r/Bumperstickers 16h ago

There's always that one asshole in every group

Post image


u/slothfullyserene 16h ago

Coexisting isn’t consistent with our message. Ignoramus.


u/Gibder16 15h ago

Haha! Props on using the word “ignoramus.” It’s been years since I’ve heard that. Nice.


u/neorenamon1963 13h ago


u/Gibder16 11h ago

Haha! They just don’t make them like they used to.


u/MayorOfStrangiato 11h ago

What a gulli-bull…what a nincowpoop.


u/MagnanimousGoat 6h ago

What an ultramaroon!


u/masked_sombrero 13h ago

“A GIGANTIC ignoramus”

  • me, after playing the golf tee / triangle thing at Cracker Barrel


u/lagent55 6h ago

There's a pattern to it, i amaze people whenever I see one of those


u/turnoffate 3h ago

Are we playing dinosaur?

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u/damoclesreclined 15h ago

"We actually aren't on board with you existing so please leave us out of it"

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u/ArdenJaguar 7h ago

"With respect using words like COEXIST and PEACE and LOVE are inconsistent with our message of Christian hate.


u/Positive_Height_928 6h ago

Christian's absolutely LOVE to skip over the whole "love thy neighbor" bit of the bible.


u/BusyAbbreviations868 5h ago

While also having "Jesus loves you." They really can't help but contradict themselves, just like the Bible teaches them to.


u/Wooden-Most7403 13h ago edited 10h ago

I mean, I give them credit for at least being consistent and not picking and chosing what parts of the Bible they will follow. The Bible does say people of other religions should be put to death


u/pamcakevictim 9h ago edited 9h ago

Well, if you want to get technical using a graven image like a cross in your worship, is a violation of one of the ten commandments


u/Wooden-Most7403 9h ago

BuT tHaTs ThE oLd TeStAmEnT!!


u/pamcakevictim 8h ago

Exodus 20:4-6 4 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

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u/Gwalchgwynn 7h ago

The T stands for inTolerance!

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u/TheVoicesOfBrian 15h ago

Sticker: "Hey, let's all get along!"

This guy: "The fuck we will!"


u/LDawnBurges 15h ago

You can’t tell ME what to do…🤣🤣🤣


u/Midyin84 14h ago

Right?! I wonder if they kicked some puppies on the way home. 😂


u/SidKafizz 14h ago

"You're not my supervisor!"


u/Valerie_Quinn 13h ago

It’s like they want to start shit. Like they feed on creating drama.


u/TheVoicesOfBrian 12h ago

It distracts from their failed careers, lives, and relationships.


u/Valerie_Quinn 12h ago edited 12h ago


u/Kutleki 6h ago

I'm saving this to send to my mother the next time she starts up with her bs.


u/Valerie_Quinn 6h ago

Lol, I feel that. I hope everything isn’t too bad.


u/Kutleki 6h ago

My dad had most news stations blocked from their cable before he died, and my mother is so anti technology she doesn't know how to undo it or use a computer, so she's doing a bit better? She's always been racist and homophobic but Fox News ramped her up to levels of anger I couldn't believe. Cutting that off caused almost a personality switch, but I'm quick to be blunt about it when needed.


u/Valerie_Quinn 5h ago

I’m sorry try you have to deal with someone like that. I know what that’s like, and it sucks. Speaking from personal experience, I used to be somewhat bigoted, I was somewhat racist, and pretty transphobic. I found myself looking for people to blame for issues in my own life, rather then dealing with it maturely. And I regret it a ton. But as I learned more about the world and about people, it allowed me to emphasize with other groups I used to think of differently, and humanize them. Educating oneself sure does make you more open minded, and willing to get to know people of different experiences. You find majority of people are similar then they are different, and that’s why everyone deserves empathy and compassion. Does your mom like learning? Maybe teaching her about stuff could be helpful.

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u/UndulatingMeatOrgami 6h ago

And they wonder why non Christians can stand their high and mighty holier than thou BS


u/ilikedevo 5h ago

I stay away from them as hard as I can.

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u/Kuroboom 16h ago


u/LP14255 14h ago

Haha! You beat me to it!!!

