r/LeopardsAteMyFace 18h ago

MAGA is pissed after Musk calls American workers “retarded” and worse than immigrants

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u/BadUncleBernie 18h ago

It's weird that the richest man is also the biggest loser.


u/cpashei 17h ago

When you think about it, it isn't that weird. The weird part to me is the desire to continue hoarding mass amounts of wealth after already having more than imaginable. Once I consider what kind of person is driven by that, the rest pretty much lines up with what I'd think that person is like deep down


u/HapticRecce 16h ago

Sure, hoarding isn't weird though, it's usually a mental health issue. That's easy reality TV stuff.

What's really, really weird, is this poor, unimaginative, stunted growth child, could today, literially do anything, on Earth or in space, at least, within lunar orbit, pretty much anything imaginable. He chooses to use his historically unprecedented wealth of time and agency, to shit-post.


u/Padhome 12h ago

Living proof that you can be the wealthiest man in history and still be a total fucking loser.


u/False_Breath8641 11h ago

Like seriously.  You want niche groups of people to like you?   Buy WotC and fix their dipshit release schedules and print the reserved list.  Buy up old videogame prototypes and shit hoarded by other rich cunts and dump and release them online.  Fund movie releases that keep getting gutted for tax purposes like Coyote vs. ACME.  Dig up old lost media.  Do literally anything but what you're doing.

It's so easy to garner goodwill when money is literally not even a suggestion and they do shit like this.  Truly baffling.


u/NessOnett8 7h ago

This is what people mean when they say "Money doesn't buy happiness." Because some people are just hell bent on being miserable regardless how much money they have.


u/ShadowwKnows 17h ago

This is why Bill Gates doesn't get enough credit. The guy literally pivoted to world health rather than living a Musk/Bezos life of "let's hoard more". He gets trolled by Musk because he's no longer the wealthiest person on the planet. Well duh, he/Gates gave away half of his wealth to a Foundation focused on helping alleviate the world's health crises!


u/Chelular07 16h ago edited 16h ago

You should probably look a little more into why Bill Gates decided to have so many foundations rather than actually pay his taxes (which would also increase the amount that could go into healthcare in the United States for citizens here). It’s really nice what he’s doing around the world, but it doesn’t nearly offset what could be done if he was actually paying taxes and held accountable for his monopolization of the tech industry.

But you’re right he is still eons better than fucking musk.

ETA: https://youtu.be/lFS9DFXtj1M?si=OnK9hB7N93cZ45iX

This is part one of the Behind the Bastards podcast on Bill Gates. There are multiple parts. Because he’s such a dick.

Yes, I realize that podcasts are made by individuals and they can be very biased and have a lot of misinformation. However, Robert Evans is a very good journalist that always provides sources that you can look at in the video description. If you prefer podcast, I can send you the podcast if you want me to just list his individual sources. I will just do that.

But this is the most succinct way to learn about why I feel the way I do about Bill Gates and why I made my original comment.


u/Sheepdog44 13h ago

I used to think the Gates Foundation was cool and good for old Bill for being one of the “good” ones.

Then I realized that any charity that has $7 billion on hand is fucking terrible at their job, or maybe not actually that interested in solving whatever problem they supposedly care about.

I had a similar change of heart with Warren Buffet’s pledge to give away all of his money before he dies. Like, you’re 94 my guy. What are you waiting for? And how about you actually give it away instead of giving it to fellow billionaire Bill Gates?

There is something fundamentally broken and detached from society in anyone that accrues that much wealth.


u/vcaiii 8h ago

Those foundations are PR machines. The bare minimum they donate to offset taxes is large enough to be their own fortunes. The wealth legitimizes itself, but they’ve never taken a realized loss on their donations.


u/7daykatie 7h ago

Then I realized that any charity that has $7 billion on hand is fucking terrible at their job, or maybe not actually that interested in solving whatever problem they supposedly care about.

That doesn't make any sense. You do realize lots of non profits do not exist to address a bounded solvable problem?

And I don't even know where to start with the premise "the larger the capital endowment, the worse the charitable foundation is at its purpose" because that is nuts.


u/mrdigi 16h ago

Pretty sure Bill Gates is one of them that said his taxes should be higher.  Not taking deductions for charity wouldn't have automatically resulted in better US healthcare policy.

That said I'm not a defender of Bill Gates and Microsoft who has done plenty of damage to the tech industry and set us back in many ways.   Also possible Epstein issues.


u/Tearakan 14h ago

Eh, literally every billionaire could give away all of their wealth and still live an insanely comfortable life. But the vast majority never do until after they are dead.

