r/Eugene 1d ago

Someone (or a collaborative group of punks) did doughnuts all across Charnel Mulligan Park overnight.

Post image


u/potholehotline 1d ago

I assume it was the same person because the coincidence seems unlikely if it wasn’t- also drove off the street, through the easement and up onto my yard last night. I live two blocks away from CM. Someone was really having a special time last night. 


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

I saw more tire marks on 17th and Lawrence. I would be devastated if someone drove over my lawn. I'm still reeling over a landscaping company that used a heavy gas powered lawnmower and ruined my yard last winter! But this- this park is for the public to enjoy.

I actually used to have a yield sign in front of my house nearby. Some high school kids ran over it on purpose years back in a jeep and it was never replaced. I'm not a fan of civil disobedience. But, heh- that's just me.


u/Any_Feature_9671 1d ago

Could be college kids not giving a fuck about the locals


u/EUGsk8rBoi42p 1d ago

Yeeeeeee local boiz ftw! 🇺🇸 🚚 🛻 🍺 🍻


u/Dapper_Split_4413 1d ago

Imma guess this was in jest..?

You're not allowed to make conservative-esque jokes when democrats are out of power. Shame on you! /s

(I think the /s is the part you're missing..)


u/stinkyfootjr 1d ago

This really sucks, that ground is so soft it will cost the city a lot to repair it. I’m honestly surprised with all the houses around the park someone didn’t see them.


u/GretaX 1d ago

It wouldn't matter if they did, the police wouldn't have done anything anyway.


u/Red_Banana3000 1d ago

Nobody is at risk, why would they 😅🤦


u/dwayne-billy-bob 1d ago

They won't do anything when people are at risk, either. So there's that.


u/Red_Banana3000 1d ago

I see my irony was mistaken for me being serious 😂


u/YetiSquish 1d ago

Why we can’t have nice things


u/duck7001 1d ago

Because there a a lot of shitheads out there


u/duck7001 1d ago

Someone also did the same thing recently to dog park behind the fairgrounds


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

I see. It seems like someone doesn't like dogs, or more likely...dog owners who don't pick up after their dogs. I walk my dogs in and around both Washington Park and Charnel Mulligan Park, and I can tell you that there is only one block where there are "No Peeing or Pooping" signs in front of residences- and that is right next to Charnel Mulligan Park.

No peeing on private property is one thing, but the curb strip between the sidewalk and the street is public land. Homeowners or property owners are responsible for maintaining that strip of land, but they can't dictate if a dog wants to pee there in peace. Poop = no bueno. Pee? Let the dog be.


u/LyannaSerra 1d ago

I am pretty sure that someone stole that sign and put it in the park lol. When I walked through the park today, that sign was over by the fence with the mural on it.


u/Unlucky-Turnover-403 1d ago

If I am responsible for it, I don’t want your dog’s pee or poop on it. People have that right, you don’t have more rights than others just because you have a dog? Thats insane thinking.


u/fzzball 1d ago

It's dog owner thinking and all too common


u/dwayne-billy-bob 1d ago

The curb strip is absolutely not public land.


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago edited 23h ago

Well, I won't take too much time looking into it because I'm not sure where you guys are getting the notion that curb strips are private land. Here's what pops up after a 10 second Google search:

A curb strip, which is the area of land between the curb and the sidewalk, is generally considered public property as it falls under the city's right-of-way, even though the property owner adjacent to it is usually responsible for maintaining it.

Key points about curb strips:

Public ownership: The land itself belongs to the municipality.

Maintenance responsibility: While the city owns the curb strip, the property owner next to it is typically required to maintain it.

Right-of-way: The curb strip is usually considered part of the public right-of-way. Sidewalk or Curb – What Decides Your Property? -

Both sidewalks and curbs fall under public ownership, managed by local municipalities. Yet, upkeep falls with the adjacent landowner.

Frequently Asked Questions

• What is the Right-of-Way?

The right-of-way includes the entire area from curb to curb on paved streets, but also includes property beyond the curb.

City of Eugene

7.370 Sidewalks – Owners to Fill Ground Between Curb and Sidewalk | Eugene Code

Eugene Code

On streets with sidewalks, the planting strip between the curb and sidewalk, as well as the sidewalk area itself are also within the public right-of-way. In areas without sidewalks, the public right-of-way may extend several feet beyond the curb or end of road surfacing.