Probably the best bumper sticker I have ever seen.


u/Eberhardt74 13h ago

Ahem I believe the last word should start with a C in this. Lol


u/OHMG_lkathrbut 6h ago

I have a friend that has that one, he actually bought a bunch since they keep getting defaced.


u/decapitare2000 4h ago

I need this bumper sticker

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u/PDgenerationX 15h ago

They sure hold a lot of hate in their Christian hearts


u/DerisiveGibe 15h ago

There's no hate like Christian love


u/Ill-Fennel-1046 14h ago

Best line ever-


u/Cheepshooter 15h ago

No, they aren't real Christians, they just think they are. Unfortunately, they are in the "Christian" majority.


u/whistling-wonderer 14h ago

The body of Christ is made of its members.


u/neorenamon1963 13h ago

Then the body of Christ has cancer.


u/iggy14750 12h ago

The body of Christ is cancer.


u/MossFette 10h ago

spits out wafer

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u/EyesLikeBuscemi 14h ago

Even so-called "real christians" support a duplicitous, manipulative, criminal, dangerous organization so they're no better.

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u/dystopian_mermaid 14h ago

I love how whenever anybody in the Christian majority does something awful, y’all’s go to response is “but they aren’t REAL Christian’s!”

I’m sorry, but yes they are. They’re horrid and hateful. Just like the deity they worship. If you’d like I’m happy to cite sources for why gawd is a horrible monster, using only the bible.

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u/UncontrolledAnxiety 14h ago

Why are the bad ones never “real Christians?” Maybe the good ones are the fake Christians after all.


u/ruiner8850 11h ago

Yeah, no true Scotsman Christian would be like that.

Sorry, but they are Christians and Christians can be assholes too. We shouldn't pretend that people aren't actually Christians whenever they are assholes or do terrible things. When other religions have people do/say horrible things we don't say they aren't really that religion. For instance when there's a terrorist attack carried out by a Muslim you pretty much never hear people say "they aren't a true Muslim." There are good people and bad people in every religion.

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u/Imaginary-One87 11h ago

I don't know. They worshiped and adore a god that commands genocide against neighboring countries that are different than them and says that if you don't tell him he's super awesome he will torture you forever in hell

This sounds exactly like Christians to me. Of course this is who they are. It is literally who they worship. Yahweh the god of the Bible is a genocidal maniac and they adore him


u/Equivalent_Wolf_6021 13h ago

The conundrum of opening your doors to love every person is that it includes people with unfavorable personalities. In theory the church should be offsetting the antisocial behavior created by the internet by creating community spaces, in practice people would rather stay online and throw petty shade at it. Pretty sad.


u/Valerie_Quinn 13h ago

They just use it to get away with shit.

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u/N_Who 15h ago

"Our Christian beliefs do not support coexistence and mutual respect. Please modify your sticker, which is already printed and applied to your window, to remove the cross out of respect and deference to our faith specifically."

Ten years ago, I'd have assumed OP wrote that note themselves for imaginary Internet points. These days, I accept there is a fair chance the note is real. World's really gone sideways.


u/NoSell5581 12h ago

We've flopped into the weird time-line. I think 9/11 tore a hole in the matrix.


u/N_Who 12h ago

"9/11 was an extradimensional job! Jet fuel from this timeline can't melt this timeline's steel beams!"


u/NoSell5581 11h ago

Truth! The Walkin' Dude is among us... and unfortunately, that dude abides.

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u/Dark0Toast 15h ago

Get ready for the Hoax Nooses in February.

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u/ASecularBuddhist 16h ago

Everyone is invited to the table. Well, except for you, and you…


u/Dark0Toast 15h ago

First rule of inclusion is deciding who to exclude.


u/ASecularBuddhist 15h ago

“And though I am a committed Christian, I believe that everyone has the right to their own religion, be you Hindu, Jewish, or Muslim. I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.” ~ Stephen Colbert


u/Appropriate_Tower680 14h ago

Why worship a god that sacrificed himself, TO himself, FOR himself. To appease a loophole HE created. It wasn't a resurrection, it was a bad weekend.

-Matt Dillahunty

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u/Puzzleheaded-Sock917 14h ago

Can I invite my friend Judas?


u/ASecularBuddhist 13h ago

Of course Judas is invited. If it wasn’t for him, the Christmas song repertoire would be much smaller.

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u/Cagekicker2000 15h ago

All that hate driven by a book of fiction.


u/RedVamp2020 15h ago

Especially considering how many translations were wrong, misinterpreted, or outright changed from the original text. Even if the original text was true, the Bible they always tout as being “the one true word of god” is so different from the original that it is a work of fiction.


u/ProtestantMormon 3h ago

There is a lot you can say about the catholics, but they at least have a decent understanding of their theology and have a consistent worldview because of it. I don't agree with their stance on life at conception, but they are at least consistent. Same goes for the bulk of old world denominations like anglicanism, lutheranism, etc.

