r/benshapiro Jul 24 '22

Conservatives and Republicans: Do you want Trump to run for President again? Discussion/Debate

I voted for him twice but prefer that we get some new folks running.

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u/lew_traveler Jul 25 '22

God-given nation? Are you familiar with the idea of separation of church and state? Did you learn, as part of your study of history, that most of the early settlers were fleeing religious persecution? Did your history ever touch upon the facts that many of the settlers looked upon the original inhabitants of this continent as vermin who could be exterminated without a second glance from their god? Did any of your history mention that large parts of this country willingly bought into the ideals of chattel slavery while the countries from which they fled were, at the same time, realizing that slavery was a worldwide abomination? Your ‘Christian ideology’, as exemplified by so many prominent politicians and church leaders, is as anti the actual Christian teachings as one could imagine.