r/LeopardsAteMyFace 1d ago

President Elon says the quiet part out loud.


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u/TitusTesla117 1d ago

I like that he tweeted this on Christmas too


u/Own-Cupcake7586 1d ago

Merry Christmas, MAGA! Your carrot-brained god-king and his immigrant puppeteer don’t need your support anymore. Get ready for every policy that benefits you to die a painful death. Welcome to the “find out” portion of your voting decision.


u/JustSomebody56 1d ago

Don’t insult carrots!


u/wack_overflow 1d ago

Im mean, they do make terrible brain material


u/According-Insect-992 1d ago

I feel like that's a fair criticism. I'll allow it.


u/Upper-Station743 1d ago

Having a vegetable as brain material is better than whatever is currently rotting in MAGA's head right now...


u/Own-Cupcake7586 1d ago

I needed an orange vegetable, I found one. Substitute yams, if you’d like.


u/AndreasVesalius 1d ago

The fuck did yams ever do to you?


u/TheCheshireCody 1d ago

They know damned well what they did.


u/drone42 1d ago

Masquerading as sweet potatoes but they're not even in the same fucking family! Yams are in the Lily family! Lying bastards...


u/incognegro1976 1d ago

Yams aren't sweet potatoes?!

My whole life is a lie


u/drone42 1d ago

And sweet potatoes aren't even goddamn proper potatoes, they're in the morning glory family.

It's lies all the way down, kid.


u/-MotherMaidenCrone- 1d ago

God damn 😭


u/AndHeWas 1d ago

Slaves called some types of sweet potatoes "yams" because they resembled actual yams in Africa. Some people still call them that, but in the US if you refer to a sweet potato as a "yam" on a label, you have to include "sweet potato" as well. I think it would be best if we only used the word "yam" to refer to real yams, especially since both are available (in larger cities, at least) now.


u/hourofthevoid 1d ago

They know yam well


u/Own-Cupcake7586 1d ago

Oh, they know what they did. Sweet-potato-impersonating little lumps.


u/Coruscafire9 1d ago

Yes, 'the malignant yam' is my personal favorite


u/bitofagrump 1d ago

Hell no. Yams are delicious.


u/SneakyDeaky123 1d ago

There’s one in Mara-Lago rn


u/ElectronicPOBox 1d ago

Alternate yams 🍆


u/sunflower_love 1d ago

I’ll insult whatever I like—especially when it’s an inanimate object. This joke is so played out.


u/LeeKinanus 1d ago

And the angel of the lord came unto me Snatching me up from my place of slumber And took me on high and higher still Until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest And as we descended cries of impending doom rose from the soil One thousand nay a million voices full of fear And terror possessed me then And I begged Angel of the Lord what are these tortured screams? And the angel said unto me These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard Tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat Like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers! Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus


u/icannothelpit 1d ago

I'm on mobile browser so it took a few clicks to make sure everything was right in the universe. Amen. 


u/rattusprat 1d ago

But Rob Schneider is full MAGA. Insulting carrots is fair game now.


u/Aggravating_Wonder11 1d ago

Carrots are good for you!


u/DecentAct9713 1d ago

The Welsh word for carrots is moron.


u/Rmans 1d ago

Starting with Musk admitting that immigrants have been given American jobs instead of taking them. If only MAGA could read.


u/Saints11 1d ago

Misread that as carrot-brained rot-king, and I will be referring to him as such for now on.


u/ShittyStockPicker 1d ago

God, I’m a teacher. I get paid well. Not movie star money, but what I’d say is fair. I sacrificed years and time investing into developing a curriculum and the skill set needed to connect with kids.

I’m terrified they will strip away my pay and benefits, tell me I’m only worth minimum wage, and my 5 years of education to become a teacher is just out the window.

I will literally quit and go be a nurse if they drop my pay below $60k a year. I can’t afford to teach if they do.


u/rach2bach 1d ago

I upvoted this largely because I agree, but also because I was the 666th upvote.


u/coleman57 1d ago

And they didn't even get to fuck around--that was outsourced to Elon, who maybe didn't do quite a good fuck, but fucked for a billion times the cost and is unhappy just to be here.


u/dawn913 1d ago

Yup! Because it's not about you or this country. It's all about the bottom line. Period.


u/nopunchespulled 1d ago

If only we weren't all effected by it


u/fastpathguru 1d ago

"Fined Out"


u/ForHelp_PressAltF4 1d ago

I think I heard it put best that "Everyone lost the election but it's going to take some time for a bunch of them to figure it out."