That's whay regarding of what they do with the tiny amounts they give away they are ultimately assholes at heart.


u/ShadowwKnows 16h ago

Why don't you provide sources? I can't even logically get past your first sentence. What do you mean "so many foundations"? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a singular entity. Also, he paid his taxes along the way, what are you implying? I don't want to be rude, but you sound to me like a bit of a conspiracy theorist.


u/Chelular07 16h ago

I edited my comment to include a source.

I know I sound like conspiracy theorist. And I meant charities not foundations.

But if you listen to the podcast or I can get you a list of every source Robert Evans used, you will see how Bill Gates has engineered a public persona of the nice billionaire. He has done this by lobbying against legislation for many things that his foundation supports. Such as higher taxes on billionaires to go towards public education, while his foundation provides scholarships for kids in need. Or research into vaccines while he lobbies against Universal healthcare.

He is a man that was able to become successful because of all of the opportunities he got and support from the public around him. And the first thing he did when he got any source of power was eliminate the public ability to utilize any of those same things that helped him.

His parents are the ones who encouraged him to start the foundation. He did not just think of it on his own. His ex-wife (Linda) was the one who pushed towards the multiple different types of charities that the foundation supported.

He is a guy who flew on Epstein’s plane multiple times and had a pseudo friendship with the man.


u/situation9000 14h ago

You are not a conspiracy theorist. There’s lots of shady stuff in the world. Lots of charities and foundations are shady. If there was real will to solve things, it could be done but many comforts of the wealthy rely on the suffering and poverty of others.

Now if you start spouting Qanon stuff or earth is flat, I might worry about you.


u/9fingerwonder 15h ago

I always assumed Linda knew what happened, and strong armed him into the foundations to try to make it right. Her leaving him tells me he didnt do enough in her eyes.


u/babyjaceismycopilot 15h ago

Look at the current state of our government. He might have a point.


u/ThePlanck 16h ago

Lets not give Bill Gates too much credit here.

He is a normal person that made some pretty unethical decisions to make his wealth who realized when he had more money than he could ever spend and is using some of it to buy a better reputation for himself by doing "philanthropy". Some of that money is going to good causes, some of it is going to his pet projects that don't actually help anything (https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/10/the-plot-against-public-education-111630/)

Musk on the other hand is clearly mentally ill and just hoarding money and because money and nobody does anything because it is seen as socially acceptable to hoard money


u/persistantelection 16h ago

Gates said it himself in the fall of 2008, “Simply breaking up existing schools into smaller units often did not generate the gains we were hoping for.”

Simply being willing to admit failure like that puts Gates in a different league amongst billionaires.


u/dudinax 11h ago

Yeah, Gates has tried lots of things and is plain spoken about his failures. I don't know the sum total of all the work of the foundation, but some of it is highly commendable.


u/ShadowwKnows 16h ago

Nice link. Just proves he tried something that didn't work, but he was trying to improve education in general.


u/ThePlanck 16h ago

He rushed something with no evidence that it would work and then when it turned out it didn't work he peaced out and let others pick up the pieces.


u/situation9000 14h ago

He also went out of his way to push through his ideas even when school systems and voters were against it. But hey the rich are brilliant at everything right?


u/gargravarr2112 15h ago edited 15h ago

The guy hasn't changed. He convinced Oxford University not to open-source their COVID vaccination, thus allowing the pharma corp they partnered with (AstraZenica) to make a killing when they sold it.

And that's before you understand the enormous tax write-offs he gets for running non-profits.

Yes, he's contributed significantly to global health, but he's still a billionaire industrialist and will always be. He's no saint, it's all a PR exercise. There are other billionaires out there who have done their best to donate their fortunes anonymously. Those are (ironically) the ones to acknowledge.


u/HighGrounderDarth 16h ago

Elon doesn’t understand there are different kinds of wealth. Not all is money.


u/TransitJohn 16h ago

Bill Gates is just as bad. Why does his net worth keep growing after he, "gave all his money away"?


u/ShadowwKnows 16h ago

Reading comprehension problems? "half of his wealth" does not equal "gave all his money away". LOL.


u/dak4f2 12h ago

That's how compound interest works homie


u/gargravarr2112 15h ago

Once you reach a certain amount of wealth, the only thing that seems to matter is making that number bigger than anyone else's; to hell with the planet, other humans, whatever, only the net worth. There have always been super-wealthy individuals but since deregulation in the 1970s, we have seen the birth of an entirely new paradigm of individual wealth. And it seems to have bizarre effects on the human brain.


u/Bwunt 14h ago

Mainly because he doesn't have massive amounts of wealth. He has lot and lot of insanely overvalued TSLA shares.

