r/LeopardsAteMyFace 1d ago

President Elon says the quiet part out loud.


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u/qualityvote2 1d ago edited 1d ago

u/Judah_Earl, your post does fit the subreddit!


u/suninabox 1d ago

This appears to be a fake tweet, at least I can't find it on Musk's timeline on nitter.

There's no need to be making fake tweets like this when Musk is already saying insanenly out of touch shit like

If you need school, you've already lost

A cynical person might say that people are pushing fake Musk's tweet to reduce the chance of people paying attention to the real bullshit and then to dismiss the real ones as "probably another fake tweet"


u/tiberiumx 1d ago

I can't find the text anywhere online either. Usually when someone high profile says something incredibly stupid some news outlet will include the text somewhere. Fake.


u/logosfabula 1d ago

Same. Very stupid of this subreddit to fall for fake news. Nearly 14k upvotes... We can't win if we get manipulated, even in our own direction.


u/tiberiumx 1d ago

Which is funny since he did actually say something very similar recently.


u/logosfabula 1d ago

Exactly, why doing it? It could have worked as a joke on him but stating that they weren't actually his words. I think thing like this backfire bad.


u/MovingObjective 22h ago

Musk also frequently deletes his tweets that get backlash. Are you saying this isn't the case here?


u/namohysip 1d ago

This is a fake tweet, it seems. Yet it was approved without any cross-checking. In this day of misinformation I can't let this influence my views. Unsubbing until that changes.


u/UncleAlvarez 1d ago

True, but it isn’t wrong. MAGA are going apeshit over this. Just look at the comment section on this - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14228529/amp/Elon-Musk-Vivek-Ramaswamy-clash-hard-right-key-immigration-issue.html


u/namohysip 20h ago

"True, but it isn’t wrong." No. Do not rely on literal fake tweets for proving your point. Use actual evidence if that's really what's happening. Fake tweets only worsen your point.


u/Powerful-Sort-2648 18h ago

They did provide actual evidence by showing the right wing response. 

That’s really what’s happening. You choosing to ignore it is your own fault and problem 


u/Andreus 1d ago

It's not a fake tweet.


u/exjr_ 1d ago

Can you link us to it?


u/sunjay140 1d ago

I checked his account, did an advance search and Googled keywords; it doesn't seem to exist.


u/Electronic-Pen6418 1d ago

I checked his account, did an advance search and Googled keywords; it doesn't seem to exist.

Same. The mods shouldn't allow blatant misinformation like this to stay up.


u/Formilla 1d ago

Quality vote yet again proving that it doesn't work. This obviously doesn't fit the subreddit at all, and it's a fake Tweet.

Is this subreddit just a place for storing fake Elon Tweets now?


u/LeokadiaBosko 1d ago

Outsourcing moderation to up votes instead of actually enforcing the rules was so disappointing. Is it too much to ask for a single sub with a fun theme to actually require that theme?


u/SkytrackerU 1d ago

I'm straight-up asking the mods to delete this post. It makes this sub less credible, when fake tweets aren't screened.


u/sonoran_goofball 1d ago

Maybe rules should require linking to original tweets / content.


u/Judah_Earl 1d ago

Elon Musk basically calls the working class (Trumps support base) entitled and ungrateful and says it's better to bring in migrants than invest in them.


u/Glum-Ad-2990 1d ago

We can’t be falling for the misinformation that we’re fighting against. It makes us no better than them. You should delete this, edit it, or provide a source if this is real.


u/MovingObjective 1d ago

No one is finding the tweet anymore. Can you confirm it is real?


u/Infinite-Algae7021 1d ago

Probably a fake tweet just to get people upset.


u/Annie_Ayao_Kay 1d ago

Letting blatant misinformation like this stay up for so long should be enough to get a subreddit banned. The mods here have let their subreddit become overrun by bots. I'm sure the mods will eventually delete it, but only after it's dropped off the front page and the damage has been done. It happens suspiciously often here. 

I'd love to see people like Musk start throwing out defamation lawsuits against the people that post these, and Reddit for keeping them up, that would put a stop to it. If the right-wing really are as bad as people say, there should be no reason to constantly create fake tweets from them. 


u/4tran13 1d ago

Does reddit actually ban subs for misinformation?

Not sure about other posts, but several posts involving Musk's tweets garner a lot of comments claiming FAKE. I can't verify either way, but it does seem dodgy.


u/Annie_Ayao_Kay 1d ago

They don't ban for it, but they should. It does open them up to potential legal action from the people being accused of saying things they didn't say.

The reason why so many Musk tweets get comments from people saying they're fake, is because they are fake. There's obviously a group operating on this site creating fake tweets, and this subreddit is one of the biggest ones they're using to spread them. The mods know that, but they let it happen. This tweet doesn't even fit the LAMF theme, but it stays up anyway.


u/lNFORMATlVE 1d ago

Buddy I hate Elon as much as the next guy but this very much seems to be a fake tweet. And therefore misinformation. Don’t become the very thing we are trying to fight.


u/rov124 1d ago

The sub is r/LeopardsAteMyFace, not r/LeopardTalkingAboutEatingFaces.


u/pepperlake02 1d ago

but he doesn't call working class people ungrateful, he calls them unproductive. also it's fake


u/Existing_Reading_572 1d ago

do you have a source? or are you just making shit up?


u/2Throwscrewsatit 1d ago

No wonder Tesla is now a joke.


u/True-Lychee 1d ago

It's a fake tweet. Good job!