I honestly thought that it would take at least until January.... And I'd be wrong hahahaha


u/Clean-Upstairs4593 1d ago

The problem is is that we'll all be finding out with them


u/ApprehensiveKick6951 1d ago

As emotionally-charged as your comment is, did you know that he never actually posted this at all? This is complete misinformation.

If you care to prove me wrong, go ahead and try to find the actual source. But you can't. Because it doesn't exist. This is made up.

In fact, on Dec25, 2024, at 9:24 PM, the same time as the tweet above, he actually posted, "You can just say things"


u/byeByehamies 1d ago

If we reveled in their(our) suffering, we would be just like them.


u/SlowRollingBoil 1d ago

Historically, many need to suffer before a revolution is attempted and successful. I've watched for many decades as we went down the wrong path. At this point I want the wrong path to come to it's conclusion as fast as possible as the more suffering that happens quickly the quicker the response is.


u/byeByehamies 1d ago

I'm hearing that a lot lately


u/zellyman 1d ago

I mean nothing else works. Might as well have some fun.


u/ohrlycool 1d ago



u/ColumnK 1d ago

What else is he going to do? Spend time with his kids?


u/prof_the_doom 1d ago

I think there's still one that doesn't have a restraining order out against him.


u/DickwadVonClownstick 1d ago

The one Elmo's been using as a human shield ever since Luigi did the funny?


u/AhAhStayinAnonymous 1d ago

did the funny

Omg 💀😂🤣


u/The_Forth44 1d ago

Yeah I fuckin cackled that will be the only way I describe it now.


u/StarintheShadows 1d ago

That would be the one! He’s too young to file a restraining order. Poor kid.


u/ukexpat 1d ago

His mother could file for one on his behalf though…


u/Great_Consequence_10 1d ago

She has been trying to get help from LE to return the child and nothing. Pretty sad situation, actually.


u/Tasty-Building-3887 1d ago

Who is the mother? Maybe we should all rally around her to try to support her and bring attention to the issue.


u/Bobby-Corwen09 1d ago

Unfortunately, all his baby factories knew EXACTLY what type of person he was and still willingly let him turkey baster them, or paid some other poor womb to actually carry the spawn.

They are just as moronic as the rest of his followers.


u/foxontherox 1d ago

Take my poor woman’s award 🏅


u/Suyefuji 1d ago

Ah yes, young Kevlar...


u/Great_Consequence_10 1d ago

That’s the one he took from the mother and refuses to give back, even though she has rights. It’s super messed up, and especially strange since he ignored all the others.


u/Penguinmanereikel 1d ago

Why can't I reward your comment?!


u/unicornlocostacos 1d ago

Waka waka waka


u/Tsobe_RK 1d ago



u/Caleth 1d ago

NOt old enough to yet, and I think that's one of the one's Grimes had who is claiming he's withholding passports to prevent them from traveling to see her dying grandma?

I don't know off the top of my head and can't be asses enough to look it up while I'm still at work.


u/Both_Sundae2695 1d ago

Only when he wants to parade them in front of the camera Daniel Plainview style.


u/Sun-Kills 1d ago

Has to stop every so often to send a Venmo to the person who plays Diablo on his behalf. Or sometimes Venmo his Ketamine dealer. You know the stuff we all do everyday.


u/According-Insect-992 1d ago

I guess part of the joke is that he conspicuously doesn't use PayPal?

Does he drive his shitty cars? Who am I kidding. I doubt he drives.


u/disabledinaz 1d ago

He just makes sure their mothers can’t


u/goronmask 1d ago

The meat “manly” medals? He just buys a new one every six months


u/Willyr0 1d ago

Where the fuck are those ghosts


u/seahawk1977 1d ago

Well, one "ghost" did visit Brian Thompson. Now we just need three more to visit other CEOs.


u/themightyknight02 1d ago

Luigi, praise onto his pistol of righteous fury


u/Frosty_Slaw_Man 1d ago

No, in Luigi's Mansion he vacuums up ghosts. Like taking parasites out of the system.


u/StarintheShadows 1d ago

Even the ghosts don’t want anything to do with this shit show. They know a lost cause when they see one.


u/artCsmartC 1d ago

Jacob Marley: “Oh, $#@%!”


u/2wedfgdfgfgfg 1d ago

The ghost of democracy past


u/Zammy_Green 1d ago

They have given up after Bezos.


u/warm_kitchenette 1d ago

They can only talk to someone with a conscience, someone who can feel shame. Everyone else is a lost cause.