But Musk doesn't care about money as much as he wants to be world saving hero. Effectively, he wants to be Iron man.


u/taizenf 6h ago

He's clearly Ego.

Right down to the part where he tries to impregnate anything that moves.


u/Padhome 13h ago

Yep, his personality froze when he was a teenager and now there’s just been a void steadily growing more vacuous with the years.


u/mylanguage 14h ago

Elon likes money sure - but I don’t think he’s actually that obsessed with being rich. He obsessed with power and being rich is just a byproduct at this point.

He is all about “legacy” he really just wants to go down as the guy that took us to Mars and he’s going to get the US economy to basically be his bankroll for it


u/CatProgrammer 9h ago edited 8h ago

At least with dragons they choose to sleep on their wealth, like giant ferrets. Scrooge McDuck goes swimming in his. All Elon does is buy shit made by others and shitpost on it, he doesn't even do fun shit.


u/Equinsu-0cha 16h ago



u/darkenedgy 17h ago

After seeing what happened to Mojang, it's maybe less surprising!


u/Kt-stone 16h ago edited 12h ago

What you do if you won a billion dollar lotto? Question came up in a group context.

Most people claimed they knew what they would do, but their dreams all amounted to extravagant lives that would only take 10s of millions to accomplish.

I said, be very wary. That billion will devour you before you understand how much you have.


u/darkenedgy 15h ago

Makes sense, tbh I can't even think what I'd do with that much money besides donate a lot (everything I personally want is low millions at most). I imagine some people see the zeroes not change and their brains break.


u/crimsonsentinel 10h ago

What happened to mojang?


u/darkenedgy 9h ago

Oh I always fuck this up, Notch not Mojang.


u/Jensen0451 17h ago

The only silver lining is it's let me know that I really could make it further in life than I thought.


u/Rope_Dragon 17h ago

This shouldn’t be the lesson you take away. The lesson is that how far you go isn’t necessarily tied to intellect or ability: that cuts both ways.


u/Ok_Bad8531 15h ago

Electing a loser or giving a loser money does not make them a winner. You just have a loser with power.


u/happytree23 14h ago

It's super weird how much time he spends playing on Shitter...like, I'm broke and don't even hang out there, i can't imagine having even a single billion dollars/the ability to do mostly anything and choosing crying and trolling over living an amazingly fun, relaxing, and fulfilling life.


u/NeverLookBothWays 14h ago

He’s also the loneliest person on the planet, but I don’t pity him, it is entirely his doing. He will never know love, as he will always suspect people are out to take his riches.


u/Enviritas 9h ago

It's almost like having more money than what you require for your means is ultimately meaningless.


u/Dependent-Outcome-57 9h ago

The one bit of solace I find in watching civilization begin its collapse from climate change meeting rising fascism is that not a single one of those rich, evil, hateful monsters running our species into the ground can ever feel any happiness in anything. They may achieve their goal of ruling a graveyard, but they will still be miserable.


u/Chemical-Plankton420 14h ago

Should I shave my beard?


u/CarelessAd2349 18h ago

Trump and the elite have always said it, hinted at it. Musk just happened to say it out loud. Take a look at who tends their lawns builds their houses.

There won't be any consequences either. Time for consequences and anger was back at election day. All we can do now is protect ourselves and love ones the best we can.

MAGA coming to this discovery way too late.


u/BellyDancerEm 18h ago

They waited until they got Trump in the White House


u/Dame_Hanalla 16h ago

Or rather, this discovery is coming for them, whether they realize it or not.


u/Bwunt 14h ago

"Problem" here, at least, is that many thinks that they are invulnerable.

But then Brian Thompson probably considered himself invulnerable as well, untill Luigi came around


u/Callecian_427 14h ago

I’m still surprised they were that regarded to say Americans are stupid. Have you ever talked to a MAGA Republican before? Americans being superior is basically their personality. Non-Americans are classless, dumb, unskilled, crime-riddled, godless people. “We need skilled foreigners” is an oxymoron to them


u/VWVVWVVV 16h ago

This is how democracy actually "works."

