r/StarWars 6h ago

How come Count Dooku is (was) so wealthy? General Discussion

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Wasn't he a Jedi most of his life? As a Jedi he should have renounced to all earthly possessions. Isn't it? Plus, he was trained since a infant/toddler (as most jedi) and he didn't quit the order too long before his death to amass such wealth (as seen in The Bad Batch) . So...was it his family's inheritance or something?



u/oreo_boy_01 Count Dooku 5h ago

He inherited a massive fortune from his family on his home world of serreno. His family ruled over the planet for centuries of not millennia


u/QiPowerIsTheBest 5h ago

Don’t your parents relinquish all legal familial rights when handing you off to the Jedi?


u/Ok-Transition7162 5h ago

Some of them stay in contact and the Jedi have records I believe. Also with a family as powerful as the Counts, it’s easier


u/Squid2012 4h ago

Yes but Dooku maintained illegal contact with his sister, and reclaimed his familial title during an altercation involving a beast on Serrenno. When he reclaimed the title Duke of Serrenno he also resigned from the Order.

Source is Dooku: Jedi Lost


u/admiraltarkin 4h ago

Duke of Serrenno

Wait, I thought he was a Count?


u/bcnjake 3h ago

And a Duke-oo.

I’ll see myself out.


u/SuccessfulOwl 2h ago

stands and so claps

Well done, sir.


u/zkwarl 3h ago

No, ‘Count’ is just his first name.


u/tertiaryunknown Ahsoka Tano 1h ago

Counts are a type of duke in some royal families. Dukes and Duchesses often have a myriad of other titles that they're called by. Its why Princess Diana was also called a variety of other titles not limited to; Duchess of Rothesay, Duchess of Cornwall, Countess of Chester, Countess of Carrick and Baroness of Renfrew, Lady of the Isles, Princess of Scotland.

Same for Kate Middleton, she's acquired a list of other titles as well; Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Baroness Carrickfergus.

Its a reference to the territories they themselves are responsible for, and which other territories they've acquired through marriage, and inheritance through family right. Dooku was a Count, but he was also a Duke, and depending on how the hierarchy of nobility worked on Serreno, Count could have been the higher title, or just the title he preferred to be called.


u/Squid2012 4h ago

Yeah my bad, doesn’t help his name is Dooku but he’s a count


u/QouthTheCorvus 3h ago

Oh George


u/LionMan1025 3h ago

Duke Dooku 


u/Spyke96 2h ago

Duke Cowntu

u/Fusionbomb 0m ago

Duke Dooku and Count Von Count walk into one bar, ah…ah…ah!


u/dion_o 28m ago

His alter ego is Duke Counto


u/religiousgilf420 5h ago

You don't need any parental rights to put someone in your will


u/obiworm 37m ago

No but you can’t will your familial title to somebody who renounced it. Imagine a prince willfully leaving the royal family to live a normal life, but when your parents die, surprise! You’re the leader of the country! If you left you could still be rich (unless you’re a monk), just not kingly rich.


u/oreo_boy_01 Count Dooku 4h ago

You do but once dooku left the order he reclaimed his birthright


u/lovebzz 4h ago

The ultra-wealthy always get to bend the rules, in fiction and real-life. It can also be seen as a sign of corruption within the Jedi that they were willing to bend the rules for him.


u/riplikash 2h ago

If you think about it, the Jedi's rules wouldn't actually effect rules of inheritance at all. Those are the planets rules. If Serrano law allowed Dooku to reclaim his inheritance then no action would be required on the part of the Jedi. Not could they block it.

Dooku may will have "renounced" his inheritance. But if he did then Serrano law allowed him to reclaim it.


u/ProcyonLotor13 4h ago

Read or even better listen to - Dooku: Jedi lost


u/AptoticFox 3h ago

His father left him out in the wilderness to be rid of him as an infant.


u/monsterosity 2h ago

As with most things, it's different if you're rich lol


u/N0t_S0Sl1mShadi 3h ago

Which tracks with him being and obtaining the position of Chancellor of the separatists


u/matthieuC IG-11 35m ago

Wasn't it also implied he skimmed from the separatist war chest?


u/Terrible_Wind5662 3h ago

He was actually still contact with his family during his time as a Jedi. Dooku was the perfect candidate for a sith


u/imakebreadidonteatit 32m ago

I don’t get the confusion lmao. The dude has one of the most badass sith names ever and we still call him COUNT Dooku.


u/AmenoFPS 5h ago

Comes from a wealthy family on Serenno (hence the count title). He gave it up when he joined the Jedi order but returned and reclaimed it after leaving


u/ididshave Imperial 3h ago

So, you made me realize, we don’t know his full name still. He reclaimed his title as count but before then, Master Dooku?


