r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

We need fucking adults parks for adults only. I miss playing at the park and going on the swings and shit. Now i cant do it unless i go at night .


u/DasBarenJager Jul 14 '15

And then everything is too small. I want a grown up sized slide and a grown up sized jungle gym. And a ball pit that doesn't have used needles and diapers at the bottom!


u/33a5t Jul 14 '15

Adult ball pit

without used needles and diapers


u/MechaRiddick Jul 14 '15

With all do respect, no drug user who shoots up in the ball pit is gonna leave their needle there. They need that shit to hit again at the next McDonald's!


u/Arnatopia Jul 14 '15

Those damned kids and their needles.


u/149082304123 Jul 13 '15

Yes, playing grounders as an adult is awesome. So much stuff we can do now that we couldn't as kids


u/Alwaysahawk Jul 14 '15

Would actually be a cool bar idea, but drunk people + playground = getting sued.


u/Infinitell Jul 14 '15

not if you have a waiver


u/devicemodder Jul 14 '15

go work for Google! they have an indoor slide.


u/SapphireRyu Jul 14 '15

If only my IQ was 180...


u/SilasTheVirous Jul 14 '15

very inaccurate. IQ is by far not the largest factor in success and certainly not the only factor too intelligence.


u/SapphireRyu Jul 14 '15

Very true, and I agree. It is a widely used measure though and I figured it could net a few laughs. Not meant to be serious. :)


u/SilasTheVirous Jul 14 '15

If your interested check out what EQ (Emotional Quotient) is, it's exploration has really began to question what we call intelligence. It actually correlates with success far more than IQ. and it's learn-able.


u/ChiyoSenpai Jul 14 '15

Maybe be careful about going at night. My friends and I tried that once and we got chewed out by some asshole cops.


u/MechaRiddick Jul 14 '15

Same for me, when I was only 18 (ok I did get hairy early) I was almost arrested in Texas for this exact thing. Maybe I was swinging too high!


u/OrnateFreak Jul 14 '15

We need fucking adults parks for adults only.

( ͡° ͜ ʖ  ͡°)


u/chronolockster Jul 14 '15

Obstacle courses. But they're usually expensive.


u/Anon_Logic Jul 14 '15

Yes! I miss playing "Don't touch the lava!"


u/TheDedicatedDeist Jul 14 '15

Then you just look like a drug addict! Which, if you're in the USA, is worse than rape!


u/Infinitell Jul 14 '15

"You sold someone marijuana? YOU FUCKING DISGRACE! life in prison" "You raped someone? Don't do it again okay? 10 years" - The american judicial system

Please note I have no idea what time you get for rape or drugs


u/TheDedicatedDeist Jul 14 '15

A grotesque number of rapes are turned into sexual assault. These penalties change depending on the state;

For example, in California a sexual assault conviction carries with it a possible sentence of 24, 36 or 48 months in prison, as well as a possible $10,000 fine. - See more at: http://criminal.findlaw.com/criminal-charges/sexual-assault-penalties-and-sentencing.html#sthash.Ew1gtpok.dpuf

Rape (f it's not turned into a sexual assault charge) has the possibility of being anywhere from zero years to life (usually a maximum of 10) depending on the circumstances. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_the_United_States#Criminal_punishment)

Weed, on the other hand, can be escalated from a possession charge, which is a misdemeanor in some states into intent to sell if you have two bags (happened to a few people I know). Some states suck more than others, but some states will put you in jail for up to 4-5 years for 10$ worth of weed, more if you happen to have it in two bags, are 1000 feet from a school and are around a minor. (state directory of marijuana laws available at http://norml.org/states)

Don't get me started on how the police actually operate in (or atleast many parts of) the USA.


u/ChubbyTrain Jul 14 '15

they call it the outdoor gym.


u/Aktve Jul 14 '15

I have never understood this, you're an adult and you want to go to the park... so go to the park. Get on the swings, take a trip down the slide. You really think some helicopter parent is going to call the police because you're enjoying yourself? I'm 26 and I go to parks often and I've literally never had a problem. InB4 step 1.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

First of all many parks have signs saying anyone above 16-18 are not allowed to use the swings and slides etc. Secondly there is a big social stigma attached to it and people will give you dirty looks, parents approach you and talk to you like you are some kind of pedophile and yes people do call the police on you, albeit its rare. This has happened to a friend of mine before.


u/Aktve Jul 14 '15

Well personally I have never seen signs like that (CA) and I have also never experienced that sort of stigma. I understand it exists but I think it gets exaggerated a bit.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I live in the UK so it might be a bit different here.


u/YxxzzY Jul 14 '15

yes with spikes and lot's of dangerous stuff


u/HauntedCemetery Jul 14 '15

join a rock climbing gym.


u/Amorine Jul 14 '15

There are swings and slides at rock climbing gyms?


u/HauntedCemetery Jul 14 '15

anything is a swing or a slide if you try hard enough


u/wakimaniac Jul 14 '15

It's called Six Flags.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

They're called clubs.


u/colbystan Jul 14 '15

Where the fuck do clubs have swingsets?


u/PENGUINSflyGOOD Jul 14 '15

sex clubs sometimes do...


u/PanamaMoe Jul 14 '15

Well there is this one club, but you need quite a bit of leather and a pass fraise.


u/DontcarexX Jul 14 '15

A pass strawberry?


u/SapphireRyu Jul 14 '15

Something that passes for a strawberry?


u/MrAwesomelishis Jul 14 '15

instructions not clear. accidentally got a straw berry stuck deep inside the dogs rectum


u/SapphireRyu Jul 14 '15

I hear you have to be berry strong to actually get it in that far...


u/PanamaMoe Jul 14 '15

??? Did I spell it wrong?


u/DontcarexX Jul 14 '15

Yes, phrase is what you were looking for. A fraise is a baking term for strawberry


u/PanamaMoe Jul 14 '15

Ahh ok, thank you.


u/whiskeybrick Jul 14 '15

it's called the gym.