Not going to be so great when you keel over halfway through a race due to a heart attack. Not talking shit, but you said you had a coke problem. That implies heavy use which will fuck your heart up no matter how much running you do. If you're training while high it's even worse as you're running your heart at max constantly.
What is your PR? This is my first summer running, hit 20:52 as my best 5k so far. I'm around 47 for 10k and started training this week to run my first half in October. Hoping to do it in 1:45.
Christ that's quick. Fastest I've seen first hand in a race was back in May a guy put up a 15:03... Then again I didn't catch it first-hand. He would have been over a km ahead of me.
Problem? Sounds like you found a great way to super charge your workouts. A girl from my old high school did this for a while. She can't have kids now but damn if she isn't hot.
u/Brancher Jul 13 '15
I'm a distance runner...with a cocaine problem.