r/Republican 5d ago

Classic case of retarded Liberal here Fake News

Picture 1 is the conversation, picture 2 is his newest response which reddit won't let me respond to, picture 3 is the original post



u/STGC_1995 5d ago

Every time someone I don’t prefer is elected, I remember that we elect presidents not popes. We can elect someone else in four years to correct the mistake.


u/longnuttz 5d ago

Alabama will never go blue what is that shit


u/CrappieSlayer89 5d ago

Same with Oklahoma. Just shows how dumb some people really are


u/Conscious-Duck5600 5d ago

Nor will Indiana. Must be tapped into the indiana college thread. They're all bent out of shape because they can't smoke weed 24/7.


u/grawrant 5d ago

North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming.... States that have no urban centers and are deep red. Oklahoma has no blue counties.... Dumbest map ever.


u/ztexxmee 5d ago

ikr and the idiot left georgia red while putting far deeper red states to blue.


u/persona-3-4-5 5d ago

The subreddit name is imaginary maps. It's a satire subreddit


u/Bright_Possession121 5d ago

Mississippi as well.


u/persona-3-4-5 5d ago

They also made Oregon, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Virginia, and New Jersey red


u/gonemebo 5d ago

“He admitted that immediately after the election.” They say these things with their whole chest and truly believe them. Sad, really.


u/Mediocre-Lab3950 5d ago

That’s their MO. Make completely baseless claims, call you an idiot, then say they’re not explaining things to a racist, then run away and don’t come back.


u/dusan2004 5d ago

Don't forget the obligatory "yOu aRe iN a CuLt!".


u/Mediocre-Lab3950 4d ago edited 4d ago

It’s projection. They’re in a cult

One of my favorite ones is when they say stuff like “how can you vote for a CONVICTED RAPIST?”. Like they just hit you with a completely absurd thing like that. I don’t even know how to answer that. I mean I…wouldn’t? Literally half the country would never vote for a “convicted rapist” if it were actually true.

What the left does is they go on the extreme end and try to defame the people they don’t like by exacerbating things that they say and do. For example, Trump has very normal locker room talk and now they say he’s a rapist. What?

He bans travel for certain countries, they say he hates Muslims and he’s banning all of them.

He says there are very fine people on both sides (which there are), they say he’s saying that Nazis are fine people.

He tells people to peacefully protest, they say he incited a riot.

I can go on and on. This is what they left does. You know who else uses these tactics? Bullies. If you’re picked on, expect the worst rumors about you to go around. It’s childish, it’s wrong, and this is why Trump overwhelmingly won the White House. Lot of America isn’t buying what they’re selling.


u/gonemebo 5d ago

This is my exact expedience too. Also calls us uneducated. It doesn’t bother me because the majority of them do not understand what actually being educated means here


u/Mediocre-Lab3950 4d ago

It’s a buzzword

This is going to help a completely random comparison, but do you remember that book series A Series of Unfortunate Events? Count Olaf was trying to disguise himself as someone else everywhere the orphans went so he could steal their fortune? Well the books were always clever and interesting when the author explained certain concepts. Especially at that age he felt like a cool uncle. And some of the advice he gives to the reader, while obvious to an adult, was a life lesson for kids. “First impressions are often wrong”, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, “etc..

Well there was section that i never forgot because even at like 9 years old I thought it was common sense, and I couldn’t believe he had to explain it.

Count Olaf has disguised himself as a female receptionist, and on “her” table was a plate that said her “name”, trying to throw off anybody who would think it’s Olaf in disguise. Pretty dumb for a villain to do right? Even the author says “as you and me already know, just because you have a piece of wood on it that says a certain name, that doesn’t mean it proves that’s who you are, since anybody can get a name plate that says anything”. The author even says that he could start asking people to call him Alexander the Great, but that wouldn’t make it true.

Again, even at 9, I understood this as common sense. The reason why I bring it up, is because this is the entire left’s MO, and THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT.

“Antifa is anti fascist, it’s in their name, which means they fight fascism”.

So what this means, according to the left, is that you can start assaulting people in public, but if you call yourself “The Life Saver” you’ll be alright, because you OBVIOUSLY save lives.


u/MikeBett 5d ago

Lmao how the matt walsh troll got telephone gamed. But only went thru 1 person for them to all say this


u/AlfaBetaZulu 5d ago

I've given up trying to talk sense to the people here. They are the true definition of "low information voters".  There "sources" are some extreme political  social media influencer or a soundbite from MSNBC.     No point in talking to someone as dumb as a brick. 


u/CorrectProfession461 5d ago

Reddit is like 70% liberal. Reddit allows mods to ban people with right-wing views. They took down trumps subreddit years ago and allowed bans for people talking about him.

