r/OrganicGardening 11d ago

Winter gardens question

I garden year round - or try to. I find things grow so slowly in winter that at times I wonder if is worth the effort.

My greens are doing fantastic, broccoli is doing fair, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts eh, green onions okay….even my fava beans are slow going.

Any suggestions?

I am a seasoned gardener



u/Growitorganically 🍒 11d ago

I’m with you. Anything planted after mid-November just sits there, barely growing, till the end of January. If I could hibernate from the middle of December till February, I would.

But oh, when the garden starts to wake up in February! Then that effort is worth it.

One thing we try to do is get a couple beds planted with big, healthy seedlings in the first couple weeks of October. That way, the seedlings have time to get established and increase their leaf area enough that they can continue growing as the light gets dimmer and the days shorter, colder, and wetter. They have to have enough leaf area to catch what sun there is.

We only do a couple beds, because if we plant them all at that time, we’re overwhelmed with produce. We plant alliums in another bed at the end of October, then another bed of brassicas and lettuces after that. That bed just sits there till February, and the alliums don’t grow much till March, but at least we have a couple beds that look like a real garden.


u/AdditionalAd9794 11d ago

Kale and Swiss chard, that's literally it for me in the winter


u/YourGrowfriend 8d ago

It sounds like you’re doing an amazing job with your winter gardening! I know it can be tough with the slower growth, but it’s so impressive that you’re managing to grow such a variety of plants. And great to hear about your thriving greens! Keep experimenting, and feel free to share any wins or challenges you encounter along the way. Happy gardening! 🌱🌼