r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/loljetfuel Jul 13 '15

bro you have two daughters periods aren't magical.

It's not that -- it's a generation thing. He was almost certainly taught that discussing bodily functions "in mixed company" was simply rude.


u/kjata Jul 13 '15

Funny thing--isn't "mixed company" where some of the best body functions tend to happen?


u/issius Jul 14 '15

Yeah, but you shouldn't TALK about them.


u/Srmingus Jul 14 '15

Just shut up and stare at them without blinking while you do it, right?

notes taken


u/bakedSnarf Jul 14 '15

Let me get this straight, so daughters shouldn't be able to talk to their parents or around their parents about natural things that happen to their bodies? Teach kids to shut up about this shit around their parents and they'll never open up to anybody very easily again, lemme tell you.


u/issius Jul 14 '15



u/headroom3 Jul 14 '15

Add a /s and and a paragraph about that's fucked up and the sweet, sweet, karma will flow in.


u/Hayasaka-chan Jul 14 '15

This is where my dad was kind of the man while I was in high school. If he ever had any issues with feminine products (he is one of three boys) my mom had made him get over them by the time my period started. My parents were divorced and I spent a good chunk of my middle and high school years living with my dad and it was never weird asking him to pick me up pads on his way home from work or something.