r/Hema 1d ago

Opinions on the HF federshchwerts?

This would be for the club, i have my own Feder and a few other people do, but this creates a somewhat dumb situation where the veterans who own a feder must scale down to plastic.



u/MortgageMinimum729 1d ago

The light version is a basic no thrills feder, few of my clubmates have them, nicer than a reg strong and most reg mediums to get hit by, not quite as flexible as standard sigi

They seem durable and handle pretty nicely, as club loaners their probably better than what most clubs would hand out


u/Chasesrabbits 1d ago

I have a standard, and I'm very happy with it. Quite comparable to the Regenyeis I've used. I was worried about the flex (more by the numbers on the website than by the actual feel of the blade), but everyone I've landed a decent thrust on has said it's fine. That being said, I'd still probably get the light if I were to buy again.


u/XLBaconDoubleCheese 1d ago

The standard feder is way too stiff with something like a 16kg flex. Meaning you can thrust with it but its not going to be too pleasant since it won't bend at all. For the same price you can get the light version which has a more reasonable flex between 11-14kg. While this isn't great still for thrusting, it's a bit better.

If you are getting ones for the club then go with the light version.


u/MrLandlubber 1d ago

Yes I was going in that direction anyways, thanks for the tip!