r/Bumperstickers 2d ago

Unfortunately, this country just couldn’t turn down someone hateful

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u/mad_as-a-hatter 1d ago

Do you not understand how the US government works? He is not a King and cannot rule with the swipe of a pen


u/No_Passage5020 1d ago

No but he wants to be a dictator/king. He said it himself “on day one I’ll be a dictator” but you over look the red flags as him joking.


u/mad_as-a-hatter 1d ago

No I don’t, I understand how this government functions and how things are enacted into law. If a politicians mouth is moving, they are lying to the audience they are addressing. Hell, I want to be king, just because I say it doesn’t make it so. Kinda like past Presidents stating the Constitution gets in their way from food what they want and they need to get rid of it to implement real change. Spend less time looking to be offended but what folks say and. More time making your community better


u/No_Passage5020 1d ago

Kinda hard to do when someone is talking away my freedom and potential throwing my friend family into a camp. They can he legally but are not criticizing yet so because they only have a green card.


u/mad_as-a-hatter 19h ago

No one is oppressing anyone except your own mind against yourself. And what freedoms have you lost? None!


u/No_Passage5020 19h ago

The freedom to get an abortion in ANY STATE! Some of us can DIE if we give birth! Don’t give me the bs out how it’s up to the states because IT SHOULD HAVE NEVER been given to the state! We have a hard enough time as it is because of men! Now men just want to control what we can do with OUR BODIES!


u/mad_as-a-hatter 18h ago

No one wants control of you. Ask yourself why Congress in 50 years never passed a federal law ensuring abortion. Yet they ran on it for 50 years. And since the federal govt never passed a law it absolutely belonged back with the states. Even Sandra Fay O’conner disagreed with the courts justification for it


u/No_Passage5020 17h ago

You dumb ass what do you think Roe vs Wade was? Trump overturned Roe, which means he got rid of it, and gave the states the right to decide if we can or cannot have an abortion. Not only that but now Trump wants to get rid of things like birth control, Plan-B, etc! A MAN DECIDED THAT WE CANT HAVE AN ABORTION EVEN IF WE WILL DIE IF WE GIVE BIRTH! Not only that but some states want to make TAMPONS illegal to be given in schools! TAMPONS the things that we use when on our periods to stop the bleeding! They think it’s “a sexual thing” which it’s not! Sometimes they actually hurt and are VERY uncomfortable! “The landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling recognizing the right to abortion. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade recognized that the decision whether to continue or end a pregnancy belongs to the individual, not the government.”-https://reproductiverights.org/roe-v-wade/#:~:text=The%20landmark%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court,the%20individual%2C%20not%20the%20government.


u/mad_as-a-hatter 17h ago

So what you’re still saying is you have no clue how the branches of government work nor the court system. Time to turn off the tv and grab a book


u/No_Passage5020 17h ago

Time FOR ME TO STOP MAKE LAWS ON MY FUCKING BODY! How about we get ride of condoms, viagra, and other things that men use! Make it illegal to jack off because you’re killing so many future children! But that’s never going to happen because men view us as an item! It wasn’t until they 1970’s when we FINALLY where allowed to own our own bank accounts! Women have been denied by doctors getting our tubes tied! There reasoning for that is “what if your husband wants children” but a men can get a vasectomy no problem! Hell the amount of sexual assaulters, rapists, and child molester that walk free is astounding! I should know because my ex, who assaulted me and raped my friend, still walks free! The police does jack shit when it comes to it and we get told that “you’re going to be ruining his life” well what about OUR lives that have been ruined!?!

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