Reddit has formed this safe-space for liberals to circle jerk each other.


u/SetOk6462 Conservative 🇺🇲 5d ago

I enjoy theoretical political maps and this has to be the most unrealistic and unlikely map ever.


u/phillip_1 4d ago

Might as well make Washington go red lol


u/J0EPNG 5d ago

The insane takes in 2025 are not Trump's. All the officials who Trump has in his cabinet who had anything to do with 2025 literally only wrote the chapters on immigration, the FCC, and the economy - all of which I support. Also, the insane takes in 2025 aren't even that insane. Do I agree with all of it? No. Does Trump? No, he's disavowed it on numerous stages all across the country.


u/Tater72 5d ago

But of course, if he does any single thing in it because of incidental crossover between his agenda and project 2025 they will say, “SEE, We TOLD YOU SO!!!!!”


u/J0EPNG 5d ago

Yep, you can already call it lmao. It's all part of evil Dictator Trump's master plan!


u/Primary-Store3515 5d ago

Alabama would rather be annex probably by serbia then going left


u/Next_Engineer_8230 Constitutional Conservative 4d ago

Lol @ idaho going blue.

These people live in the land of delusion.

They're trying hard to turn SC blue but that will never happen either.


u/V_Cobra21 5d ago

Oh hey! There I am :) also you can’t respond cause they probably blocked you.


u/pm_me_ur_anything_k 5d ago edited 5d ago

Project 2025? What a delusional moron…


u/HoosierWReX1776 5d ago

The funniest thing is that in the last pic it shows Indiana going blue 😂 As a former Indiana native, this is hilarious.


u/Baggss02 Pro 2A…“Shall not be infringed” 5d ago

Seems like that person has smoked just a little too much crack.


u/Weebshitter2024 5d ago

Dumb fucks keep thinking 2025 which I support the majority of the stuff i project 2025 except getting rid of elections so I dont really give a fuck what happens


u/Ubetcha_jerky 5d ago

What you all miss on. Get your guns. A lot of ammo. Learn a martial art. Or the basic of one. Learn to protect your family and yourself. Practice shooting. Get a ccw permit.

Be ready for these liberal wingnuts. They have one track minds. Their agenda is to destroy and divide America.

The Liberals will use violence to get their way. Once in office the Liberals will work hard to find the opportunity to surround the White House with their minions. Calling it peaceful protests.

Their other method is to win by mail in ballots and thru illegal immigration. If this doesn’t work, then more violence.


u/Repulsive_Compote955 5d ago

Can't get guns, I'm in Europe


u/Repulsive_Compote955 5d ago

And it's also really bad in europe with the muslims


u/Ubetcha_jerky 5d ago

They are bringing the reverse crusades to you.


u/Repulsive_Compote955 5d ago

Oh absolutely, I'm in the North of England, so I havent really gotten it all yet, but it's really bad down in London apparently


u/Ubetcha_jerky 5d ago

I’m in Illinois. West suburbs. Live in townhouse. Neighbor who is Muslim is now renting to more Muslims. Each Friday the tenant renters have a large gathering. For about 3 hours. Give or take a half hour. They park in the culdesac nearly blocking the poorly lit entrance to the said culdesac.

I need to bring this to the attention of the owner of the townhouse. I imagine I’m going to receive some sort of poor response.

Hence, why I am armed with ccw and have multiple other handguns and rifles and shotguns. I’m planning my own Shiite Catholic response if they take this to a level of violence.


u/Repulsive_Compote955 5d ago

Soon, our western worlds will be just like Afghanistan. Afghanistan wasn't always Muslim, once it was a westernised nation, before the Muslims took over. Soon they'll do it with Europe and America unless our governments get their shit together and keep them out.


u/Ubetcha_jerky 5d ago

The liberals are downvoting us.

I’m watching Sicario 2.

Good night libtards


u/Possible_Win_1463 5d ago

Already wanting Shria law don’t care about English law


u/Tater72 5d ago

I’ve seen videos but haven’t been sure what to believe. What is it truly like?


u/Repulsive_Compote955 5d ago

Its not the absolute worst up here in the Northern countryside, but I'm dead serious here, when I head into local towns like Doncaster, you see a ridiculous amount of hijabs, and people who look like they came straight out the middle east over here in England. Can't speak on the massive cities though, because quite frankly I have never been to a big city.


u/Tater72 5d ago

Interesting, thank you for sharing

Are they just there or is it changing the security and overall culture?


u/Repulsive_Compote955 5d ago

It's a more gradual change up here, but what I've seen from the south, they're starting to change the culture some more, such as Birmingham or Luton


u/Ubetcha_jerky 5d ago

You still have pitchforks, torches, and stones?


u/roses-pearls 5d ago

He did NOT own any of that work! 🤣😂 He in fact said he knew nothing about it. I’ve read it & have a copy of it on my Threads profile.

It doesn’t have his name on the writers or reviewers page. It was made by 45+ people from some group & was finalized in 2023, I do believe. So it was in the works for probably years before.


u/toastyhoodie 5d ago

Wait. Minnesota goes Red? Really?


u/Tater72 5d ago

Yep, the only state that went blue when Regan swept the country (except MN 🤷🏻‍♂️)


u/toastyhoodie 5d ago

Exactly, lol


u/ZookeepergameAny3459 5d ago

Nebraska will always be a majority red lmao


u/steampunksmilodon 5d ago

no you don't understand, trump is going to murder all the gays and anyone brown, and take over the world!11!!1!!