r/Whatisthis • u/LoversSpeed • 15d ago
Found This Mysterious Bag in My Dad’s Stuff—Should I Be Worried? Open
So, my dad has been acting a bit off lately—making random jokes about drugs and seeming a little down. I didn’t think much of it until today when I stumbled upon this small bag in his stuff. It looks… suspicious, to say the least. I’m genuinely worried, but I’m no expert in this kind of thing.
Can anyone help me figure out what this is? Is it something harmless, or should I be concerned? I’d really appreciate any insight or advice.
u/glides77 15d ago
Man that really looks like frankincense
u/glides77 15d ago
I'd say to check what the foil is but id be careful I'm not sure if fentanyl is a issue where you're at
u/strawberry_vegan 15d ago
Touching fentanyl isn’t an issue, just wash your hands.
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u/Insomniacbychoice90 15d ago
I was gonna say some sort of hardened tree sap, I don't know what meth looks like though so could be that!
u/LoversSpeed 15d ago
Ok he's an orthodox church freak so I think that's what it is. Relieved to say the least
u/rocketmczoom 15d ago
Makes sense. Looks like livani - Greek incense. And the charcoal disks used to ignite it are wrapped in a foil roll.
u/pheonix198 15d ago
OP, look up Mastic Gum from the island of Chios. Could be this or another tree resin. Really looks more natural than like cooked up meth to me.
u/wackyvorlon 15d ago
Try burning a little and see how it smells. Frankincense and myrrh are a very nice combination.
u/manbruhpig 15d ago
It’s not meth but if it were meth, this is a great way to accidentally do meth.
u/J_Bunt 15d ago
Not funny! I mean I giggled for a sec but then I remembered how there's no addiction worse than meth.
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u/_____heyokay 15d ago
Yeah I’m an orthodox Catholic and we light this for the scent of it. It looks just like the frankincense that we Assyrians burn in our churches. No drugs. Just smell it. If it has a strong but pleasant kind of smell that I can’t describe, it’s it.
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u/BlueShibe 15d ago
Yeah it seems to be that, I'm am an orthodox and we have this stuff at home, the same small yellow shape which typically the churches sell
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u/Educational-Put-8425 15d ago
OP can smell this for ID confirmation. Smelling frankincense is unforgettable and a dead to rights ID.
What is the green stuff? Weed? Hawaiian weed? Thai stick? Hash or opium-laced weed? Common ditch weed (friendly, music-enhancing, laughing, social as a Labrador puppy, mild and magic hippie pot)?
The yellow chunks do resemble resin, tree sap, and other back to nature legal golden nuggets.
I’m curious about where you found this stash. Does it fit your dad’s profile, to be in his stuff?
u/lefthandsmoke3 15d ago
I harvest tree sap while in out hiking. It looks alot like this. Search pine tar, for reference.
I've never seen meth in clumps like that. It's crystalline in structure, or a crushed in a powder.
I vote no on meth.
Have you tried Google lens?
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u/RuthlessIndecision 15d ago
So it should smell like pine, even through the bag? Meth doesn’t smell like pine, right?
u/lefthandsmoke3 15d ago
Depends on which type of resin it is. Pine resin/tar will smell like Pinesol, assuming it's somewhat fresh. I've also seen Frankincense resin that looks similar to that.
Although Frankincense is a unique smell, I can't really describe it.
u/unluckystar1324 15d ago
So a quick Google lens search says it's gold copal or frankincense resin, but idk. Just thought I'd offer that info to you
u/sup3rjub3 15d ago
it has more of a crack rock vibe, not very crystalline like meth.
u/aussum_possum 15d ago
It's definitely not crack
u/mightylordredbeard 15d ago
And what exactly makes it “definitely not crack”? Because it definitely looks like crack.
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u/redmagor 15d ago
And what exactly makes it “definitely not crack”?
The colour and consistency.
Crack cocaine has a off-white, cream-like hue, and is more friabile and crumbly than that shown in the picture.
