r/TVTooHigh 11h ago

If it was a 55" I'd put it higher

Post image

If it was a 55" I'd mount it higher. You guys are too strict. It's an 85" and the height is the middle ground between direct eye level sitting and direct eye level sitting with neck relaxed/head resting on couch back. That's my opinion of how high a TV should be in living room.



u/MoonoverMaui 11h ago

The dog bed on the stairs doesn’t trip you?


u/Turd_Herder8 11h ago

Rarely go up those stairs. Just a loft for storage.


u/conspicuousnipples 4h ago

You have a tv too high and a cute little loft that you just use to store shit?? It feels like you're actively trying to make me hate you now


u/Jlx_27 1h ago

They moved their bed out of the loft for their elderly dog, OP is a good egg.


u/not_your_attorney 10h ago

I’m more concerned that you use the loft for storage. Lofts are neat places to actually be.


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

I agree. Used to have bedroom up there. Moved downstairs for elderly dog.


u/RevolutionCrazy7045 9h ago

i respect that. and tv height is fine imo


u/pm-me_tits_on_glass 5h ago

Respect. My elderly dog has sundowners, I've been sleeping on the guest bedroom futon for 6 months because that's the only bed he doesn't freak out in, and I put LEDs strips behind the blinds to make it look like daylight outside because he gets anxious at night.

They'd do it for us if the situations were reversed.


u/AmazingDonkey101 8h ago

This is the way. And for that you can mount the tv on whatever height you want.


u/Jlx_27 1h ago

Now thats love right there. Share dog pic pls 😁


u/HeimrekHringariki 9h ago

What makes you think that it should go higher just because it's bigger or smaller? It's supposed to be eye-level with the center. So the bigger, tecnically the lower the TV has to go to compensate.. It's not about being strict or whatever the size of the TV. It's pretty straight foreward and logical.


u/erre097 4h ago

That is literally what he is saying though?


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

Yes. This exactly what I am doing. Moat comfortable position for my body staring at center screen. It's impossible for people to tell from a picture what that might be for most people. Now some of the crazy high tvs.... Those I agree with everyone on


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

A smaller tv has a lower center when sitting on a stand. That means it needs to go higher to have my eyes at center. What is logical to me is sitting comfortably on a couch at a most frequent position and staring at center screen. And that's what I did.


u/tacoSEVEN 7h ago

Spray can in front of tv and sound bar off center are the sins to me. Frothpak next I suppose. But house looks cozy and great!


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

Hah yes I agree and those are not the norm. Litterally was a one day thing. Unfortunate time to take a pic.


u/pbrassassin 53m ago

OP is paint sniffing junky and he froth paks his balls every morning to stay warm


u/djmoans 11h ago

Still too high. Should be eye level the stand it’s on is just way too high.


u/FkUrChiknStrps 10h ago

When you say the top of the TV should be at eye level. Do you mean when standing or seated?


u/HAC522 3h ago

No, the CENTER POINT of the TV is meant to be eye level. Not the top. The bigger the TV you have, the lower the bottom should sit, and the higher the top should sit. The center of the TV should sit at 42", but I find 48" to be just as good and a lot more practical (especially if you have a center speaker).


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

I don't understand how you can throw out absolutes. Exact dimensions? Everyone sits in different ways. Everyone is different heights. I put tv exactly at height where I am sitting comfortably looking at center screen. Everyone's dimensions will be different. Mine is middle ground between sitting Normal and reclining looking at center screen.


u/HAC522 1h ago

If you don't mind, can I ask what the measurement is from the floor to the center of your TV?


u/Turd_Herder8 1h ago

I don't believe this should matter at all but since you asked. It's 48".


u/HAC522 33m ago

Oh, how strange. Mine is the same height as yours, but yours looks much higher up. Must be an illusion of your stands size.


This is a picture of my 75" TV not long after I did all my in-wall wiring and equipment/console mounting behind the television. It's midpoint is exactly 48" as I didn't want my center speaker to be kissing the bottom of the frame. I have zero issues with it's height, as my eyes hit just ever so slightly below center. My actual eye height is like 44" or 46" when sitting on my sofa.

But 42" is the general recommendation because, by and large, that is where you can expect your eyes to hit given typical hight averages, and typical seat height averages. Unless you're 8ft tall with a 5ft spine/neck, then the difference between someone who's 5'9" and someone who's 6'2"(me, for instance)nis going to be miniscule - particularly because legs tend to be longer than the spine, with most male spines typically being about 28" long, and most seats sitting at about 18". 18+24= 42. Then, account for the extra inches up to the eyeballs, then account again for cushion sink from your own weight, etc. All the variables will likely come to a nice agreed upon safe height of 42" for where the eyeball will hit. So it's very likely for the seated eye difference to be negligible, person to person.


u/FkUrChiknStrps 1h ago

Yeah I think this sub really rips on bedroom TV’s that are really high up. Considering those are being watched laying down, I would prefer it to be really high.


u/HeimrekHringariki 9h ago

It seems like this is such an absurd concept to grasp. It's ludacris.