u/defixiones 1d ago

bah humbug


u/Risky_Bizniss 1d ago

Still better than the "May they rot in hell. Again, Merry Christmas!" VP Trump proclamation lol


u/panda5303 1d ago

Right? I mean, I expected it, but it was still funny/sad to read. I'm starting to think he's never experienced a single day of happiness his entire life.


u/ghostpicnic 1d ago

Mr. Anti-woke family values when he has no family to spend the Christian holiday he pretends to believe in with:


u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka 1d ago

The thing is, American companies have been at the top of the world for the last century. Sure there are plenty of excellent world class companies elsewhere, but no country had a combination of leading edge tech companies and industrial companies and software companies etc like the USA. So saying Americans are hard to invest in is some bullshit racism, even though American isnt technically a "race".


u/According-Insect-992 1d ago

He's ripping on the American people and excusing the exact behavior that the working class fucking hates. The reason some of them hate immigrants in the first place. And, he's an immigrant. Technically illegal because he worked while here on a student visa and lied about it.

That technically precludes precludes one from citizenship and trump enforced those things last time. I read that they're very serious about pursuing people who do stuff like that to strip their citizenship.

The fact that we can be treating people this way under the pretense of the law while allowing the literal richest man in the world to do the same thing is pretty infuriating. It's very clear that the rule of law does not work in the United States.


u/LWN729 1d ago

Reading his tweet made me laugh out loud. Not that the lack of American investment in its own future’s development is a laughing matter. I’m sure MAGATs will be mad, but they don’t realize that it’s republicans’ decades long sabotage of public education and the fostering of a disdain and distrust of higher education is what makes most Americans less competitive, and now they voted for the same republicans who sabotaged them thus far to literally look at them and tell them “you’re not good enough and it’s not worth the money to make you better, so we’re going to bring in foreigners to do jobs, in opposition to what we told you.”


u/ApprehensiveKick6951 1d ago

He never actually posted this at all. This was made up for the purpose of this Reddit post. This is blatant misinformation.

On Dec25, 2024, at 9:24 PM, the same time as the tweet above, he actually posted, "You can just say things"


u/LWN729 1d ago

That is such a stupid thing to do. Thanks for the fact check


u/Blastgirl69 1d ago

My MAGA family members will have the Pikachu face.


u/Glum-Ad-2990 1d ago

This appears to be misinformation. He never tweeted it.


u/things_U_choose_2_b 1d ago

"You are all replaceable. Merry Christmas."


u/KanadianLogik 1d ago

Is this real? If this is real, then it should make him public enemy number one to all "america first trump supporters". If this is real and trump supporters still back this guy, then the cognitive dissonance is so insurmountable that the usa is truly well and fucked.


u/Euphoric_Fun6052 1d ago

It’s not real.


u/teb_art 1d ago

Someone introduce the brother-fucker to the Dickens Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Probably won’t fix him, but it might shut him up for a bit.


u/Jauretche 1d ago

We built a system that rewards sociopaths.


u/Cobek 1d ago

He quite literally never takes a break now, besides 4-5 hours after 3am to recharge his battery pack.


u/64557175 1d ago

Eloneezer Screwge


u/Mirions 1d ago

Richiest being ever, as a foreigner in Amercia, is advocating for lower pay and fewer available jobs for those already here.

Surely that can't go wrong.


u/Bloody_Conspiracies 1d ago

This is not a real Tweet.


u/Apprehensive-Log8333 1d ago

It's so hard to tell if tweets ascribed to him are real or not. This one is really out there, if you think about it for two seconds


u/pukem0n 1d ago

The ghost of future Christmas hasn't visited him yet, I see.


u/MagneticFlea 1d ago

Well, it's not like any of his kids would want to spend Christmas with him


u/2wedfgdfgfgfg 1d ago

Musk Scrooge


u/rikashiku 1d ago

Well it's not like he's spending time with a family that loves him. He's got tweets to make about the poors.


u/Unlikely-Complex3737 1d ago

It's funny seeing the MAGA crowd calling him a traitor. I think Trump may have to throw him off his team.


u/CQU617 1d ago

Felon is a D'ck


u/tonkatoyelroy 1d ago

What happened to the three ghosts? Those dudes stop working or something? Join a union and get Christmas off? They were supposed to scare the greed out of this son of a racist mine lord.


u/imbdfreak123 1d ago

its called billionaire mind


u/localtuned 1d ago

He's on a speedrun to get DDD'd.


u/CosmicZephyr2 1d ago

I like that were so brainwashed by the two party system that we think our side is the only way


u/EvilTomServo 1d ago

i like that you will never have sex


u/TitusTesla117 1d ago

Oooo ooo you wound me good sir! I don’t know how I can go on?!