I'm most familiar with the Anglican church since my dad is an episcopal minister. He got an undergrad in theology, went to divinity school, got masters in theology when I was a teenager after he had been ordained and practicing for years. There is a level of scholarship or theological understanding in older, more traditional sects of Christianity, so they can at least rationalize their worldview, even if someone else disagrees. None of that exists in the evangelical world, and that is the way most Americans are exposed to Christianity, by some charismatic preacher pulling verses out of their ass.


u/KaterinaPendejo 4h ago

as someone who grew up in the bible belt, it's left me baffled my whole life. I'm in bizzaro world where people literally shun and harass people because of something that isn't even tangible in any way possible.

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u/Wranglerspace420 16h ago

Ugh! Fucking Christians!


u/Objective_Bear4799 15h ago

There no love like Christian hate. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/mikebloonsnorton 15h ago

Only if I have to.


u/EyesLikeBuscemi 14h ago

People need to stop fucking christians so they don't procreate (even if their numbers are dwindling rapidly), though. They get fucked enough by their so-called "leaders" of their faith or whatever they refer to their xtian cult as.

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u/Medical-Bowler-5626 16h ago

Eh, just flip it upside down


u/NearlyMortal 16h ago

I think you want to give the christofascists a stroke 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/Chratthew47150 16h ago

Isn’t it telling that the message of coexistence doesn’t represent Christian values?


u/EmojiZackMaddog 15h ago

Exactly, but they’ll dance around it if you bring that to light


u/Midyin84 14h ago

Yeah, because one dildo doesn’t speak for all of us. lol

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u/KinneKitsune 8h ago

Case in point, that one guy in the source comments

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u/DOHC46 15h ago

There is no hate like Christian love. They go after everyone else and then pretend to be persecuted.


u/Due_Society_9041 15h ago

Narcissistic victimhood.🙄


u/SidKafizz 14h ago

They believe that being ridiculed is persecution.

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u/RacheltheTarotCat 15h ago

Their beliefs don't support coexistence. That means they advocates killing anyone of a different religion. Jesus loves you indeed!

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u/Cheddarlicious 15h ago

“How dare you make us out to love and be tolerant like Jesus? No, we hate you and don’t want that to be misrepresented” fucking Christian’s

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u/IdioticPrototype 16h ago

Time to replace it with this one

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u/Wolf317 15h ago

Wait....Christians don't believe in co-existing in peace?

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u/kraken_skulls 16h ago

"The Christian Community" wrote a shitty, anonymous letter. And people wonder why I am an atheist.


u/EmojiZackMaddog 15h ago

It’s like those people who are hung over almost every morning and wonder why people like me don’t drink 😂😂😂


u/kraken_skulls 15h ago

Lol I also don't drink for the same reasons.


u/EmojiZackMaddog 15h ago

Yeah, cause drunk people weird me out 😂😂😂


u/kraken_skulls 15h ago

I grew up with some pretty rugged alcoholism in my family, was enough to turn me off of God, booze, and spending too much time with people I don't like. :)

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u/usernamerecycled13 15h ago

Not surprised… Christians refusing to just simply “co-exist”


u/Cowboy40three 16h ago

They’re right. Christians should be excluded from everything so their pearl clutching can be validated.

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u/fpaulmusic 15h ago


Christians: No thanks ✋🏻 we'd rather be bigots


u/GoldRecordDaddy 14h ago

Christian - you keep on using that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.


u/Ma_Carolina 16h ago

I guess they don’t believe in “love thy neighbor” huh? 😒 fuck religion!


u/tippytop1982 15h ago

That's mistreating the cross? Have you seen the exorcist?


u/Exclusively-Choc 15h ago

“Honey, give me the sharpie so I can trace my middle finger in response to this mess.”


u/TheClozoffs 14h ago

"out of respect for your request, we have removed the cross and replaced it with the letter T"

(Sticker remains unchanged)


u/ScravoNavarre 13h ago

Perfect. It's already the least stylized letter on the entire sticker!


u/CaptDickJackman 16h ago

They need their cross to check it’s durability when doused with gasoline and lit with fire


u/Same_Elephant_4294 15h ago

Really just outting themselves, aren't they?


u/retiredgal18 14h ago

Wow, just wow. That poor “entitled “ Christian is offended by a really cool bumper sticker. Bet they have no problem with ones that say Fuck Joe and the Ho.


u/That0neGuy86 14h ago

Worried about the cross being mistreated, but likely voted for Trump.


u/Vic-Trola 14h ago

There is no hate like Christian love.


u/Vatorman2021 13h ago

That deserves a punch in the face for touching my car. In the name of god.


u/sean-cubed 13h ago

atheism: not giving a shit what magic skydaddies want since the evolution of the frontal lobe.


