r/LeopardsAteMyFace 4d ago

82% of Obamacare applications for 2025 are from states that voted for Trump Trump

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u/dalgeek 4d ago

Someone didn't bother to ask for proof of citizenship when he registered to vote. The funny part is that Florida has required Real ID to vote for several years now, so obviously no one was checking his ID either. So much for voter ID laws.


u/snafoomoose 4d ago

"Oh, he didn't need to show his ID, he's a white suburbanite. Everyone knows that the fraud is perpetrated by those brown urban people!"


u/aberaber12345 3d ago

I read this one awhile back. It seems like he has all the IDs. It appears they gave him some form of official ID in his youth, and that ID multiplied into more IDs, including SSN, DL, etc. which means he prob has a real ID or something.

It appears the msitake happened long ago