r/aquarium 1d ago

Hey can anyone help me ? Freshwater

Sooo i have owned fishes for 4 years now.. but i want something different like a betta or other fish. This tank is 70 Liters (18,4920437 gallons) i have owned all spiecies from tetra’s , guppies ect. Any suggestions? I would like groups with fish or 1 fish, just something more challenging! Help a girl out!!!



u/Henry575 1d ago

I think a honey gourami would look good in there. They are not that difficult but they are shy and you should have dither fish to help them. I like keeping endler bachelor tank with 6-7 male endlers and a honey gourami. I think it’s very cool


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Thanks for ur commenr!!!!!!!!


u/EMI2085 1d ago

I have a tank that size with a solo male apistogramma with 8 glowlight tetras. I might get a mate for my apisto in the next few months. They stay pretty small, so that tank size is fine for them. They are quite stunning & fun to watch. My personal favorites are bettas though. If you’ve never had one, that is one to consider. They have so much personality & they recognize you & not just following a human because human = food, but like they follow YOU. My betta responds differently to me than he does to my husband & kids. They all say he dances and gets more excited when I approach his tank. It’s the cutest thing. 🧡


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Thanks for ur comment!! I have a question tho, do betta’s react to algue eaters? Do they need any tank mates?


u/EMI2085 1d ago

Some do, some don’t. It really depends on the betta. Your will hear stories of people who can’t even keep a snail with their bettas because they are so aggressive & terrorize the snail. But then others have them in a big community tank with 20 other fish & it’s all fine.

My guy is a common veil tail & he is super chill. I have him in with 3 African Dwarf Frogs & they all get along great. I also had a snail in there for a bit, but the water got too acidic for him.

I don’t think you need an algae eater, but if you did want one (like maybe a clown pleco or something small like that) you might want to add it to the tank first so when you add the betta the pleco will already be there before he has a chance to claim the whole tank for himself. That’s what I did with my apistogramma because he’s got a super spicy personality, lol.


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Ive got snails, 1 Otocinclus and 1 kinda big pleco in here soooo ill see, any other tips ? 🧡



u/EMI2085 1d ago

I think a betta would most likely be fine with those tank mates. 😊 Also, is your pleco a common pleco? If so, he’s going to need a ridiculously huge tank or a pond. Those guys get Huuuge.


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Noooooooo lol I WISHHHHHHHH i got a friend with a common pleco! Ill show u a pic its roly insane! Mine is just 5-10 cm🧡🐟



u/EMI2085 1d ago

Lol, oh okay. Yours Isaac good size then.

The commons get so massive! It drives me crazy that they’re sold in basically every pet store. Idk why they can’t just sell the smaller breeds since those are easier to house. Years and years ago I got a common pleco for my 35 tank because the tag said “minimum tank size is 20g” & I thought he would enjoy all the extra space in my tank. But soon enough he was covering half the bottom of the tank & I had to take him back. Plus the poop, oh my soul. 😅 I would clean the tank & he would redecorate it with strands of poop garland.


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Hahahah i feel u with the poop 😔 but they dont say that they are common?? And they sell plecos in every size in my special fish shop!! But maybe its the country lol. Are u sad that u took it back?


u/EMI2085 1d ago

In specialty fish shops they do sell lots of sizes, but in chain stores in the US they only seem to sell Common Plecos. And back when I got him (which was like 15 years ago) the tag said they only needed 20g, which is like 160 gallons too small, lol. I just wish the big chain stores would sell the smaller varieties, because that’s where a lot of people go for their first tanks.

I like them, but I am not sad I took him back, lol. If I had a pond I would love to have a common pleco in it. 😁 But I live in the desert, so ponds are hard to do here.


u/Curious-Jaguar-4656 1d ago

Oooooo that explainssss!!

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u/Keepin_it_Freshh 1d ago

I agree with you. OP should get a pair of one of the more rare apistos and try breeding them. Nothing too rare, just not the common cacatuoides or agassizii. Something like a Baenschi pair.


u/EMI2085 1d ago

That would be cool. They are so fun. If I had enough room in my house (and the funds, lol), I would have multiple tanks with different types of apistos. They’re so cute. I love how they hover around like little helicopters. ❤️


u/Keepin_it_Freshh 1d ago

How they hover and then when they go in for a landing their fins pop out like blades for landing gear! Love that too!


u/EMI2085 1d ago

Lol, yes. They are so cute.


u/pickledprick0749 1d ago

18 is a great size for a some small tank mates. My all time favorite betta tank mate was African dwarf frog, a very interesting relationship you won’t get bored of. Of course it’s important to set up the plants/scape accordingly to support the frogs


u/Jolly_Channel_4357 1d ago

If you can get a divider that has slits in it to help water flow that should be enough to get the beta fish it's own space your other fish need more space than the beta fish Ebay should sell it.


u/noettp 3h ago

A pack of Pygmy Corydoras, they are my favorite fish to watch so far, their behavior is quite varied, they seem to play tag, follow other species of fish and play with, they break off solo, fall asleep on random leaves, sometimes pair up in duos and explore, sometimes a big pack forms and they all roam together. They sometimes shoot up to the surface to take a gulp of air, sometimes one doing this near others sends them all up one by one. They'll play in filter flow and ride the current. They surprised me to say the least and upping their numbers has only made it more enjoyable.