r/EUGENIACOONEY Not my intentions 4h ago

so I tried posting this hours ago. it said it posted, but it doesn't look like it's there. so here are screenshots of the post. Tiktok

the part of the title I crossed out doesn't apply anymore because apparently the post doesn't exist when it does on my profile history. but I tried to post this earlier but it looks like it lied. watch the video on her page if you want to but I summed up what basically happens lol


u/llavenderliam 2h ago

I think this post is a good time for a gentle reminder that anorexics do in fact eat. If they didn’t they would die very quickly ! I don’t want to speculate on what Eugenia eats or doesn’t eat, but to act like she would never consume food just isn’t an accurate depiction of the disease. Many anorexics have rigid rituals around food or a select number of items that are “safe” for them but these vary from person to person, so it’s not even a good idea to generalize about what an anorexic person would eat. When I was sick myself, I ate “unhealthy foods” like pizza and KFC and Mexican food somewhat regularly (though I never would have admitted it at the time) and you’d be surprised how many others with the disease do the same.

u/KittyKatPaws21 Not my intentions 1h ago

this is just such a weird variety of foods that it just doesn't seem like she eats all of these things. maybe the strawberries but like the hamburger meat, chicken, cheese? it just don't seem sincere and that's what I have a problem with. it's the "haha, in your face!" moment she's going for that I have a problem with.

u/2ndSnack Hater!!! 51m ago

Well duh but it's blatantly clear she doesn't eat what she's showcasing. I'm pretty sure she mainly has parfaits and simple sandwiches because those are her go to food items she readily will say she's eaten probably because that part is true. But I highly doubt she had any of her mother's Thanksgiving turkey. Or a steak. she didn't eat that lobster roll from her vacation. I'm sure she eats similarly to a woodland creature. Some fruits or veggies, scarce sources of protein, and maybe cheese.

But we all know she isnt eating a proper meal.

u/lesposi8893 1h ago

Are you for real? If you’re falling for this shit, you’re even more brain dead than she is

u/Temporary-Suit2091 1h ago

She is gaslighting us