r/FinalFantasy Dec 08 '24

Was my entire childhood a lie? FF XIV

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u/Character-Arm-1761 Dec 08 '24

On a real note how is XIV? I haven’t played it and haven’t touched an MMO in years. Don’t know if I’d be interested in another mmo again (except DQ X). I always hear how great XIV is. Guess since it’s been out a while I look at it as this daunting task now.


u/shadowwingnut Dec 08 '24

The story is varying degrees from good to absolutely fantastic through the Endwalker expansion. If you don't want to deal with other people you mostly don't have to outside of one 24 man raid series and 8 man trials. And the base game and first two expansions are free. I personally hated the most recent expansion Dawntrail but it doesn't change that my experience through Endwalker was fantastic.


u/Character-Arm-1761 Dec 08 '24

How long do you think playing thru the story would take? Games like mmos or open world games I always tend to drop bc I get burnt out from trying to do everything


u/PickledClams Dec 08 '24

MSQ is 300-400 hours of mostly single player fetch quests with mounds of exposition filler writing.

It's got about 10 hours of pure joy in there sprinkled somewhere around the 100, and 200 hour marks. Lol


u/Daxxex Dec 08 '24

XIVdiscussion user, disregard this opinion as anyone that frequently posts there hates the game but continues to play it for some reason.


u/PickledClams Dec 08 '24

Yoshi-PR told me to unsub when I had nothing to do, so I did. :)

Just trying to do my part, and not lie to new players about what XIV is and isn't like most tend to do. Feel free to ask and I'll give an unbiased opinion that isn't driven by cultish love.


u/Gosuoru Dec 08 '24

I'll add my 2 cents, if you try it do the free trial, it comes with ARR, HW & SB, letting you level until lv70 and run most content for free, including all the story!

That way if you end up liking it, great! You can buy the full game! And if you don't you won't have spend any money :)!


u/Personal_Orange406 Dec 08 '24

The mmo aspects of the game don't really come up until you're current OR you like doing side content (blue icon quests). It's mostly a singleplayer game where you can be any job on one character, and if you're on the free trial you can essentially play at your own pace for however long you like up to level 70 of the main story quest. Once you buy a subscription that 'free' status will go away and you'll have to pay monthly (12 dollars) to continue playing on your character

There WILL be a lot of text boxes so if you like reading its nice to chill and do a few quests before bed/work


u/Dizzy_Pop Dec 08 '24

I’ll chime in because I was in exactly your shoes a few months ago. I’m a longtime FF fan, but avoided XIV due to the fact that it’s an MMO and I’m pretty much exclusively into single player games. I did put quite a few hours into FFXI back in 2004-2005, and then played about a year of WoW when it first released — but both of those things were 20 years ago.

Anyway, I heard enough people raving about XIV and saying it could mostly be soloed that I finally decided to bite the bullet and jump in back in September of this year.

So far I’ve really been enjoying my time with XIV. The gameplay is fun, the story and characters are great (especially as you get to the end of ARR and into Heavensward), and most of the game can indeed be done solo or with AI companions. When I do need to join others to complete a piece of content, the experience has been smooth and painless. (Though occasionally, for older content, I end up sitting in the queue for a frustratingly long time. On the whole not a big deal, though.)

If you’re on the fence, I recommend giving it a try. I respect the MMO players, raiders, etc, but that’s not really my bag. With XIV, though, even as an exclusively single player game enjoyer, I’m having a blast.


u/Character-Arm-1761 Dec 08 '24

Sounds good. I’ll check out a couple yt videos and might try the free version first. Do you play on console? If so is it any good


u/Dizzy_Pop Dec 09 '24

Indeed, I play on ps5. The controller and console experience is quite good. It feels like they put a lot of attention into making sure of it.

There are a few things that take some getting used to, though. Fortunately, there are tons of good yt videos about using your controller and how to adjust all your settings, hud, UI elements, and hotbars for optimal controller use.


u/Character-Arm-1761 Dec 09 '24

Bet. I appreciate all the info I’m looking forward to checking it out.