the elections. They know they can’t win on his record so here we are. They come out telling people that MAGA is bad ! Making American Great Again is in no way bad. We are exceptional due to our constitution is geared towards the individual over the collective. No other country has this. It is ordained by God. Yes people have made mistakes and no one is perfect but this great experiment must be preserved for all. If you don’t agree with this than I can’t help you ! America 🇺🇸 is exceptional and is worth fighting for. Many have died to preserve it. Sure many more will in the future. I encourage you to observe everything around you and I believe we are going to observe some major things happening in the future. I believe it’s about to get very interesting! Hang onto your hat it just might get awfully bumpy! We the people deserve justice for the criminal acts. Biden family,Clinton family and many others. Those particular people are afraid if Trump gets back in and also when we take back the House and Senate. November 8th is drawing near. Conservatives get in and they must clean house. Close institutions that are a waste,Limit the powers of others. You think they hate Trump? If I was able to be president over half the government would be gone. The ones left would be vetted and if they didn’t make the cut ,how about those famous words. You’re fired ! If it didn’t align with the Constitution it would be gone! The people would definitely have the country back. I’m all about small government. State government should hold the power not the Federal Government. Keep Government close to the people like America was designed. Federal Government is to protect the homeland. Meet with other governments as our representatives. Secure the border! Control our military which would be the most powerful in the world. Nobody could compare! Nobody would dare mess with us. No more threats from anyone. Period! The whole world would know the deal. Plus alliance’s would be stronger than ever. No one respects Biden on the world stage. He is a joke. Weak in mind and body only concerned about what he can get out of it. Trump did the job for free while giving up millions. Biden is asleep by 7 or 8pm. I remember seeing Trump roll back into the White House at 2,3,4am. Good night!


u/DarkTemplar26 Oct 01 '22

Got a source for anything in that gish gallop?