r/Eugene May 02 '24

Amtrak's march ridership between Eugene and Portland just hit it's highest ever - the people want more trains! Moving

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u/HankScorpio82 May 03 '24

Decent venues get interurban trains. Not high speed. Check back when the Eug/Spr metro area is 1 million.


u/Moarbrains May 03 '24

Eugene is not a destination, but a whistle stop on the way between bigger cities.

And if you can't grok a high speed emissionless train between Seattle and San Diego, then I just don't think there is much to say to you.

You can talk economics, pop density, or any of the loser rhetoric we use to not feel so bad about being surpassed in this realm by most of the world. But it is just loser talk.

I prefer to just take it straight, we don't have it because the people with money would rather spend it on bs wars and consolidation of the worlds productive capacity. Evidenced by even the things that we used to take pride in, are falling into disrepair.