Any responses? I'm waiting!


u/fzzball 1d ago

The curb strip is on the public right-of-way easement. It is private property. Right-of-way does not mean right to dump urine or anything else on it.


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

I don't understand. Homeowners do not own the land where the curb strip is located. If they like to garden there then that's bonus land that the city will let them play with, but otherwise it's essentially a burden- since they are required to maintain it and to make sure that area of land doesn't have any hazards. Homeowners have no authority to ban dogs from peeing there. It's not private property. The only catch is that Eugene passed an ordinance some years back that allows homeowners to essentially "foster" that area of land when it comes to filing grievances against people that camp there. They are still not owners of the curb strip, just official stewards of getting rid of tents.

Where are dogs supposed to pee if not in a curb strip? You can't pick up pee with a plastic bag.


u/broken_radio 1d ago

Charnel Mulligan Park is melting in the dark  

All the sweet, green icing flowing down  

Someone left the cake out in the rain


u/dosefacekillah1348 1d ago

Username checks out


u/OregonResident 1d ago

I’m assuming it was aliens until proven otherwise.


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

Nobody can prove aliens or gods do not exist, unfortunately.


u/OregonResident 1d ago

Very true.


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago edited 1d ago

Well, I think a Mars rover found evidence of spotting on rocks that contained iron and phosphate, and that would be prime material for material for microorganisms- plus there being lots of water in Mars's history. But how microorganisms might magically materialize out of nowhere is something I don't know much about. Gods in humanlike form make no sense, though.


u/Karmageddon3333 1d ago

Don’t insult punks like that. These are assholes. Always a shitty thing to do, but when the ground it this wet? They likely won’t be able to use it for months while it’s reseeded and growing. Fuck you, ignorant trash people.


u/OsitoShalimar 1d ago

People do it at the ball fields by westmoreland/ ATA middle school every single winter.


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

So, a bunch of Uncle Ricos?


u/OsitoShalimar 23h ago

No, I believe Uncle Rico would respect the ball fields as an athlete himself.


u/Flashy_Abies_883 1d ago

Also, someone chopped down a sunflower at CM, a couple months ago. Atrocious behavior.


u/TheSunflowerSeeds 1d ago

The area around sunflowers can often be devoid of other plants, leading to the belief that sunflowers kill other plants.


u/ElDub62 1d ago

Yesterday a guy drove over the lawn of our apartment complex, for maybe 75 yards and crashed into a tree on the property. The tire tracks went in a straight line from the street to the tree. Not sure how he explained that to the police who showed up. There were car parts/fragments scattered everywhere. His car hit that tree hard.


u/Youths_in_Asia 1d ago

This happens at the Bethel Community Park as well. So infuriating.


u/Nervous_Garden_7609 1d ago

These people voted for trump.


u/InThisHouseWeBelieve 1d ago

Oh man. Are the Trump supporters in the room with us now?


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

The people or person who did this probably knows the neighborhood fairly well, and that would make it quite unlikely that they are MAGA folks looking to prank Eugene. Trumpers would have planted a flag or left some sort of message. This seems to be someone that is completely mental, someone on meth, or a group of high school kids. Or all three.


u/Nervous_Garden_7609 1d ago

It was a man. It was a trump supporter. All three of the groups you listed are likely Trumpers.


u/washington_jefferson 1d ago

It's time to move past Trump. For the past several years most polls showed he was going to win. Then he won. I don't understand what that has to do with this destruction of a park in Eugene. I guess you're saying that this looks like the work of rednecks who would absolutely vote for Trump. That's possible, but it sure is a strange location for a redneck to pick out. They'd really have to know their demographics that show this specific neighborhood votes Democratic big time. Rednecks are not that smart.


u/MrEllis72 1d ago

Trust this guy when he says they aren't that smart.


u/Nervous_Garden_7609 1d ago

This isn't about Trump winning.

It's about the mentality of a trump supporter.


u/Intrepid_Ad_4105 1d ago

Hopefully my tax money goes to fixing this instead of supporting drug abuse in said park 🙃


u/OsitoShalimar 1d ago

For real.


u/Any_Feature_9671 1d ago

Probably looking for the needle they dropped


u/zerobomb 1d ago

Nothing good ever comes from punk collaborations.