r/Bumperstickers 1d ago

Unfortunately, this country just couldn’t turn down someone hateful

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u/gene_randall 1d ago

It’s the racism. It’s always the racism


u/PinkGlaive 1d ago

How can you say you’re against racism but are willing to vote against someone because of their race?


u/CyanDew 1d ago

i know right? the hypocrisy is ridiculous. it’s the same thing with the whole white privilege thing.

i’m not racist. in fact i understand that white people can do things with less issues than black people can. it’s just the way the system is.

give me a break. i used to be a democrat, but the democratic party has become this government subsidiary party, designed to separate us and keep us diluted with FUD all in the name of money.


u/AdOtherwise9432 1d ago

Against white people in this case who were the majority of the army who helped defeat Hitler


u/triscuitzop 1d ago



u/Afraid-Top-2589 1d ago

America is so racist that we elected a black man twice.

Isn't it ever about (lack of) merit? Or does it always have to be about race and gender with the left?


u/HunyBuns 1d ago

Oh yeah we picked the failed business man who looks like a rejected jersey shore character and talks at a 4th grade level, with felonies and no economic policies, on his merits.


u/ReturnUnfair7187 16h ago

"rejected jersey shore character" you did not just say that lmaoo I'm stealing it


u/LocalAd1038 1d ago

he worked hard with a small million dollar loan and built an empire through his strength and intelligence


u/HunyBuns 1d ago

Man you can't say that genuinely like that lol


u/Afraid-Top-2589 1d ago

If more Americans chose him, then I guess that really speaks to how bad the other option is.


u/HunyBuns 1d ago

that's assuming most americans are good people, all it's done is make me lose faith in the future of this country lol.

I'm sure just like the first term, we'll get fucked and have buyers remorse before going with some useless blue politician in their 90's. I just hope we can actually get someone else in office and he doesn't opt for a third term like he's promised to do.


u/Afraid-Top-2589 1d ago

Seeing as how this country isn't in complete Armageddon and most people aren't killing and stealing, I think I'd have to say most Americans fall within the 'generally good' category.

Just because they have a different perception than you, doesn't mean that they are automatically 'bad people'.


u/Miniaturemashup 49m ago

I pretty we have incentives against killing and stealing may skew any implications about the morality of voters. And "they's not killin' peoples" in no way clears Republicans from their racism and ignorance.


u/HunyBuns 1d ago

They voted for the guy that talks openly about women enjoying being molested and runs on a platform of "get these dirty brown people out of here". But sure yeah, some vote for him for financial reasons like wanting to...pay...for tariffs, and more healthcare....

You vote for him because you're a bad person, or too dense to recognize you're a bad person, it's not that complicated.


u/_thegnomedome2 1d ago

We're so racist we abolished racial discrimination


u/Miniaturemashup 48m ago

On paper. And yet a quick look at the impacts of redlining and racial bias from law enforcement reveals the truth.