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

Give me a reason why. So I strain my neck looking down at it? I'm 5'4. If I was taller I would want it even higher.


u/djmoans 10h ago

The top of the tv should be eye level that’s why.


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

Haha. Oh. That's why....


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

Stand is 27". Where is your tv? On the floor?


u/djmoans 10h ago

Not at all, you don’t have to be mad. Top of the tv is eye level. Not trying to have my eyes be in the middle of my tv though bud.


u/Who-Does 9h ago

Do you mean standing? I've been on this sub for so long and I always believe middle of the tv should be eye level when seated. Not top of the TV.


u/originalcandy 8h ago

You are correct. It’s centre screen at eye level when seated. That tv stand is too high it’s more of a side cabinet


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

Give me a reason why though. I am looking at center screen while seated in a completely relaxed manner. My eyes literally staring at center screen naturally because I set it at that height. There is n correct height, especially that you can tell from a picture. It's what's most comfortable position to be staring at center screen in my opinion.


u/HAC522 3h ago

What?....The CENTER POINT of the TV is meant to be eye level. Not the top. The bigger the TV you have, the lower the bottom should sit, and the higher the top should sit. The center of the TV should sit at 42", but I find 48" to be just as good and a lot more practical (especially if you have a center speaker).


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

So you only watch the top of your tv?


u/djmoans 10h ago

No smartass the top of the tv is Eve level so I don’t have to angle my neck at all to see the entire screen. I am also not 5’4. Whatever works for you bud.


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

Not being a smart ass. Legit asking. If eye level is top of screen you are either straining your eyes looking down. Or straining neck looking down. You never lay back or even rest your head back while watching TV so that your head/ vision is slightly looking up?


u/djmoans 10h ago

I’m not straining my eyes doing anything why would I have to look down to see something that’s eye level. My neck doesn’t move relative to my eyes either. Testing my head back would cause my neck to be angled up. If I have to look up to see my tv it would make my… r/tvtoohigh


u/Turd_Herder8 10h ago

I guess I don't understand why you are looking at the top of your tv and not the middle to see the entire tv at once. And I'm not looking up to see my TV. I'm getting comfortable on my couch and in turn looking at the middle my TV which is both comforts in one.


u/imsahoamtiskaw 8h ago

If you have a tape measure, middle of your screen to the floor about 40" to 45" is a sweet spot. Makes the centre almost perfectly eye level with your sight from a couch


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

I don't understand how you can call out exact measurements or tell from a picture. I sit on my couch. I get in most frequent common position. I stare straight ahead. That's where I put the center of my screen. That is the most logical place to put it in my opinion. Whatever is the most comfortable viewing position looking at center.


u/Terrible_Ad2779 2h ago

Middle of the TV is eye level not the top


u/HAC522 3h ago

27" is pretty high. Mine is maybe 20"from the top surface to the floor or something, maybe less.


u/allislost77 8h ago

Looks good. (Fuck that’s a giant tv!)


u/tomestique 9h ago


u/kooldown666 8h ago

Fuck, that got me. Here take the damn like


u/zoobs 10h ago

Soundbar on the Froth-Pak box is a pro move.


u/Turd_Herder8 9h ago

Yeah that's my permanent set up. Been like that for years. It's the reason I paid 400$ for the froth pak is to hold my sound bar. Perfect height for sound bar.


u/tacoSEVEN 7h ago

And the added bonus of the acoustics of a hollow box!!


u/Terrible_Ad2779 2h ago

Size has nothing to do with height. You have it so you're eyeline is roughly in the middle of the screen. It's too high here btw.


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

You can't possibly tell that from a picture. My eye line is exactly center tv, from a middle ground of comfortable normal sitting position and reclining comfortable position. I literally found the most comfortable way to stare at center screen. That's the best way in my opinion and will be different placement for everyone.


u/Terrible_Ad2779 1h ago

If your eyeline is center of the screen then you're golden.


u/conanhungry 7h ago

The height seems acceptable to me but everything else is disturbing. Cable management, placement of TV in front of stairs, spray can blocking the screen, two identical mice lined up just so, sound bar on box, dog bed placement, extra dog bowl on stairs, etc

Edit: knives on edge above dog bowls freaks me out too...


u/_KeyserSoeze 4h ago

The furniture for the TV is to small for this TV


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

I disagree. Fits perfectly on it with a little wiggle room. I have a tiny house so it saves me floor space and has plenty of storage.


u/Turd_Herder8 2h ago

Hahaha. Most of that is temporary. Was just trying to talk tv height.


u/Apoopleptic 9h ago

I think it’s a good height. Looks like a pretty good setup


u/Turd_Herder8 9h ago
