r/ColdWarPowers German Democratic Republic Sep 18 '23

[Crisis] (Retro) Hoxha is as Hoxha Does CRISIS

July, 1951

In the past years, Yugoslavia has, with the initial approval of Stalin and the USSR, been integrating Albania with the eventual goal of full annexation. Albania, under the leadership of Enver Hoxha and the Party of Labour of Albania (PLA), has been more or less going along with this process but not entirely smoothly. After starting the process the Yugoslav leadership paid remarkably little attention to the internal politics of Albania and as the years passed, Hoxha and others who were wary of Yugoslav intentions and the loss of autonomy that would come with integration did not go away. They have been working, plotting, and maneuvering, and their actions have culminated with a dramatic communique, released only months before the planned final integration and annexation of Albania. The communique, issued by the government of Albania and by the PLA party leadership, has announced the investigation into and arrest of a number of high-ranking and important Albanian communist figures, including Koci Xoxe, the Deputy Prime Minister and the leading figure behind the integration of Albania into Yugoslavia. Others arrested include Liri Gega, the only female founder member of the Communist party in Albania, members of the party’s Central Committee, and deputies of the country’s People's Assembly. The arrested are said to be suspects in an ongoing plot against the PLA and the Albanian government, agents of foreign powers, and enemies of Albania. Confessions have already been extracted from some of the arrested through dubious methods while other figures are currently missing.

The communique also states that the ongoing integration of Albania into Yugoslavia is halted and the country remains independent, at least for the present. This is a major blow for the pro-integrationists within Albania, although countries and groups with moderate levels of intelligence on Albania will know that there remains an active and furious group of pro-integrationists within the government, military, and party in Albania.

How Yugoslavia, the USSR, and other affected countries react to this remains to be seen.