r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/LegendaryCazaclaw Jul 13 '15

Its a curse. I sweat just standing in a line sometimes, people look at me like I'm on drugs or strung out or something.


u/Cum_on_doorknob Jul 13 '15

That could be a vitamin D deficiency


u/AprilXIIV Jul 13 '15

I guess /u/Cum_on_doorknob would know all about D deficiencies.


u/delineated Jul 13 '15

Are you Mike, perchance?


u/AprilXIIV Jul 13 '15



u/delineated Jul 13 '15

Oh darn, you have the same birthday.


u/TetrisJenga Jul 13 '15 edited Jul 13 '15

Let's assume that you know that Mike uses Reddit.

Now take the number of accounts on Reddit, which is around 36,000,000. Divide that number by 365, which gives you 98,630 (we will round that to 100,000). Now we can work out that there was a 1 in 100,000 chance that the person you just replied to was Mike.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15



u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

Thats wrong. Birthday probability is fucked up. Look up on wikipedia and you'll see.


u/TetrisJenga Jul 13 '15

In that case a specialist will have to take over as my maths skills don't extend past basic multiplication and division.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

So you're saying there's a chance?


u/Words_are_Windy Jul 14 '15

The chances would be much better that it would be a Mike, just not the Mike the person actually knows.


u/Jiggahawaiianpunch Jul 14 '15

But Mike is a fairly common name, plus the (vast?) majority of Redditors are men, so I'd say there was a slightly better chance of him finding a Mike, tho not necessarily the Mike


u/BeneGezzWitch Jul 14 '15

This made me laugh so hard my husband asked if I was peeing


u/Psylink Jul 14 '15

Well, were you?


u/BeneGezzWitch Jul 14 '15

Damn near. I was in a fit of that kind of laughter that self perpetuates. I only stopped when I spilled my fizzy water.


u/LostSoul1797 Jul 14 '15

Damn... That burns like his pee.


u/DeadFetusConsumer Jul 14 '15



u/agam_vark Jul 13 '15

Is that truely a thing? Going to take my vitamins tomorrow!


u/Cum_on_doorknob Jul 13 '15

As a medical student, I can say that I have learned in lecture that the RDA for vit D is pretty low, and people can perhaps benefit from higher levels. However, I can't say that excessive sweating was a clinical feature we were taught to look for. However, I have heard it from non-reputable sources.


u/tablesix Jul 14 '15

In other words, it can't hurt to try. And improvement post Vitamin D supplement may even merit further scientific study.

That's my interpretation at least.


u/cubsfan85 Jul 14 '15

Omg. I recently found out my vitamin D is ridiculously low and months of prescription strength supplements hasn't brought it up. I start sweating if it's above like, 75 degrees. My head and face sweat the worst so I can forget about doing my hair or makeup for 6 months out of the year.


u/FrankieAK Jul 14 '15

Oh my gosh! Me too! My husband thinks I'm crazy, but if I don't keep it at like 72 in the house I start sweating profusely. Especially my face! I'm gonna try taking vitamin D supplements.


u/MuffDragon Jul 14 '15

Woah. I'm gonna look in to this. Thanks.


u/Skreamie Jul 14 '15

You've seriously helped me a lot.


u/PvtFobbit Jul 14 '15

Or hiperhidrosis. My NCO in the Army has it, he'l could be butt naked in the snow and still have nice beads forming all over his Hotspots and his face.


u/0Lezz0 Jul 14 '15

wait. so, hiding from the sun makes me sweat a lot?


u/santaliqueur Jul 14 '15

Or it could be the way his body sweats.


u/Cum_on_doorknob Jul 14 '15

Probably, I'm just a med student, I don't know shit. Already regret giving an uninformed opinion. Oh well...


u/santaliqueur Jul 14 '15

I didn't know about the Vitamin D deficiency thing, but I'm going to assume it's much more common that it's just his natural biology.

If you're a medical student then you know infinitely more than I'll ever know, but because I know nothing, I feel like I can step back and look at it with only logic and nothing else. No offense intended.


u/noholds Jul 13 '15

I sweat just standing in a line sometimes

Fuck me. I hate that. I'm in T-shirt and shorts and everyone else is wearing sweaters and jackets. And I'm the only one sweating.


u/HappynessMovement Jul 13 '15

Exactly! I live in D.C. Seeing all those non-sweaty ass people with their smug, "look at me I can wear a three piece suit in 80 degree heat" looking faces... Jerks.


u/peesteam Jul 14 '15

I hear ya buddy. I HATE dressing up for this exact reason. My office is 68 degrees at all times, and when I have to wear a dress shirt and tie I know it's going to be a long day. Wish I could wear shorts to the office.


u/SlothBucket Jul 13 '15


u/LegendaryCazaclaw Jul 13 '15

Wow thanks for the link, I had no idea it was that common.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

I've been putting off going to see a doctor about this forever. But it's getting to the point where it seems I can't do anything without breaking a sweat - sometimes it doesn't even make any fucking sense. Embarrassing and annoying to the point it degrades my quality of life because I don't want to go anywhere.

