r/Boomerhumour • u/Intelligent-Fennel56 • 13d ago
Found this Siesta Ware Cookie jar with Boomer Humor on it wife bad
There is another golf joke on the other side but this one’s funnier. Also I’m selling this on eBay if anyone’s interested lol. Link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/365311666841?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=wkxklnw4rri&sssrc=2524149&ssuid=wkxklnw4rri&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
u/NickBarksWith 8d ago
I could totally see this guy turning into a dick because his wife is beating him at golf.
I feel like with a lot of these things the original humor is lost.
u/Intelligent-Fennel56 8d ago
Your probably right, I wonder if this is like a part of a series and if you have the whole set it’s a comic? 😂
I agree that a lot of time we lost the original humor of some of these.
On the other side of the jar another scene is etched where I’m guessing it’s the husband and wife about to leave for golf and the wife says something about not thinking about cleaning the garage or something but not entirely sure lol.
u/Dwedit 9d ago
The last time I saw a comic printed on glass was the infamous Garfield mug distributed by McDonalds that contained cadmium and lead.