u/negativeanalog 13h ago

The Christian community oozes respect. Yeah.


u/Select_Drag_3917 13h ago

Leave the cross! I love the coexist! Tell the old bag she ruined your property w the tape


u/Sheepishwolfgirl 13h ago

"What Wouldn't Jesus Do?" Write this shitty note.


u/northbyPHX 15h ago

Further proof that Christianity is a hateful religion.


u/RedVamp2020 15h ago

…our cross is being mistreated…

Yeah, it is. Just not by the people the author thinks.


u/AmbassadorVoid 15h ago

"Love thy neighbor"

So boom, argument invalid


u/bork_n_beans_666 15h ago

Need a new version of this sticker:



u/D-Train0000 15h ago

Lost the coexist message I guess.


u/HotAmphibian188 14h ago



u/71keith71 14h ago

One? Christianity has far more than one. At least 50%


u/PuddingPast5862 14h ago

Wow, so Christ like!


u/Emergency_Wrangler68 14h ago

And, just like that: another phony "christian" shows its ugly face. Again.


u/LP14255 14h ago




u/TheRadicalDadical 14h ago

Um... it's absolutely consistent with our beliefs. It's just not consistent with theirs. Jesus literally set it out as one of the most important things we are to do.

Matthew 22 : 36-40 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?"37 Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 A second likewise is this,You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments."

It's right there in verse 39, and Jesus himself says it is one of the 2 most important things we can do. Fine example of why I consider myself a Christ follower and not a Christian in America. The two are not the same.

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u/darbbeard 13h ago

Can you imagine being so insecure about your made up religion that you had to leave this note? Truly pathetic!


u/MassyStreak 13h ago

So if they happen to disagree with you, they are an asshole. Got it

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u/HederaHelixFae 13h ago

Christianity does not support peace with other religions or creeds. They're offended that you would dare assume their religion could tolerate the presence of others.

Self aware monsters.


u/LordOfBottomFeeders 13h ago

The Power of Christ Compels YOU!


u/BeefOneOut 13h ago

Christians are the worst…


u/FutureSelf3 12h ago

The most malicious form of hatred could be the one that labels itself "love". And that seems embedded in their theology to be honest. What other religion dares to say that its "God Is Love" while also preaching that He will burn you in an eternal dungeon of unimaginable torture if you don't accept His "Love"?


u/coffeebetterthannone 12h ago

I'd leave that on my car forever. Both the sticker and the complaint.


u/uvite2468 12h ago

Same Christians that used to burn people on the cross?


u/Spare-Way7104 6h ago

Wow. A Christian being a super-asshole. Huge surprise.


u/HeightTurbulent1143 6h ago

Jesus loves you but can’t coexist with you


u/MagnanimousGoat 6h ago

"Please show Jesus some respect" -The kind of person Jesus warned us about


u/Brick_Mason_ 5h ago

Replace with an ankh. Problem solved,


u/Interesting-Win-6705 5h ago

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. People. ???


u/ImSoHighRightNow206 5h ago

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


u/Mechanik_J 4h ago

I would make that note into a bumper sticker, and then make another bumper sticker saying that a person that writes a note like that, probably only likes the cross when it's on fire, in someone's yard.


u/Doubledown00 4h ago

That’s amazingly self aware and doctrinally literate for a Christian. Others have been saying to stay away from y’all’s genocidal asses for years but no one listened.


u/redit94024 15h ago

If the cross weren’t included then they would be claiming it was an attack on Christianity.


u/schwing710 15h ago

Christianity is such a joke


u/cplvoyeursjaxnc 15h ago

There’s no hate like Christian love…


u/OldERnurse1964 13h ago

Those people give actual Christian’s a bad name.


u/xargos32 16h ago

"There's no hate like Christian love."

This of course only applies to people who don't really practice the religion they claim to follow. Those who do tend to be pretty accepting of others.


u/90_proof_rumham 16h ago

I have a dash cam that records at all times, inside, front and back. I'd make a sticker of the person's face and say something like "I'll snap your little dick fingers if you touch my shit again". That should get the message across lol


u/Tr0z3rSnak3 15h ago

Why do they get so upset that the torture device is "used improperly" ?


u/TrickDaddy23 15h ago

Wow, another ignorant Christian nationalist! Tolerance used to be a Christian virtue.


u/Due_Society_9041 15h ago

It’s too deep a concept for them I suppose. You know, compassionate behaviour.


u/Joshman1231 15h ago

Religion is a gate keeping divisive tactic much like identity politics is.

Fitting you’d see the same type of intolerance of others.

