r/IAmA Jun 20 '21

I am Ryan Moss, I legally research, cultivate, extract, and analyze magic mushrooms (and many other fun botanical/fungal entheogens) for a living, Ask Me Anything! Science

Hey Reddit, I’m Ryan Moss, head of R&D at Filament Health. I have been at the forefront of natural product extraction and manufacturing for the last 10 years. Over the past months I’ve had the opportunity to combine my expertise in natural extraction with the exciting world of psychedelics, most notably magic mushrooms! I consider myself an expert in the field of natural product chemistry and thought this would be a unique opportunity to discuss my research with you.

I have learned a lot from the Reddit community, especially in the early days of my research, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to give back and clarify some of the things that are and are not true about natural psychedelics.


Glad to have been able to talk with all of you, I'm signing off for now!

Feel Free to PM me and if there's demand maybe I'll do another one soon! I'm really excited to have this industry move forward! If you're interested please check out Filament Health for current news on what our lab is doing!

Happy Tripping!


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u/[deleted] Jun 20 '21



u/Funkit Jun 20 '21

What is your idea of a trip killer? Like a medication or a distraction?


u/SmegmaSmeller Jun 20 '21

it's commonly referring to a benzodiazepine, probably because they're so easy to come by, atleast in the US. But the more effective/less mentioned option is an antipsychotic like seroquel for example. The benzos just dull the trip/anxiety you're having, the antipsychotics nearly stop it completely

Setting change can is usually my go to when stuff gets tough, but I always keep a trip killer on hand, mostly for peace of mind.

Not the person you replied to but figured I'd chime in.


u/Funkit Jun 20 '21

Yeah I always took a Xanax before I’d trip. Not a lot, I didn’t wanna feel like I was on Xanax instead, but 0.5mg right I’m the beginning gets rid of the anxious come up and nausea part of the trip which I absolutely hate.

Never tried the antipsychotic though. Seroquel just knocks you tf out


u/SmegmaSmeller Jun 20 '21

Not a bad idea if you're an anxious person! I personally take phenibut before a trip, like you said not enough to really feel it just dull the anxiety. I prefer it because it's legal without prescription in most places, works just as good as benzos for anxiety at the right dose, and seems to dull the good effects of psychs less than benzos. Just be careful if you try it, it is physically addictive similarly to benzos (less so IME, yours may vary)

Yeah but that's what I want in a trip killer lol! If it's gone so bad I'm taking something to kill the trip seroquel is my go to. It doesn't knock me out quite like when sober, but I get a lot more relief than I would otherwise


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21



u/SmegmaSmeller Jun 21 '21

I go with nootropics depot mainly because the customer service and shipping is so good, and they've got a huge selection of other things to try... most I have to research because I've never heard of them lol.

But just a heads up, phenibut primarily acts on gaba b receptors similarly to GHB, unlike benzos which are primarily gaba a. It would help a bit with the symptoms of withdrawal but wouldn't be like taking another benzo just because the method of action is different. I haven't looked into of it helps prevent seizures that can happen when high doses of benzos are cut off cold turkey but that'd be worth a look for your case! Good luck, if you need any help with it feel free to ask. Or head to /r/phenibut and see if the answer is there


u/[deleted] Jun 21 '21



u/SmegmaSmeller Jun 21 '21

Not a problem!


u/cadwellingtonsfinest Jun 20 '21

would something like prochlorperazine also work as a trip killer?


u/judgehood Jun 20 '21

Maybe it’s not for everyone, but in a pinch, having a few beers always helped me stay grounded.


u/metalhead4 Jun 21 '21

I've always just rode the waves of the mushies, never had a trip killer, didn't even know that existed or could work. I just hang on and take everything they give me. Sometimes the negative loops are hard to break though.


u/nomagneticmonopoles Jun 21 '21

I think this is the best way. Your tripping brain is a muscle. Experiencing those difficult loops is important to exercising that muscle. If you just bail on every trip that gets difficult, are you even gaining anything? Do you actually like tripping? I mean, to each their own, but it just seems like overkill to me. Like you said: sit down and ride the scary waves.


u/Funkit Jun 21 '21

I think a trip killer at that level (seroquel) is not something you’d just take for a bad trip. It’s more meant to END the trip, like god forbid something happens that requires your full attention like your sister crashed her car and is being rushed to the hospital or something.


u/nomagneticmonopoles Jun 21 '21

That's the kind of anxiety you really shouldn't be going into psychedelics with. If you're concerned about being unable to help someone in some hypothetical crisis because you're not sober, I'd suggest not being not sober. A trusted trip partner / sitter should be enough, especially for a first time.

Again, just my opinion, but it seems like overkill to have to source prescription drugs to act as aids to tripping.

As an aside, I've had a friend get in a car accident while I was tripping and request my help, and I dealt with it as best as I could (contact others), I mean if I'd been very drunk it's not like I'd have driven to go help them...ya know?


u/sambes06 Jun 20 '21



u/nomagneticmonopoles Jun 21 '21

I personally am against the idea of having a trip killer present. I think it unnecessarily encourages the idea of a bad time being likely, promotes lazy tripping (not figuring out your problems and navigating your thoughts), and just indicates to me that you may not be ready to trip. I'd suggest titration as a way to familiarize yourself with tripping safely. I used to be much more nervous about having a bad time, and now with many dozens of trips under my belt, I've found that at least for me and my friends, debriefing afterwards and learning to understand what's triggering you while under the influence are your greatest assets in having a good time.