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u/BruceFakename 15d ago
It looks like pure MDMA
u/pastafarah 15d ago
u/BruceFakename 15d ago
OP give it a smell, if it’s super aromatic then it’s frankincense but if it smells kind of like coconut oil and not fragrant then it is MdMA
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u/poopybrainlilpump 15d ago
I've done everything from A to Z and back again. That's MDMA aka Molly definitely not meth. You can tell by the yellowish color and dusty coating just look up Molly rocks on reddit you will see they look like this. Molly isn't necessarily a drug that's going to destroy your life people use it for raving and even therapy. It's dangerous to take it day after day however because it can wreck your serotonin receptors. But if you want a for sure answer I'd ask him.
u/poopybrainlilpump 15d ago
All that being said it could also be something that looks very similar to Molly, other were saying some type of resin but if it is drugs it's gotta be mdma.
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u/cashcartibichh 15d ago
I've never seen MDMA with such a yellowish tint, it's either more brown-orange or more white but still with the tint of brown.
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u/cashcartibichh 15d ago
I've never seen MDMA with such a yellowish tint, it's either more brown-orange or more white but still with the tint of brown.
15d ago
u/PsychologicalBid69 15d ago
Crack is one thing.. hard to misplace that bag. Meth on the other hand is not so hard to. I find bags all the time that I forgot I stashed away. It’s kinda like an Easter egg hunt. Or tweaker hunt as I like to call it.
15d ago
u/PsychologicalBid69 15d ago
I’ve found bags with 3-4 grams in them even more. I don’t know what “run out” means lol.
u/Lux_Lioness 15d ago
I'm really sorry you're going through this. If you're unsure about the substance, you could try scraping a small amount and getting a drug testing kit like Marquis Reagent to get an idea of what it might be. If it is drugs, there are support groups like Al-Anon for you and NA/AA for your dad. You're doing the right thing by reaching out and trying to identify what it is. Stay strong op, you and your dad are in my prayers. 🤍
u/TheSheWhoSaidThats 15d ago
Looks like resin. Does it smell like incense? Also why are you going through your dad’s stuff?
u/papercut2008uk 15d ago
I buy Frankinsence resin, it looks like Frankinsence resin. Possibly the higher quality like Royal Green.
The 2nd from top really makes me believe it is frankinsence, because it's rounded.
I keep mine in aluminium foil bagged just like that, because the oils evaporate. Not sure if that is what will be in the aluminium foil though.
u/Hazzzy021 15d ago edited 15d ago
Yea i said it, idk what frankensence is, but def sap incense here
u/problyurdad_ 15d ago
100% not hard drugs at all.
Zero chance it’s an opiate. Those were my favorite and I know em when I see em.
Zero chance it’s cocaine or crack. Not the right consistency. I would know, I was a coke head as well, and if that was crack or cocaine, just by looking at it my stomach would flip. And it isn’t. So, that’s not cocaine in any form.
Super slim chance it’s meth but I doubt it. I’m not a meth guy, so I never even touched it. But what I do know tells me that ain’t it.
What’s inside the foil? Because foil is what you keep tabs of LSD in. So, if there’s anything in that foil like paper or gel tabs, then the yellow stuff is absolutely molly/MDMA and ya pops is lookin to be doing what’s called candy flipping.
Or it’s incense. You should be able to smell it it’s incense because just handling it will make your fingers take on the smell of it, even through the plastic.
So take your pick. It’s probably psychedelics and I wouldn’t call those hard drugs, personally. They’re more medicinal and, when used properly, don’t generally cause harm.
u/ChapterRealistic1757 15d ago
My first thought was frankincense, and figured you could just smell it. However for the chance it’s something more nefarious, that doesn’t sound like great advice 😂
u/oceansunlimited 15d ago
Do the yellow rocks have a floral scent? Does the foil contain a small charcoal disc? Looks like incense to me.
u/hardballwith1517 15d ago
If your dad has a history of drug use then it is drugs. If not then ask him what it is.
u/NUMBerONEisFIRST 15d ago
Maybe the rare and nearly pure meth that Breaking Bad's 'blue meth' was based on?
It would make sense why it would be individually wrapped and stashed away.
My best guess with no backstory:
Your dad played around with meth in the 70s when it was a lot different than today's stuff, that's now made with battery acid and kerosene in bathtubs by high school dropouts.