God for me, Flames for thee.


u/WeirdcoolWilson 15h ago

Don’t like the sticker? Don’t look at the sticker! See how easy that is?? 🙄


u/Financial_Fan3101 15h ago

The Christian message is there is no such thing as coexisting. It is Christ or nothing else. That’s why Christian’s reject this message of coexisting. It’s found in scripture as well.


u/kunwon1 15h ago

They probably left this note on their way to blow up a clinic


u/rastroboy 15h ago

Just tell her it’s a surfers cross and she wasn’t included anyway


u/OinkyPoop 15h ago

Because you designed this bumper sticker...also this person needs to read his damn bible


u/rastroboy 15h ago

Christianity made popular by the genocidal crusades!! Yey!!!


u/Later_Doober 15h ago

But doesn't your bible say to "love thy neighbor?


u/Character_Guide4592 15h ago

As a Christian, I’m not offended by these coexist stickers even though they are lame.
That being said, if it had been a Muslim who had asked this person to do this the person with the bumper sticker would have acquiesced immediately. That’s the things about the intolerant left. They only attack people they know wont attack back. You never see leftists criticizing Islam…. 😂😂😂


u/MichelleWuzHere1999 15h ago

No hate like Christian love


u/Saneroner 15h ago

Proving again that Christian’s don’t want to coexist with others peoples views.


u/Ambitious-Second2292 15h ago

Today on Christians being Christians in name only


u/orion78pab 15h ago

That note is straight facts! It was also written respectfully, something none of you would have a clue on how to do with those that think differently than you.

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u/tbs999 15h ago

At least they had the decency to put “Jesus” in quotation marks, acknowledging the Jesus most Americans follow would disappoint the Jesus in the Bible.


u/SenorStinkyButt 15h ago

They seriously scotch taped that shit to your window and managed to also tape over the sticker?

Go after these sad fuckers for criminal destruction of property.


u/Cheepshooter 15h ago

It's like they don't know what the word "coexist" means.


u/Legitimate-Bite2387 15h ago

Well that checks out…kinda missed the point didn’t they. Fucking hypocrites


u/DocWicked25 14h ago

They're going to get really angry at my Bad Religion crossbuster sticker.


u/Total-Ad5463 14h ago

Why it's soooo embarrassing to admit I am still a Christian and very rarely do so in public.


u/East_Information_247 14h ago

That's such an AGGRESSIVE signature; "JESUS loves YOU!"

Its like they're trying to minimize the love part. I feel so attacked just by the signature alone.


u/Vast-Opportunity3152 14h ago

We don’t wanna coexist, we wanna separate and conquer and crusade. Have a great day! t=<3


u/S8TAN970 14h ago

F*ck the crosstika!


u/Funny_Science_9377 14h ago

"Our cross". The symbol of death and martyrdom. Please see Bill Hicks' routine about the cross.


u/Top_Refrigerator3036 14h ago

Apparently, this a-hole speaks for all Christians.


u/Chumbawamba_kaju 14h ago

Just proves we can't coexist with Christians 🤔🤨


u/FriarFriarFLuck 14h ago

“Who the fuck cares what you think asshole????”


u/Ok_Conversation_4130 14h ago

What a shitty Christian! They don’t get it…


u/Teriyaki456 14h ago

Christians don’t want to co-exist with everyone else?


u/SufficientDoor8227 14h ago

“Our good and holy Chrissschin cross stands for bigotry and hate! Get it right, woke blasphemer!!”


u/aarakocra-druid 14h ago

They're not even remotely correct, I'm not convinced they know Jesus that well, bless their hearts.


u/Midyin84 14h ago

What a dildo…


u/Moist_Cabbage8832 14h ago

Dear Christian community, eat shit.


u/Strict_Froyo4351 14h ago

More things that never happened


u/cjonesaf 14h ago

Things that never happened for $1000, Alex


u/1Pip1Der 14h ago

So, do you understand now?

Christians don't want coexistence!

They want everything else banned.


u/1Happymom 14h ago

Clearly the new Christian message is f* yr neighbor. Trust the psycho that leaves so many messages they carry a roll of tape on them?


u/BiscottiBadBoi 14h ago

Just a heads up... they arnt arguing that you should be a bad person.. they are arguing that you are just as sinful as everybody else but believe yourselfs to be saints as you self emulate in the name of being good


u/PourOutPooh 14h ago

Fuck the cross then


u/tadhg44 13h ago

CROSS?? Karen reads and writes at a 4th grade level, like her president! It is a "T" sweety⛄️


u/StevenR50 13h ago

Another christian who knows nothing about christ.🤦‍♂️