r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I did it when Terminator Genisys opened. Wife was out of town. Decided. Fuck it. I'm fucking 36. What the actual fuck. It was great. I sat right up front middle. Second row.

I got a taste of freedom.


u/misteryin Jul 14 '15

But how bad was the movie?


u/rikutoar Jul 14 '15

I didn't think it was that bad. I wouldn't be giving it any awards but it was a pretty good time out watching people shooting machines, which is what we want from something like terminator isn't it?


u/misteryin Jul 14 '15

Well yeah sort of. I'm also looking for a story that meshes well with the other terminator movies, but the third one was a disappointment and I thought the 4th was just meh.


u/rikutoar Jul 14 '15

I haven't watched the old ones in like 10 years so yeah idk about that, I actually spend the first hour or so playing catch up :/ but I've heard people talking about it as a decent sequel to T2 so maybe you'll be algood. Although if you do decide to watch it stay away from the 2nd trailer. Spoilers everywhere.


u/MichelangeloDude Jul 14 '15

Id did the same thing except I have no wife.


u/BenandoahValley Jul 14 '15

Went to see a movie alone for the first time a couple weeks ago. It made me very nervous at first, in my head I tried to act like I was meeting people that were already in.

Once I got in, I went to a seat I wanted to sit in, rather than ask the person I would have been with where they would like to sit, or if this seat was fine.

I treated myself to popcorn and a drink. I loved the experience. 10/10, will do again.


u/RealDongDonuts Jul 13 '15

Going to a concert alone Wednesday, as in introvert i'm excited, yet intimidated.


u/domochomo Jul 13 '15

Just did this a few weeks ago for Neutral Milk Hotel, was amazing. I got all the feels I was hoping for, no scrambling to find people mid show because they went to the bathroom or the bar so you end up missing your favorite songs. I'm an introvert by nature, so I didn't say a word to anyone there and just enjoyed myself.


u/Sporkfortuna Jul 14 '15

Do they still play the entirety of Aeroplane spread out over the whole show with sprinkles of the other stuff every few songs?


u/domochomo Jul 14 '15

Totally, and it was an absolute treat. If they're ever in Boise again I know I'm going.


u/hiloljkbye Jul 14 '15

I've done this. It's actually better IMO. The experience was more personal for me and it was all about the music. Would recommend doing this if it's your favorite band.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

I had this experience! Went to see my favorite band ever, the Smashing Pumpkins alone. It was awkward at first, but then they started playing and I got lost in the music. It was beautiful. I didn't have to worry about losing someone in the crowd or whether or not they were having a good time. It was my favorite concert ever. I actually got goosebumps thinking about it as I wrote this. Have fun :D


u/poduszkowiec Jul 14 '15

I'm an introvert myself and I've done that many times since my friends are not really into live music and I must say it fucking sucks. Now I miss a lot of the cool shows in my city because I hate going alone I have nobody to go there with. :(


u/SuperSalsa Jul 14 '15

I go to concerts alone a lot. How fun it is really depends on who's playing. It doesn't really even correlate with genre, just the general crowd vibe.

My advice for anyone wanting to try this is to do it with small-scale concerts first. I find those are generally more fun to go to alone than big concerts, along with being less overwhelming in general. My first alone-concert was Electric Six, and it was fucking amazing.


u/jeffhlewis Jul 14 '15

The older I get, the less fucks I give about doing this. I don't have to beg a friend to come see a band they may or may not like, I don't have to cater to anyone else, and once the music starts it's not like you're missing out on amazing conversations with the friends you would have brought. Grab a beer and get to the front of the crowd and rock out.


u/S1ayer Jul 14 '15

As a huge symphonic metal and prog metal fan, i've been going to concerts alone for the past 10 years.


u/Posada2020 Jul 14 '15

Been to a few by my self. You get to sit where you want and who really talks to other people while the concert is going on anyways? Great fun is always had.


u/TVCasualtydotorg Jul 14 '15

Love going to shows alone. Sure, you don't have the shared experience and the excited deconstruction of the set on the way home, but you also get to not worry about whee to meet after the set, rounds and trying to talk over the din between bands.


u/jbg89 Jul 14 '15

Alcohol will help.


u/TheRealMrsDoubtfire Jul 14 '15

I always felt uncomfortable doing things like this by myself. Spent some time in a very hot place on a deployment. There was a movie theatre on base that was nice and cool. Id have 1 and a half days off per week, couldnt really leave base so id go to the theatre and watch whatever was playing during the entire 1 and a half days every week. Just 1 screen, but luckily they changed the movies up quite a bit. I probably watched 100 movies in that theatre by myself and now its my preferred way to go to the movies. When my GF goes out of town, its something I usually do. Side note, I watched Grown Ups 2 around 10 times on the deployment. Around the 7th time I actually started to enjoy it.


u/PerfectLogic Jul 14 '15

Your last sentence had me cracking up. One service member to another, thanks for doing what you did and putting up with what ya had to. Glad ya made it back to complain about Sandler flicks like the rest of us. Lol.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15



u/meatotheburrito Jul 14 '15

To be fair, it was actually a good movie if you hadn't read the book first. I watched Ender's game, loved it, and was inspired to immediately go and read the book. When I went back to the movie afterwards it paled in comparison, but I still felt like they did a good job for a two hour movie.


u/chicklette Jul 14 '15

Its the greatest! You pick when you get there, where you sit, no one hogs the popcorn and no one talks to you during the movie. It is absolutely heaven. For a bonus, take yourself to lunch/dinner/drinks before. Bring a book if it makes you more comfortable, but I find if you sit at a bar, people will chat you up.


u/misteryin Jul 14 '15

It's an interesting experience. I hate when friends talk to me during the movie like making their own commentary, so it's refreshing just in your own little world.


u/Rashilda Jul 14 '15

I do it a lot and it's awesome! No waiting for anyone, you can choose exactly what you want to see and where to sit, and enjoy it all by yourself.


u/riqk Jul 14 '15

Go see Dope if it's still in theaters. That movie was really fun.


u/CthulhuCares Jul 14 '15

You'll love it. I look forward to my solo movie days


u/reddoorcubscout Jul 14 '15

I do it all the time because my wife doesn't like the same movies as me. I used to go with friends but got fed up with some dropping out at the last minute or turning up late. Now I go on my own, leave home early, stop off for something to eat, get to the theatre in plenty of time. It also has the added benefit of not having to answer questions from my wife during the movie - "Who is he?", "What did she say? "," Why did he just shoot that guy? ".


u/twizzwhizz11 Jul 14 '15

I highly recommend it. Half the time I go to movies nowadays, I go alone. It's just more relaxing and enjoyable.


u/bebeni89 Jul 14 '15

It's a great experience. Especially on later showings, like maybe the last show of the last day. Nearly the entire room can be at your disposal.


u/idlewildgirl Jul 14 '15

Can you let us know how you find it? I really should do this (I pay monthly for unlimited cinema) but I keep chickening out!


u/skooched Jul 14 '15

It's so much fun! I used to do it all the time when my girlfriend was busy, I would treat myself to a movie and dinner. :) usually at a Pho place. I love Pho.


u/strider_sifurowuh Jul 17 '15

It's fun, as long as you go to a later or early on in the day showing and there aren't six million people there. I usually do that for movies where I'm really interested in the storyline rather than just going as a social activity.