He came across some of the rare and 'special' kind and stashed it away for 'special occasions'.
TBTH, if this is meth, it's possibly proof he doesn't have a bad habit. If it was easy to access, maybe current substance use.
If it was stashed away, it was likely only used on rare occasions, possibly of at all. This is something potheads (not stoners) know all about. You get some good bud, and you stash a little nug away for rainy days.
I would just put it back, act like you never saw it, and just don't worry about it. If your dad is volatile, dangerous, or abusive in any way, that's another story.
Everyone has their vice. Some are more obvious than others, but if your dad is functioning and healthy, it's nothing to worry about.
u/DarkSunris3 15d ago
Looks dodgy as, especially with the foil! Definitely looks like crack cocaine or meth. I hope I'm jumping to conclusions... I highly doubt it though... sorry. I've been clean since 2008, so I know a thing or two about it.
u/Kip_Schtum 15d ago
Has he had chemo or any other medical thing that might cause nausea? Kind of looks like ginger candy used for nausea.
u/Scuzzle-Butters 15d ago
Ex(5.5yrs,woo!)-tweaker weighing in, for what it's worth....
Almost no chance that's the go-fast a. K. A. Methamphetamine... It COULD be, but if so I'd be asking for my rent money back cause 🤢, but I say that's more akin to our good ole cousin-friend to the go-fast; MDMA herself, Ms Molly Rolls... And GOOD if so...
That's totally some type of tree sap or ingredient(a) for an incense or something.... Almost positive.
*Sauce- hehe.... Personal Experience ©
u/jaymannnn 15d ago
the strongest mdma i ever had in my life looked exactly like that. 2pm in a bar in barcelona my friend pulls it out of his pocket. the next 15 hours are a blur, i remember boats at one point, somehow we found and got let into razmataz. i came to in the middle of a four lane road with traffic on either side about 4am.
u/Onehundredbillionx 15d ago
1st thing that came into my head (as I was just eating them) was that it looks like pork rinds to me but the 2nd pic with the foil, makes me think drugs.
Smell it and you’ll prob get a better idea of what it could be.
u/Hedgehogosaur 15d ago
Looks like monster munch to me, and I figured the foil was from his sandwich.
u/FHAT_BRANDHO 15d ago
I have done a lot of drugs and I feel confident in saying this is mdma. Meth in my experience is muuuuch more translucent, less yellow, and more shard shaped than pebbly as seen here. I would addend this by saying mdma is not a drug I would necessarily panic about, less indicative of an ongoing habit than some other substances. That being said, I dont know your dad. Godspeed.
u/BreakingBadYo 15d ago
If it is tree sap then the foil may hold carbon cloths. A good fire starter to have in a pinch outdoors.
u/Fungi_forbes 15d ago
I second the response of mdma, if its not mdma then it is something that looks exactly like it. Although frankincense does look like this the smell would give it away fairly quickly as mdma doesnt smell like alot (smells really really mildly of root beer nc of the sassafras oil its made from)
u/Fungi_forbes 15d ago
This is 100% not meth as the other user claims these two things look nothing alike.
u/Difficult_Horror1737 15d ago
Honestly ur better off just confronting the man, seems to me he’s just starting down this path if it is anything bad from what you’ve said.
u/Hazzzy021 15d ago
For all the people talking about "MDMA" and its Color and Strength, almosst all of the time the color of the Molly is the moisture level, like it goes white to yellow to brown to black to purpleidh black IF NOT DYED. Thats why purple/black molly is softer and white molly is always crystal dry... the strength level is not related to this but absorbtion and metabolism is a little affected by the moisture level making the higher moisture ones kick in faster/"better"... - An un-researched opinion of a person who has seen part of the making process before and taken all the different types and colors back in the day and studied bio-chem for a little while...
u/StonedUnicorno 15d ago
Not that natural gum stuff that’s been trending lately? I mean it looks like drug rocks except I haven’t seen any that yellow. Normally more clear
u/Kyedmipy 15d ago
Well, it’s very hard for us to tell if we only have a photo to go off of. Lucky for you there are easy, quick and cheap solutions to identify it if it is any type of narcotic. First things first whatever you do- DO NOT take it to the police.