u/myklclark 2h ago

I’m pretty sure his given name is Dooku. I believe he is Dooku of Serenno. That’s my head canon anyway.


u/Robo-Piluke 5h ago

So he gave up the wealth. He must have been grown up when he went to the order then.


u/Se7enStepsForward 5h ago edited 5h ago

No, he was a child and his father had disowned and abandoned him after they discovered he was force sensitive, the Jedi soon found him and took him in (I believe he was 2 years old)


u/Sleepinwolf 3h ago

To add context, Dooku's father hated all force users due to their family and planet's history with them. Serenno was brutally subjugated by the Sith Empire hundreds of years before the events of the movies, and when they begged for aid from the Jedi, they were refused. Dooku's ancestors were able to lead a successful rebellion to drive off the Sith oppressors without Jedi intervention, but they always held a grudge against both the Jedi and the Sith after that.


u/Darth-Joao-Jonas 5h ago edited 5h ago

His father actually gave him to the Jedi when he was a baby.

Dooku found out when he was a youngling during a visit to Serenno that his father literally got rid of him as soon as he could (Dooku also met some of his familiy, siblings included)


u/Darth-Joao-Jonas 6h ago edited 5h ago

He came from a rich family (the richest in the planet), and after he left the order he was the only heir, so he went back as the Count of Serenno

Edit: There is actually lot more other than that, and there is a book/audiodrama that goes into the details about Dooku's life, going from being a youngling all the way to the moment he leaves the order. If you are interested in learning more about him, check out Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott


u/Doughnut-Bitter 5h ago

Including his signature look of superiority


u/TD12-MK1 5h ago

He’s very good at counting.


u/ChrisRevocateur 5h ago

ah, ah, ah....


u/Known-Programmer-611 2h ago

This needs to be higher up!


u/eepos96 5h ago

His family owned a planet. Even in star wars that is impressive wealth.

When he lead the confederacy all of his needs were met.

Interestingly enough the sith order itself had managed to harness a substantial wealth during their 1000 years of hiding. Darth Plagueis was a banker but he also had access to the sith treasury.

Dart Sidious/Palpatine was able to fund trade federation during the naboo crisis. He used the sith wealth to do so and it was not even hard for him.


u/BaryonyxerGaming 3h ago

yeah plagueis was a Muun, and they run the banking clan


u/Improvedandconfused 5h ago

He sold Tupperware as a side hustle.


u/ArtisticTraffic5970 4h ago

He held the best tupperware parties in the galaxy.


u/Psycosteve10mm 1h ago

You could sell a ton of Tupperware could you sell as a force user.


u/NotAnotherPornAccout 5h ago

The personal family wealth he inherited after leaving the order, the wealth of the confederacy which he plundered back to his home planet, then finally 1000 year old sith hedge fund baby money that was accumulating interest.


u/Combat_Wombat23 Sith Anakin 5h ago

The dark side is a path to wealth many consider…unnatural


u/NotAnotherPornAccout 4h ago

Seriously look up I think bad batch season 2 ep 1 where they raid Dookus palace to pay off a debt. You see three massive ships carrying hundreds of cargo containers. Just 1 cargo container is enough to pay off their debts and make each one of them unimaginably wealthy in their own rights. Then you hear that those aren’t all the ships, those are just the last 3. Dooku had a galaxy’s worth of wealth. (Ok technically a quarter I think?)


u/Greenfieldfox 5h ago

He was a Count. You ever met a poor Count? You ever met a Count? Yeah, me neither.


u/Stagnu_Demorte 5h ago

Poor Counts count poorly for lack of money to count.


u/B_Burns 5h ago

102 BBY, Dooku was born and abandoned by his family after discovering he was Force sensitive. He was taken in by the Jedi Order the same year.

86 BBY Dooku (age 16) becomes Yoda's padawan.

82 BBY Dooku (age 20) is allowed to return to Serenno and attend his mother's funeral. He also has an angry confrontation with his father, The Count.

42 BBY Dooku (age 60) leaves the Jedi Order and becomes Count of Serenno.

Source: Star Wars Timelines


u/Hot_Professional_728 Mandalorian 5h ago

Serreno is probably a prominent planet.


u/captaintinnitus 2h ago

Or a delicious cheese.


u/ChrisRevocateur 5h ago

He a count, a.k.a. he's nobility, and he reclaimed that title after he left the order.


u/Academic-Movie-5208 4h ago

Mostly speaking fees after having left the Order I’d reckon.


u/xshogunx13 Mandalorian 3h ago

This is my favorite answer


u/ComprehensiveAct3463 5h ago

He inherited his family’s fortune and once he became a Separatist he took over systems or systems would join his cause and he taxed the systems (I think, I watched the bad batch and tech was explaining to Omega how Count Dooku was so wealthy. Please correct me if I am wrong!).