Not sure if yours is that bad but hope you can find some help regardless.


u/Acciovino Jul 13 '15

I used to be like this. I would sweat constantly throughout the day. Not overweight, just a sweaty female. Tried the clinical strength deodorant, didn't work. Getting dressed was such a struggle because I always had to think about whether what I put on would show sweat or not. Got prescribed anti-anxiety medication and it went away like magic! It's weird too because I never realized my sweating had anything to do with anxiety!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

Yeah I suffer from social anxiety too. I've had the sweat problem my whole life so I don't think it's directly related but one certainly spurs on the other. Not a good combo as my face can go from desert to waterfall in like a minute.


u/Acciovino Jul 13 '15

I know exactly what you mean. And then you get trapped in this positive feedback loop where the more you sweat the more self-conscious you feel, which causes you to sweat more. I hope you find something that helps!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/Findnance Jul 14 '15

I recently just got prescribed some medicine for my sweating problem. I've been researching for months and have tried everything. Look up Robinul or glycopyrollate. It changed everything


u/Acciovino Jul 14 '15

It's just Zoloft. My pharmacy substitutes the generic which is Sertraline HCL. In my eyes it's a miracle drug.


u/peesteam Jul 14 '15

It's ironic because sweating caused my anxiety, which in turn caused me to sweat more, which gave me more anxiety.

Since then I've discovered Certain Dri and it solved both problems for the most part.


u/fitzjack Jul 13 '15

I can't wear light colored shirts because of how much I sweat. I have to keep deodorant with me at all times because I'm a hairy guy and I'll get funky quick if I don't apply it regularly during the day.


u/folderol Jul 13 '15

One trick is to wear an undershirt but then the problem is that the extra layer adds heat. I always preferred the extra hit to totally and obviously soaking a shirt.


u/fitzjack Jul 13 '15

I sweat so much worse with the undershirt. I'll end up soaking both shirts at that point.


u/tha_dank Jul 13 '15

have you ever trimmed your pit hair? You don't have to shave it, just trim it with scissors. I've heard that helps.


u/fitzjack Jul 13 '15

Yeah, it didn't help. My body hair is just really thick so it never helps.

I actually have to shave my back to keep down on acne. But anywhere else sweats ten times worse if I shave it.


u/tha_dank Jul 13 '15



u/fitzjack Jul 13 '15

Yeah, major bummer.


u/ImMufasa Jul 14 '15 edited Jul 14 '15

A couple months ago my doctor gave me something called terazosin. It's not specifically made for sweating but it's definitely helped a lot. I still sweat when active, but the threshold for when it starts is much higher now so no more sweating when just standing in line at a store.


u/SlothBucket Jul 13 '15

Ive been meaning to see a doc for a while. I do wedding videography which is very physically demanding and I sweat buckets. Sometimes Ill be just standing still and start to sweat. I started calling around yesterday to see if any local derms have treated it


u/They-Died-In-The-War Jul 13 '15

You can get botox injections to paralyze the sweat glands that are most troublesome.


u/Downvotesturnmeonbby Jul 13 '15

God I hate that. Try moving somewhere arid if you can. I'm the guy that sweats at 78F in Virginia. But in the California desert at 100F, I was cool and dry, while everyone else complained that they're hot.


u/SerasVal Jul 13 '15

Yeah I'm the same way. Hot and dry, no problem. Hot and humid (I live in NC) terrible problem.


u/peesteam Jul 14 '15

You got that right. I spent some time in Afghanistan and it was great. Never sweaty at all.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

The only time I don't sweat fuck loads is when I AM on drugs or alcohol.


u/pyroSeven Jul 14 '15

Then we should be constantly drugged and drunk.


u/Mr_get_the_cream Jul 13 '15

I'm pooping right now and I'm sweating.


u/Dujave Jul 13 '15



u/Enigmaze Jul 13 '15

It truly is. Hyperhidrosis + swamp ass is horrible man


u/Nazeebo Jul 13 '15

When I'm a-walkin', I strut my stuff, and I'm so strung out. I'm high as a kite and I just might stop to check you out...


u/GiveMeLight Jul 14 '15

I sweat sitting down. Behind the knees if they're bent. It's just nasty.


u/Sinnocent Jul 14 '15

I have anxiety & panic disorders and have this happen too. It sucks.


u/Mr_Krabs_Left_Nut Jul 14 '15

Hyperhydrosis represent?