You have two major thieves' guilds that oppose each other and they come to a compromise. This compromise benefits all parties, including bystanders, and institutes some level of "fairness" in the standards of thieves.

Democracy is where regular people get the scraps left over from wealthy thieves after they've gotten their fill.

They purposefully divide people until they're collectively powerless. Right now, they're using Indian tokens and H1B to institute hatred towards Asian immigrants, while simultaneously obtaining cheap labor.

Trump & co know how opportunistic/greedy people are and so easy to divide.


u/Dame_Hanalla 16h ago

GTFO with the "both sides are the same". They are similar, yes, but not the same. One is at least trying to make life livable for the "little people"; the other only sees people as cogs to be ground down by use after use and disgarded afterwards.


u/VWVVWVVV 16h ago

I was referring to the two sides of MAGA: as the post says "right right" vs the "tech right"

Obviously, Democrats are worlds better than the Republicans. As an aside, I'm not enthused by AOC losing to Connolly for Oversight Committee chair.


u/RubiesNotDiamonds 15h ago

You mentioned two big thieves, though. This usually implies Democrats vs. Republicans.


u/Dame_Hanalla 16h ago

Oops, sorry, thought I was replying to the guy you were replying to.


u/Aj-Adman 14h ago

bOtH sIdEs


u/finnlaand 18h ago

What an absolute shitshow. I just hope they engage in internal fights and get nothing else done.


u/Rasp_Lime_Lipbalm 18h ago

I'm taking bets on how long it takes these morons to even pick a Speaker of the House.


u/belliJGerent 17h ago

They’ll probably pick one, but then need a mulligan, because they’ll pick another scum of the earth type. The second one then might take a while, since most the candidates are scum of the earth


u/SuccessionWarFan 18h ago

Why hope? It’s already happening. It will get worse.

For them, that is. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, stock up on fun snacks (popcorn is a classic), and enjoy the show.


u/Crazyriskman 17h ago

100% This!

I would add one other point . Elon thought he could leverage the GOP supporting right wing ignoramus MAGA nut jobs to get Trump elected so that he could perpetuate his hyper efficient sci-fi tech utopia and make himself a Trillionaire in the process. While the right wing ignoramus MAGA nut jobs thought Elon was one of them and would leverage his money to perpetuate their gun-toting, women-in-the-kitchen, anti-vax, deregulated, white-only utopia!

And now they are learning that both goals are mutually contradictory. E.g. consider the recent brouhaha over the assassination of the United HealthCare CEO. The MAGA rank-and-file are supporting Luigi Mangione (just look at the backlash that Charlie Kirk received) and while I haven’t seen any response from Elon, He has got to realize that he is currently the poster child for elite CEO’s. Also, now look at the response Elon got on his views on H1-B visas.

We don’t just have the Leopards-eating-faces-party we now have the Leopards-eating-other-leopards-faces-party!!

For what it’s worth, Here’s my prediction: Trump will figure out that if he loses his MAGA support he will no longer be able to continue his grifts so he is going to dump Elon at some point. In the meantime Elon will realize that all his political power comes from leveraging X and getting the MAGA support as well. Both Trump and Elon are feeding from the same trough. And the MAGA nut jobs will realize neither of them actually care about their wellbeing (most likely when Trump Tariffs raise inflation and corporations continue to cut jobs thanks to AI)!!

Break out the popcorn guys because this is going to be fun to watch!!


u/jatufin 17h ago

An error: "And the MAGA nut jobs will realize..."

No. They won't. They'll realize nothing. Ever.


u/Flat_Baseball8670 15h ago

Eh. As with all cults, only the cult leader, Trump, is safe from MAGA.

Elon not so much.


u/seejoshrun 13h ago

Elon has a different and partially overlapping cult base. And I can't wait to see them fight


u/Dependent-Outcome-57 9h ago

We may end up with two cults, much like watching religious factions within the same religion battle it out. That said, no MAGA idiot is ever going to admit to being wrong about supporting fascism. They'll just blame the other cult leader and then vote for whoever the next monster is who blames everything on people they hate while picking their pockets at the same time.


u/Crazyriskman 15h ago

Perhaps, we’ll see.


u/LeeChangIsBae2 16h ago

Trump will figure out that if he loses his MAGA support he will no longer be able to continue his grifts so he is going to dump Elon at some point.

