r/LeopardsAteMyFace 4d ago

82% of Obamacare applications for 2025 are from states that voted for Trump Trump

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u/thanos12345635 4d ago

If you asked them what they think of the Affordable Care Act, most will reply with how great it is because they now have coverage.

If you then ask them what they think of Obamacare suddenly it's the worst thing ever, and it's an evil socialist plot to give away tax money from hardworking muricans to the migrants that are poisoning the blood of our country.


u/zzWordsWithFriendszz 4d ago

What happens when they learn it's the same thing?


u/TheSilverNoble 4d ago

A lot of them don't believe it, or blame the Democrats for giving it two names. 


u/AncefAbuser 4d ago

I work in a red state as a surgeon.

A majority of the people I take care of are uneducated morons, especially the wealthy ones.

It really is as simple as "ACA good, Obama bad". They are that stupid.


u/pianoflames 4d ago

They’ll claim that democrats tricked them into believing that they were 2 different things.

Remember when they claimed democrats tricked them into not getting vaccinated for COVID, by telling conservatives that the vaccines are safe?


u/Merreck1983 4d ago

I still enjoy the looks on people's faces when I ask them why Democrats would encourage their own voters to get vaccinated if the vaccine was so dangerous. 


u/NonZealot 4d ago

Error 404: Brain Not Found.


u/Phaze357 4d ago

Have you checked the rectum?


u/onefst250r 4d ago

Rectum? Damn near killed um!


u/Demorant 4d ago

They don't. You suddenly don't know what your talking about. Or they'll say something like: "That doesn't sound right, I'll look into it later."

These are people that voluntarily eat of diet of being told that democrat's are lying about everything all the time.


u/mynameismulan 4d ago

I've also seen them say "Well it don't matter anyways because Trump's will be better. You'll see"


u/EatsOverTheSink 3d ago

Just two short weeks from now we’ll have our brand new healthcare plan.


u/BZLuck 4d ago

The same thing with, "So what does it mean when you say (he/she) is a communist?"

"...You know what I mean."

I do?


u/LaTeChX 4d ago

Learn? These are people who have been denying climate change for the past quarter century on behalf of oil companies. They booed Trump when he told them to get vaccinated. They don't learn.


u/CurlOfTheBurl11 4d ago

Nothing, they're incapable of processing that information.


u/Night_Movies2 4d ago

Hopefully have a big cry over being so stupid.


u/RisenSecond 4d ago

They rationalize it, but then don’t give credit or change their mind politically on anything.


u/apathy-sofa 4d ago

It's unpossible


u/Circumin 4d ago

“The ACA has had changes since Obamacare to fix all of the fuckups from Obama. It was Trump who made it work. Thank God for Trump.” is what they say


u/Left-Star2240 4d ago

They don’t. Their brain shuts down and Fox News takes over.

If someone told them that Obamacare was modeled after a state law put in place by a Republican governor their head might actually explode. Fox News would prevent this, because they consider Romney to be a traitor.


u/GarbageAdditional916 4d ago

HUSSEIN obamacare? Do I look like a brown person?


u/robynaquariums 4d ago

I had these conversations with people in 2016 re: ACA vs Obamacare and somehow the right wing epistemic bubble convinced them/made them forget the conversations and talking with them today is like talking to amnesiacs. Unless it’s an elaborate troll and they’re straight up nihilists which… I can’t put it past them anymore 😩


u/sonicmerlin 3d ago

They do forget. It doesn’t take long. No idea why anyone would want to live that way.


u/DontEatConcrete 1d ago

This has actually been studied. I’m not sure if it was pew, but there was a group of researchers who pulled people and asked them what they thought about Obamacare and the responses are significantly different. When asked what they think about ACA.

In fact, it’s one of the best examples of why I think there’s something inherently wrong with democracy and it can’t be saved