r/Psychonaut 1d ago

Does this make astrology more believable?

I always thought the soul descended from heaven, travelled through space and whatever constellation that’s present at the time to your body. And the reason zodiacs share common core personality traits is because of this process. Last night I found out that the human body shares the same atomic/elemental make up as a star which would somewhat support an astrological connection to the make up of humans right?


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u/Whack_and_sack 1d ago

Hydrogen is most likely from big bang. I would say that while yes OP is correct on the science his conclusion astrology is a wild jump that has little correlation.


u/corneliusvanhouten 1d ago

Yes, certainly by our current understanding, everything traces back to the big bang. But it wasn't just free floating hydrogen in space for 13 billion years and then it entered our bodies directly.

Early matter aggregated into stars, which then exploded, creating more complex elements, which formed planets, including Earth. Ergo, we are made of stars.

Definitely agree that astrology is a wild jump!