I don't know. Trump can't run again and Elon bought his ass. I think in his second term he's just going to cash in and get as much money he can for himself and his oligarchs. He wouldn't need his stupid MAGA cult anymore after robbing them dry.


u/Crazyriskman 15h ago

Hmmm! Interesting point! What’s the risk the MAGA cult turns on him?


u/LeeChangIsBae2 15h ago

None. They're too stupid to know that they're being played.


u/Crazyriskman 13h ago

You are probably right but it will be interesting to watch the alternative.


u/Now_Wait-4-Last_Year 16h ago

Elon has at least some self-awareness, hence his massive security detail (I heard over 20 people). I’m also aware there’s a lot of overlap with that and straight-up paranoia. Though, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you. However, having made your bed…


u/Top_Rekt 9h ago

For what it’s worth, Here’s my prediction: Trump will figure out that if he loses his MAGA support he will no longer be able to continue his grifts so he is going to dump Elon at some point

I actually think it's the opposite. Trump doesn't think highly of his supporters either. He wants his supporters to be suit wearing billionaires and glitzy Hollywood types, not the redneck hillbilly types. Why milk millions of idiots for pennies when he can milk one idiot Muskrat for millions. He'll sooner turn on MAGA than he would turn on Musk.


u/Crazyriskman 8h ago

I don’t see it that way, at the end of the day Trump isn’t a particularly intelligent person. All his businesses have been cheesy marketing gimmicks Trump Steaks, Trump Water, etc.. He got into Real Estate thanks to his dad and had to declare bankruptcy. He got into casinos as an extension of real estate and bankrupted those as well. Nor is he an astute risk taker. Someone once described him as a dumb man’s idea of a smart person and a poor man’s idea of a rich person.

People who are truly successful are usually pretty savvy. They are good at assessing risks and rewards. Those people see Trump for the charlatan and snake oil salesman that he is. No, Trumps grift works on the ignoramus crowd not on the smart ones. Even Musk sees this. He spent $250 Million on this election as a percentage of his net worth which currently estimated at about $400 billion or is about 0.0625%. That’s like someone with a $100,000 in the bank spending $62.50. So basically lunch money. In return he is in a position to influence U.S. policy. Steer contracts towards SpaceX and Tesla and make many, many Billions more!

Naah Man! Trump is too dumb and transparent to scam the rich.


u/Top_Rekt 7h ago

That's basically what I'm saying. Trump will always kowtow to the highest bidder. Musk will outspend the millions of MAGA supporters 500x more than they ever could. 

When I say milk Musk, I meant suckle on whatever ketamone infused teets Muskrats have, not actually grifting.

If he gets more money from Musk than he does from his supporters, he'll go with Musk.

Now please excuse me I need to wash the image of trump milking musk out of my head and an extremely long shower.


u/Crazyriskman 7h ago

Awesome! Agreed! I think Musk will go along with it as long as he thinks it benefits him. And I don’t mean in monetary terms. I think in his heart-of-hearts is an Incel nerd who still fantasizes about the cute girl who rejected him for the prom. He wants to show the world that he is Emperor of his techno-babble-dystopia sitting on a throne on Mars or something. Even for all his Billions he can’t do that on his own. He wants to bend and shape U.S. policy so that he can strategically implement whatever policies he thinks are needed so that he can achieve his sci-fi fever dream.

Now I have to go wash my eyes out with a mild acid to get rid of that image of Trump milking Musk that you so articulately painted!


u/GhostLadyShadow 17h ago

There is no worse here. If they get nothing done and fight themselves this is the ideal outcome.


u/RomaruDarkeyes 17h ago

It's not like it matters to Elon at this point... As far as he's concerned, they won.

He doesn't care about insulting the poor, cause after all they can't afford any of his products anyway. They can hardly boycott him...

And the really oblivious will still rather see a dictatorship of American billionaires, headed up by a South African rather than see a black woman in the chair.


u/LeeChangIsBae2 16h ago

They can hardly boycott him...

Yup. They're powerless against Musk because of Twitter.


u/MissionCreeper 16h ago

But it does, because he wants all that money so people finally like him.


u/ItsMinnieYall 17h ago

He should care about insulting the poor. They will soon be out for blood, demanding an investigation into all of musks businesses. I can't wait!


u/yourlittlebirdie 17h ago

No they won’t. They’ll get mad on Twitter and that’s it.


u/ItsMinnieYall 17h ago

Until MGT gets involved and adds elon to her political agenda. They are always looking for a new target.


u/Bwunt 14h ago

Way more then mad on Twitter.