For $20 you can but this marquis reagent test solution and it should help you identify it especially if it’s a stimulant such as mda mdma meth etc.
Alternatively you can send it to me and I’ll smoke some and let you know.
u/onupward 15d ago
u/LoversSpeed It looks like copal resin to me. I’ve burnt plenty of it in the past and usually we’d use foil to keep it from getting super sticky.
u/LeadingTraffic7722 15d ago
That is not meth, at all. It is sometimes rarely a yellow color but never like that.
u/hayden44e 15d ago
Am I the only one who immediately recognized it peeled orange slices? Like leftover from a mandarin orange?? I thought it was your dad’s leftovers!
u/anonymouspogoholic 15d ago
Definitely frankincense. Good quality too, so he must know what he is doing.
u/mcnewbie 15d ago
so you're digging through your dad's stuff? you didn't just 'stumble upon' it.
anyway, it looks like MDA/MDMA to me. 'molly'. but, smell it- if it has a faint, vague root beer/sassafras scent, it's likely that. if it's something more musky and fragrant, it might be some sort of incense.
u/monxide22 15d ago
That's MDA crystal or "Sass" often sold as mdma or Molly. more visual and less amped but to the inexperienced or less discerning user seeking to "roll" would likely be more then sufficient and check the necessary boxes.
u/bparker1013 15d ago
I think it's tree sap possibly calcified. The foil would make sense if it's not completely hardened. If anyone has said meth, they've never seen it. I worked in substance abuse counseling, and think I've seen everything drug related from here to the moon and back. I could be wrong, but I'm throwing in a 95% guarantee.
u/ImogeneJacquet 15d ago
Did your dad pass away? Why were you in his stuff if he's still alive? Anyway... It doesn't look like meth and definitely not cocaine. It does look more like some DMT I saw years ago before they got it to be clear, and that isn't a reason to worry, from what I've seen. It's only about 20 minutes inner dream world and back to normal. They call it the God drug. It usually is a short stint and people lose the drive to do it again and nobody dies or goes very mad.
I don't know what MDMA, cannabis wax, or fentanyl can look like.
I do keep NarCan in my First Aid kit, because even though I live in a rural area and we don't take opioids at all (I'm actually allergic), I think everyone should have it to save a life if the situation arises.
u/courtoftheair 15d ago
Lightly sniff it, it may be some kind of incense resin (frankincense or pine resin for example)
u/ImogeneJacquet 15d ago
Put it back, say nothing, and see if there's less of it in a couple days. Maybe your dad found it and has been trying to bring it up and ask you. I found a stenching baggie with a block of fudge-like stuff on the sidewalk when I was 10 & took it home to ask my mom what it was. She didn't know, so it stunk up the junk drawer for about 7 years, until a guest smelled it and informed us that we had a large chunk heroin.
u/Cakorator 15d ago
I came in here thinking OP’s was going to feel relieved and silly because those are so obviously chicharrones (fried pork skin chips). Humbled in my naivety real quick.
u/Lanky_Novel_3960 15d ago
Get it tested at some party drug lab if you wish. I think it's resin and the foil is there to heat it to the point it can be used as glue
u/Anyone-9451 15d ago
Could it be mastic gum? It’s a resin that can be used in some Greek recipes…google says it should have a slight piney smell
u/AdonisCarbonado 15d ago
Hmm looks original - tbf the only reason it could possibly not be some top grade dizzle is that you mentioned your father is down.. he would be the happiest most open loving guy if it was - failing that does he play a stringed instrument at all & what is in the foil??
u/LoopsAndBoars 15d ago
Dehydrated mandrine oranges sharing a plastic bag with folded up aluminum foil.
Perhaps they’re some kind of ricolla throat losanges or cough drops.
u/missikoo 15d ago
Frankincense resin came first to my mind, but I am the odd one. Is your father a wizard or priest or something?
u/fullraph 15d ago edited 15d ago
That could be rocks of meth. Sorry to break it to you.
Edit: I am no drugs expert, I just googled the stuff and one of the top result was this. Looks pretty similar to me. Also the foil is another clue as it's often found with other drugs paraphernalia.