r/Eugene 6d ago


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Blurred out name so I don’t dox him. I want to see the body cam footage.


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u/TadashiAbashi 6d ago

The lesson we learned here today, the lesson that every adult(especially black people) should know. That when cops tell you to exit your vehicle because they suspect a DUI, then you exit the damn vehicle.

If the cops are wrong, THEN FIGHT IT IN COURT.

DO NOT FIGHT WITH COPS ON SCENE. (Resisting is fighting, I'm sorry, but it is)


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago



u/TadashiAbashi 6d ago

While I don't doubt for a second that this has Happened, the majority of arrests don't involve resisting to begin with. Then, among those that do, only a percentage of those are going to end up with charges for it. Then, of those, only a smaller percentage is going to involve officer related violence, as some instances are resolved with the threat of violence(put your hands behind your back or I'll tase you).

Then, of the instances where an officer did use force, the majority of those are probably 100% justified. Armed/violent criminals and violent psychotic outbursts are 100% real and not uncommon.

So now we are left with the tiny percentage of arrests which involve cops being unnecessarily violent. And among those, there are going to be a ton of instances where the criminal was being initially violent, then stopped, but the cops continued to beat his ass after he was done.

And NOW, what's left is going to be a hodgepodge group of various types of unnecessary aggression and violence. And just ONE of those types of instances, is the scenario of cops just grabbing onto someone & yelling "stop resisting" before just beating their ass.

So... There seems to be a large gap between, "first thing they do" & "a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of arrests have this scenario occur".

I wonder which version of reality is more correct 🤔