They may not be able to get to Musk himself, but if H1B (for example) gets trough, they may make it their life goal that H1Bers (who are brown or asian or both anyway) are not in any way welcome in the US. Insults, exclusion, lack of service, harassment and occasional assault. And with many tech companies slimming down on employee luxury, they wouldn't really be able to live in a bubble either.

There are other examples too, but that is just the first that come to mind.


u/yourlittlebirdie 13h ago

Is this any different from the way these people currently already behave?


u/Bwunt 12h ago

Today, it's 99.9% oportunistic, not planned.


u/RomaruDarkeyes 17h ago

Doubt it... So long as he doesn't mess with his fellow oligarchs, he'll be fine.

As far as they are concerned, the squarks of the poor plebs don't need to be paid attention to


u/ItsMinnieYall 16h ago

Maybe. But I think they especially would love to sacrifice elon to distract the mob right now. The mob already wants billionaire blood.


u/Bad_Wizardry 17h ago

It’s funny that Trump ran on an anti-immigrant program, funded by an immigrant who wants to bring in more H1B immigrants to take American’s jobs.

It’s as if there’s no real cohesion. The only shared goal is to rob the country and leave us fiscally decimated when they’re done.


u/nyepo 15h ago edited 14h ago

They want to kick out poor immigrants so poor low class Americans can take their low pay jobs, then bring skilled immigrants to get those high skilled jobs on VISAs, and pay them significantly less that they would have to pay if they were American.

At the same time they will reduce low class subsidies and benefits so these poors don't have the option to refuse all those jobs that need to be done but are now empty because they deported all those poor immigrants, jobs that otherwise no Americans would take.


u/GadreelsSword 16h ago

“but you guys are retarded”

Yes, so let’s destroy the Dept. Education and eliminate national education standards. That way municipalities can just train kids to work the mines.


u/BellyDancerEm 18h ago

They thought Apartheid Elon actually cared about them


u/potato-truncheon 17h ago

Interestingly, there was an IQ test held recently. I believe it was on November 5...


u/Adorable-Database187 11h ago

Wasn't it a mass moral compass audit, someone with a room temperature IQ can be a decent person.


u/Foreign_Muffin_3566 17h ago

This is just a one off. So long as Trump himself stays silent on the issue MAGA will eventually adopt Elon's view on this.


u/Flat_Baseball8670 15h ago

Currently on the conservative subreddit they haven't even posted Elon's tweets, just Vivek's. How convenient that only the brown guy is getting heat for this shit.


u/Rabble_Runt 15h ago

The mods are permanently banning anyone who posts Elons tweets about this issue.


u/Flat_Baseball8670 14h ago

Lmao. Of course.


u/Rabble_Runt 13h ago

It also seems his main Tweet that kicked the hornets nest on Christmas has been taken down on X so now people are denying he even said it.


u/Otaku-San617 16h ago

They’re not the “Right right” they’re the racist right


u/Hypamania 14h ago

I just got banned from r/politics for correcting them that he didn't say American workers suck, he said they are retarded.



u/BillionDollarBalls 13h ago

its so easy to get banned there.


u/[deleted] 12h ago



u/Hypamania 11h ago

I don't use shitter either, but it seems about in line with what he might say based on his sudden intense pro-immigration stance


u/UndisgestedCheeto 17h ago

And with prices not going down and their benefits being cut, there will be less of these, "retarded," people in the future and that's good because they don't need to be here anymore..they don't matter. Their lives are pointless and they're taking up space.


u/jatufin 17h ago

They voted in 2024. That was the purpose of their lives. And now it's spent.


u/Flat_Baseball8670 15h ago

Right. Republicans will never allow us a free and fair election.

MAGA voters are toast.


u/Top_Put1541 12h ago

Given their aversion to masking and behaving in a way that acknowledges other people’s needs, when the bird flu comes, it’ll wipe out a lot of the folks that Covid missed.


u/Solid_Horse_5896 16h ago

I have never understood the aversion of business to develop their people. Take people and make them what you need them to be.


u/Electronic_Topic1958 14h ago

I think it all started with that shitty GE CEO Jack Welch. That guy was like the Ronald Reagan for American workers. 


u/Cultural-Answer-321 7h ago

LOL, Reagan was the Reagan of American workers. Ol' Jack was just following his playbook.


u/Electronic_Topic1958 4h ago

Lmao very true, I thought the same but I was not sure how to phrase it. “Following his playbook” is a better way of expressing it. Thank you!


u/kiamia2 18h ago

Oh Elon, if they had wanted a better legal immigration system, they would've voted for the Democrats. There's a reason a convict won the popular vote, and it's not so tech bros can earn more profit by hiring cheaper and more efficient workers. You made your bed, get in it.


u/Flat_Baseball8670 15h ago

The people that have to lie in that bed are the brain dead MAGA voters.