u/Reasonable-Island-57 4h ago

Clues in the name. He's a count. Born into the upper classes.


u/Fire_Mission 3h ago

Well, he's a Count. But also, Jedi mind trick! "You will open your vaults, now." "Yes, I will open my vaults now."


u/Kettle_Whistle_ 3h ago

Banks far, far away hate this ONE TRICK!


u/Navien833 3h ago

His family. He left the order after years of issues with the order he was able to get his inherentence and became the Count of Serrano


u/chipperland4471 5h ago

I assume it’s because he was a count/from a rich family so when he left the order he could just get a bunch of money back


u/WillBEAR11385016212 5h ago

Bad Batch said he also took riches from the planets under Separatist control I'm pretty sure


u/IndependentSorbet370 5h ago

Family money nepo baby 😂


u/knotctopus 5h ago

He's literally a Count


u/dave_tk421 5h ago

Hedge fund manager


u/veryblocky The Asset 5h ago

He was Count of Serrano, effectively ruled the planet. An inherited position


u/BaronNeutron Rebel 4h ago

Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


u/Wu-Kang 4h ago

He was very good with his money. Few people know that his title of Count is actually short for accountant.


u/TunguskaDeathRay Imperial 4h ago

He locked most of his fortunes in a tower called Orthanc


u/DaveMcNinja 4h ago

Nepo baby.


u/johnnycabb_ 4h ago

he got in early on the internet domains. sold usedcars dot com as well as 247locksmith dot com


u/nipplesaurus 4h ago

He was able get some undervalued beach front property decades ago


u/UrdnotSnarf 4h ago

Do you know what a count is?


u/JeraldRMcClain 4h ago

Because he made his money off of slave labor.


u/natxtw 4h ago

You should read or listen to the audiobook for Dooku: Jedi Lost, it's an amazing book and gives a lot more backstory to Dooku.


u/BlueWizardoftheWest 4h ago

Great question! There’s a whole book on him! But he was the heir to the county of serrocco. When he left the Jedi Order, he reclaimed his inheritance.


u/Ambitious_Calendar29 4h ago

He was noble by birth after leaving the jedi order he returned to his birth planet and rejoined his family


u/Mercuryo 4h ago edited 4h ago

Canon it's that his family was scared of the force. He left the order and became the Count of Sereno at some point between TPM and AoTC

Legends, his fathers were proud of his powers, they let the jedi to train him because they already have another son. And after TPM he became kinda dissillisioned with the Order and left, reclaiming his birhtright

It's funny how in legends pre Rise of The Empire the Jedi and the force it's seen as a gift. The thing with Dooku it's similar to Ki Adi Mundi where in Legends he has several children.


u/AdPrevious2308 3h ago

He was an Oligarch /s


u/OfficialGarwood 3h ago

Because he's a count and inherited it from his family, who are nobility.


u/trevomac Resistance 3h ago

Old white dude money


u/BuddhistChrist 3h ago

Space bitcoin


u/Terrible_Wind5662 3h ago

Watch bad batch when they do a heist to his castle. All you need to know


u/zztop610 3h ago

Wouldn’t you like to know


u/DerekYeeter4307 3h ago

His family were the rulers of Serenno, his homeworld. Until the Clone Wars, he was one of only twenty Jedi that had left the Jedi Order peacefully and on their own terms. He did so to reclaim his heritage and lead Serenno after he overthrew and killed his corrupt brother.

He thought that Serenno and his family needed him, because they had recently discovered a huge deposit of a new metal that would be very valuable.


u/Obstreporous1 3h ago

Because he knew how to count. C’mon, it adds up.


u/Turbo950 3h ago

You cast Christopher Lee as a character you are legally contractually obligated to have him be dapper and fancy and high society, I don’t make the rules it’s just how it is


u/_WillCAD_ 2h ago

His original family name was DeMoney.


u/SirMego 2h ago

Because he was the CEO of Dooku transportation! You can Count on us! Those guys


u/jackatatatat 2h ago

Counts gotta count for something.


u/iamflyipilot 2h ago

He was nearly at the top of the Jedi pyramid scheme.


u/Porn_Extra 1h ago

Because only the wealthy are allowed to become powerful, no matter which galaxy you're in.


u/HuttVader 1h ago

Cause he got a big ol' Dooku-Booty!


u/Robo-Piluke 1h ago

Thanks for the answers! So, he was like a secretly rich monk with a tragic past and kind of corrupt (either made by other or himself)


u/EndlessTheorys_19 36m ago

…cause he’s a count. Obviously. Inherited the money at the same time he got the title

u/Outragez_guy_ 4m ago

Politics. His own and his families.


u/pinata1138 K-2SO 1h ago

He’s from a noble/royal family. They’re always loaded. Better question: Why does his lightsaber have Peyronie’s disease?