r/benshapiro Aug 26 '22

Heavily redacted affidavit says 184 classified docs found at Trump residence… Discussion/Debate


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u/Professional_Cow3982 Aug 26 '22

Lord help you brainwashed TDS people. Presidents can declassify previously classified items, I for one would think all of us demand this to not be redacted so we as citizens know what we are dealing with. One scandal after another with Hilary and now with the Biden family, and the FBI being used as henchmen, not only are the American people owed explanation but we should in fact get down to business on the current and all past administration's if this is the case . We should not go after one former president but all, let's dig up see who is trying to destroy America, my bet is anyone that has gained incredible wealth while in office.


u/Taconinja05 Aug 27 '22

Lol. Butbutbutbut HILLARY!!! Either she is crooked and by same logic Trump is as well or neither. You want to have things both ways so damn badly.

He can’t magically declassify things without documenting said declassification. You on with presidents declassifying anything by mere thought ???


u/human-no560 Aug 26 '22


18 U.S.C. § 793(e) does not use the tem1 "classified information.'' but rather criminalizes the wtlawful retention of "information relating to the national defense." The statute does not define "i.11fom1ation related to the national defense." but courts have construed it broadly. See Gorin, .. United States. 312 U.S. 19. 28 (1941) (holding that the phrase •'information relating to the national defense" as used in the Espionage Act is a "generic concept of broad connotations. refen-ing to the military and na·al establishments and the related activities of national preparedness"). fo addition. the information must be "closely held" by the U.S. government. See United States, .. Squil/acote. 221 F.3d 542, 579 (4th Cir. 2000) (''[I]nfonnation made public by the go·emment as well as infonnation never protected by the govemment is not national defense infom1ation."); United States, .. Morison. 844 F.2d 1057, 1071-72 (4th Cir. 1988). Certain courts have also held that the disclosure of the documents must be potentially damaging to the United States. SeeM01ison, 844 F.2d at 1071-72.