r/Cartalk Jul 27 '24

someone put a bandana on my truck? Safety Question

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just came out to my truck to find this bandana on the antenna. i took it off, but just wondering if anyone had any ideas on what might be the reason that someone put it there? if any? thanks!


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u/sh1ft33 Jul 27 '24

I can't tell if most of you are unhinged, paranoid people, or if you are joking. If it had anything to do with marking her vehicle, it wouldn't be a stupidly obvious thing that would blow off the car as soon as she started driving. I would bet someone pulled up near you, dropped the bandana out of their car, left without seeing it, then someone else pulled up and assumed it came out of your car so they put it on your antenna in plain sight hoping you would see it if was yours. Some of you people have never been taught even basic critical thinking skills.


u/KiddBwe Jul 27 '24

You’d be surprised, sometimes criminals aren’t very smart, but this is very much way too obvious to be marking.


u/DjMcfilthy Jul 27 '24

LOL exactly. This is some kind of internet fantasy.


u/hourlyslugger Jul 27 '24

Best answer, let’s stop with the stupid internet fear mongering and/or moral panic bullshit.

The likelihood that you will be physically or sexually assaulted or trafficked by a random person from a parking lot is so low as to be laughable. Period.

How do I know? Personal experience with a victim.

The likelihood that someone will steal your vehicle after blatantly marking it. Again astronomically low.

Most of these crimes that the media loves to report on breathlessly are either spur of the moment impulse crimes by people who KNOW the victim.

Vehicle theft is usually done for 2 reasons-joyriding or an organized group targeting specific high value vehicles or vehicles with high value parts. Think Prii and their catalytic converters for example.