r/Frugal Oct 20 '22

Frugal living: Moving into a school converted into apartments! 600/month, all utilities included Frugal Win 🎉


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u/turbodude69 Oct 20 '22

man, i can't wait till they start doing this with malls!

when i was a kid, i really wanted to live in a mall. someone should buy one, put cheap restaurants in the food court, and pack in as many apartments as possible. how dope would it be to have a giant indoor space to walk round and hang out year round? the food court could be optional, other shops could be optional. obviously a mini grocery store would be perfect.

man, why the hell hasn't anyone tried this??


u/birdpix Oct 20 '22

They are working on condos attached to the half dead Volusia Mall across from Daytona Speedway. Interested to see when completed.


u/turbodude69 Oct 20 '22

that's so awesome. i wish i had the money to buy an old Mall and turn it into a sweet affordable housing community. imagine what kinda cool stuff you could do with all that space on the inside of the mall? it's climate controlled all year, so the weather wouldn't matter. you could put a hockey rink in, basketball courts, tennis courts, etc etc.

it'd be the perfect idea for all these malls that are closing up all across the country.


u/birdpix Oct 20 '22

I'd love to see all the empty malls and even strip malls converted to residential uses as AFFORDABLE housing is needed so badly! I'm a renter and feeling the heat in FL. One beta use of a few old malls is turning them into mega ghost kitchens in dense populated areas where many different restaurant brands operate delivery only kitchens in a hub manner serving GrubHub, Uber eats, etc.


u/niknackpaddywack13 Oct 21 '22

I’ve never thought about this and now I’m obsessed with this idea.


u/turbodude69 Oct 21 '22

i wanna get like 20-30 people together and built a techno/hippie commune in an old forgotten mall.

i love the idea of living on a commune, but i don't really wanna live on a freaking farm. i like the idea of having a big open communal space that's cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. you could have basketball courts, tennis courts, or whatever the community wants to build. it'd be sooo freaking cool


u/Advice2Anyone Oct 21 '22

Strips already do this places where the first floors are the shops and second floors and up are condos overlooking it. Not indoor but still it's nice can sit out on your balcony and watch people shop


u/Not_A_Wendigo Oct 21 '22

It would be great for places that are very cold or dark in the winter. It would be nice to have all of that communal space.


u/turbodude69 Oct 21 '22

yeah for real, i mean i think this is the main reason malls were created in the first place? suburbs were new, and malls were basically the new version of a downtown walkable shopping district.

now that malls are obsolete, we should at least still use them as defacto suburban downtowns. since most suburbs don't have actual downtowns anyway...


u/ActualWhiterabbit Oct 21 '22

There is an Austin community college that is in an old mall which is cool and super weird at the same time.


u/turbodude69 Oct 21 '22

yeah i think i've actually seen that posted somewhere on reddit. looks like this trend is slowly catching on around the country. we have sooo many deserted malls, it's just a matter of time before they're converted into other things.

i just really wish they'd build one into a cool apt complex with fun activities. i think that's exactly the kind of thing the suburbs need, and thats where most of these closed malls are located.