r/AutoModerator 21h ago

Can automod assign "contributor/approved" status to users? Help

If only approved users can participate on a subreddit, can the automod set that approved status for users?



u/oxlialt 20h ago

How would automod be able to do that if the non approved user cant comment or post?

Automod only does actions based on posts/comments so no, that isn't possible.


u/lh7884 20h ago

Good point. Can it do that status assignment before a sub is set to allow only approved users so while everyone can still comment?


u/oxlialt 20h ago

No, Automod can't set approved status on users anyway sadly.

What you could do is have a flair where if the user doesn't possess this flair then every post/comment they make will get removed.


u/lh7884 20h ago

Yeah I have flairs in use but I was hoping the automod could just do a check for flaired users when they comment and somehow assign them approved status as well.


u/oxlialt 20h ago

Yeah that isn't possible sadly


u/LinearArray human 20h ago

It can not, unfortunately.