They still don't get that they have absolutely no power now. The billionaires got everything they wanted and they don't need the plebs anymore.


u/TheJediCounsel 16h ago

Oh so now they’re pissed that Elon’s saying the quiet part out loud?

Especially now since he’s speaking honestly lol


u/KP_Wrath 15h ago

Bruncle Jethro is not taking a tech job. He may get automated out of his job installing bolts though.


u/TyrantsInSpace 15h ago

Musk and his techbro cronies want foreign workers because the visa is another lever of control to weaponize against them. Easier to force a shit sandwich down their throats when you can threaten to revoke the visa and send them back. Qualified American workers are more likely to quit for better working conditions.


u/purplegladys2022 15h ago

No, American workers aren't, but MAGA Americans sure are.


u/Dahmememachine 15h ago

I agree with musk on this lol. We told them he was not for free speech and that “america first” was just him selling them bullshit to gain influence. So yeah they might be regarded

Funny how they are not talking about this at the conservative sub. Their “world’s smartest genius” who they like to glaze up is all of the sudden calling them retarded.


u/Lizzy1283 18h ago

I really hate that the r word seems to be making a comeback


u/Glum-One2514 14h ago

I really have to wonder...Does the average MAGA dumbfuck believe, in his heart-of-hearts, that the reason they aren't an engineer or a doctor is because *their* job was given to an immigrant? Does Cleetus think that Boeing is going to come pluck him from his part-time gas station attendant job to help design a new airliner when the foreign talent dries up?


u/Dependent-Outcome-57 9h ago

Having talked to many of them over the years, yes, they do. They are morons, all of them, but also completely unable to reflect upon their own mistakes and better themselves. Everything that goes wrong in their lives - and it's usually a long list - is all somebody else's fault. Racism and crazy conspiracies are the usual excuses, but they will never realize that they are simply too lazy, stupid, or poorly educated to get one of those "easy" jobs that they think are being handed out freely to Blacks, immigrants, etc.


u/Shiningc00 14h ago

Conservatives just keep voting against their interests.


u/IMSLI 14h ago

“I love the poorly educated” —Donald Trump “Fuck off” —the real POTUS


u/[deleted] 13h ago

Everytime these people go after each other, we should egg it on.

If anyone wants to post about "President Musk" on X or Truth to screw with Vice President Trump, feel free to use any of these images to really piss him off. I've been trying to pull together a compilation of as many as I can find online.



u/Otherwise_Carob_4057 14h ago

Hahaha this is funny as I have a co worker who is a highschool diploma holding 3rd generation nepo hire who loves Elon. Does it sting knowing daddy never loved you?!?


u/thecyanvan 13h ago

Anyone else getting sick of being insulted by the billionaire class?

I'm tired of being told how much we suck by the people making sure we cant succeed. They act like they have all the answers but they are the folks that steered this ship into dangerous waters.


u/spacehamsterZH 18h ago

tbqh what I want to see is Steve Bannon's reaction to all of this.


u/grimspectre 16h ago

I'd like to see maga Jan6 the hell outta musk. 


u/Squishy_Cat_Pooch 15h ago

Christmas keeps on giving


u/Hiryu2point0 14h ago

The truth is, Musk is right... See the 2024 elections


u/Smart-Finance5547 14h ago

Who is that Wojak even supposed to represent.


u/cg12983 12h ago

Hey MAGA, remember when we told you these guys were bad news, and you told us to shut up then voted for them?


u/tom21g 11h ago

Another stellar choice by trump for his team. Proof that trump always picks the best people


u/LongjumpingArgument5 11h ago

Fox news famously called them "cousin fucking types" Republicans trust and follow people who hate them.

