r/Hema 5h ago

long dagger Pha

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hello I don't know if this belongs here so apologies if it doesn't but I recently received the purple heart armory long dagger and I'm wondering how you take off the Nagle on the dagger as I want to move it to the other side so my thumb can lay more flat on the side without the knot



u/lewisiarediviva 5h ago

Looks like it would be easier to re-do the handle wrap


u/Hopeful-Beat-3755 4h ago

the problem with that is that the wrapping is riveted into the handle so I can't undo it without tools and I know they sell replacement blunts so I think it can be taken off I'm just having trouble taking it off


u/lewisiarediviva 4h ago

What does the other side look like?


u/Hopeful-Beat-3755 4h ago


u/lewisiarediviva 4h ago

Ok, well those blunts don’t usually have any threading or anything inside, so it’s either friction fit or glued. Pull hard on the blunt, maybe twist it a bit to see if it’ll come off. If not you’ll probably need pliers and/or something to pry with, which unfortunately will probably ding up the blunt. For example, you might need to squeeze the sides of the blunt to crack off the glue.


u/lewisiarediviva 4h ago

If you do need to use pliers, wrap the blunt in a rag or masking tap first to prevent the pliers from cutting it up.