They are ridiculously gullible


u/nickdamnit 11h ago

“Tech right” is just rich people and corporations. And “maga” is just the ignorant masses who have been duped by them. The rich people moved too quickly on this one and therein lies the divide. They have never been on the same side, the rich do what is good for the rich and the ignorant masses are in fact retarded


u/gbroon 16h ago

After your last election I think the first half of that statement may be correct in roughly half the cases.


u/ms_panelopi 14h ago

They were called Deplorables too and look how that turned out for Hillary. Maybe they’ll take out all their hateful vengeance on Elon now.


u/SorryKaleidoscope 14h ago

Immigration policy has always been an elusive issue in American politics because capitalism is at odds with nationalism.


u/UsagisImpact 14h ago

What I gathered from that whole time exchange was that there is are Americans who want to do those high paying tech jobs, but don’t want to go to college for it (likely because of cost, which is fair). The whole “liberal elite, useless liberal arts degree” was likely cope because they want jobs that require degrees. EM basically said that it would cost too much to invest in American workers and ya’ll are kinda dumb anyway. I’d feel bad if they weren’t actually awful.


u/Alikona_05 13h ago

There are millions of Americans who hold engineering and IT degrees in America (those are degrees that were heavily pushed to millennials as “safe/guaranteed high paying job” degrees.

The issue that people don’t seem to get is that many of these people are being overlooked or straight up laid off in favor of H-1B applicants, which from what I’ve seen mainly consist of applicants from India. They are willing to take a much lower salary than their American counterparts.

I work in manufacturing and every single job position we post is flooded with thousands of applicants from India. We have people with masters in engineering applying for tech roles. It’s crazy.


u/t0il3t 8h ago

There are thousands of qualified Americans, experienced and newly graduated with degrees right here in the US. The H1-B visa program has been used since the 90s to help hire "talent from overseas and bring them here" but its really used to force those people to work cheaper and lower wages for Americans by more competition. In the last 2yrs its gotten even worse. If AI doesn't take the IT world, India will own the entire IT world in 20 yrs, whether its overthere or here. Just like China owns manufacturing and electronics. Now its not really any East Indians fault as they are just being taken advantage, its the people at the top getting cheaper labor so they can hide it overseas and afford a few more under 15 sex slaves to ride on their super yacht.


u/DFu4ever 13h ago

We are still weeks away from Trump taking office and everything about MAGA and the Republicans is a fucking shitshow right now.

This is going to be a long four years of watching a dumpster fire on an epic scale while the people you know who voted for this try to convince you that not only is there not a dumpster fire, but that dumpster isn’t even a dumpster! It’s a Ferrari!

I feel like the MAGA collective is trying to will their warped idea of reality into existence.


u/TodosLosPomegranates 13h ago

I like that they’ve advocated to “bring back” that particular word just to use it on themselves.


u/ziddina 13h ago

....I suppose that Musk will be hiring Russians, since he's such good buddies with Putin....


u/KenweezY 13h ago

Man...this guy gets his "eyes opened" a lot.


u/phdoofus 12h ago

He's also the BFF of your Cheeto Hindenberg but somehow this isnt a Trump problem


u/CornerNo503 9h ago

Let them fight!


u/whizzard 9h ago

We need to shave the back of Leon's scalp and look for numbers.


u/whizzard 9h ago

We need to shave the back of Leon's scalp and look for numbers.


u/7daykatie 7h ago

President Elect Musk "This was eye opening!"

Just how thick is our next president?


u/swiminthemud 6h ago

"Only trump can call us uneducated!" Lol


u/Petersens_Arm 2h ago

"Begun, the MAGA war has".


u/Beautiful-Chest7397 16h ago

Uhhh I didn't think he's supposed to be retweeting that idk


u/Infamous-Physics-116 17h ago

I finally agree with Elon musk on something 


u/jazzcomputer 11h ago

I dislike Musk intensely. But where did he actually say this? I see a post of him here agreeing on some stuff, but the headline is not good, unless that's what he said.

Making claims in this way only plays into the hands of those who want to cope with their shitshow of choice.


u/Mizfitt77 16h ago

American workers don't produce well and they work they create is of very low quality.

I manage a global team and it's the reason I don't hire in the US.


u/nyepo 15h ago

And why do you think Americans are less skilled/educated/productive? Do you think this is due to genetics maybe?

Reinforce and improve education, universities, faculties, classrooms, all educational pathways and make them available to all classes, not only privileged elites.

And what will Trump do? Yeah, defund the Dept of Education 👌


u/dBasement 14h ago

The very fact that the orange turd got elected for a second time means a huge majority of Americans really are retarded and that goes to show that Musk is, actually, correct.


u/ManOfTheCosmos 13h ago

The average American is actually quite smart and productive compared to workers in most other countries. Compared to the top portion of 4 billion Asians? Probably not. If we import them they will destroy our way of life by competing with us. If the hardworking American people don't have a right to their own country, then there is no security for anyone else on the globe. Is that the world we want to live in? I don't.