u/tha_dank Jul 13 '15

it probably also has a lot to do with the environment you live in. I live in SE texas and it's essentially the goddamn amazon jungle (and i SWEAT), but when I go to Colorado I'm usually pretty dry (as far as standing around sweating)


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

I got full strip searched and X-Rayed at the airport for sweating. They though I was nervous or something.


u/Dandubyuh Jul 13 '15

I can sweat while standing shirtless in a snowstorm. It sucks.


u/Kazeazen Jul 13 '15

I too sweat a lot, I sweat when I'm just standing up, sitting down, even walking around. I wish there was a way to make me stop sweating so much.


u/slizzard_lizzard Jul 13 '15

Right?! I don't even have to be hot to be sweating! Especially my armpits and lower back :(


u/Kvothe24 Jul 13 '15

Try being a drummer with this problem. I'm straight up drenched after playing a show. Far more than a normal drummer should be.


u/haloryder Jul 13 '15

I'm so glad to hear that my almost constant sweating isn't weird, and that other people have the same problem.


u/saab121 Jul 13 '15

I can't work out without people thinking I'm on steroids (not muscley at all) but my body temp shoots through the roof at any sign of physical exertion and I sweat like a bitch


u/Pulse207 Jul 13 '15

My best friend, the star of our cross country team, sweats more during an evening of video games than on a 5 mile run. It always catches the rest of us off guard. We're all having a great time playing zombies or whatever, then you glance over and it's just pouring off of him


u/EinsteinDisguised Jul 14 '15

I live in Florida. It's summer. It's hot as balls.

When I get in my car, my car is hot as balls. Therefore, I sweat in my car. I hate it.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I sweat and am super shaky, so I always look like I just robbed a bank.


u/PlatinumGoat75 Jul 14 '15

Hell, I'm sweating just sitting here at my computer.

Though...it might be relevant to mention that my air conditioner isn't working.


u/wardenofthethread Jul 14 '15

Yea, no matter how much deodorant I wear, i always ALWAYS have pit stains.

I've felt pit sweat drippin' in the dead of winter.


u/AppleDane Jul 14 '15

Airport security lines...


u/Cacospectamania Jul 14 '15

the best is when someone asks you, "why are you sweating?"


u/Jibjumper Jul 14 '15

I'm 6'1" 145lbs. I'm always sweaty. It pisses me off to no end. Especially my clammy hands. I constantly wash them because I hate them feeling like that.


u/AtheosWrath Jul 14 '15

I always sweat of more than 22° C.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15



u/TheTynosaur Jul 14 '15

It feels good to know I'm not the only one. I can't get across a parking lot to my car without sweating here in Georgia during the summer


u/McKRAKK Jul 14 '15

Having grown up in the high desert of northern Utah, and moved to the Deep South with all the humidity, I sweat buckets just sitting in a chair on the porch. More so than the "native southerners". At work, everyone thinks I'm on the verge of a heat stroke because of my sweating, since profuse sweating is supposedly a sure sign dehydration/heat exhaustion/stroke.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I just sweat sitting in class sometimes but then other times when I've been outside doing tennis or something for two hours I hardly sweat at all.


u/CallMePhteven Jul 14 '15

I'm like that too. Diagnosed primary hyperhidrosis targeted in the face/head.


u/Jon_Cake Jul 14 '15

I get that too! But usually because I'm strung out on drugs


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I am on drugs and strung out


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I do this for some reason too, like if I'm in a line at the cash register and there are other people, I will just sweat like I'm running a marathon. I don't know why


u/g18suppressed Jul 14 '15

Maybe stop shooting meth while standing in line?


u/handmemybriefcase Jul 14 '15

I sweat when I'm cold.


u/peesteam Jul 14 '15

I used to break a sweat when I worked for the ice company...in the freezer.


u/JesusChronic Jul 14 '15

It is a curse. If my body temperature rises past a certain degree, I just sweat, no matter what. It could be the dead of winter, but if my coat is too warm, I'll sweat. Holding hands with girls makes my hands sweat. It sucks.


u/ShadowOfNothing Jul 14 '15

You should get your thyroid checked. That's how I found out I had thyroid disease.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Getting out of bed causes me to start sweating, if I wasn't already sweating if that is. Is there a sub for sweaty people?


u/Los_Accidentes Jul 14 '15

It's nice to know there are others. I can even sweat when I'm cold. WTF Mate?!


u/NotJawadTuran Jul 14 '15

Same! People do this to me all the time and I just think, Stop looking at me you stupid unicorn.


u/johnbutler896 Jul 14 '15

Same unfortunately :(


u/theOTHERdimension Jul 14 '15

Same here! I'm also female, so people think it's extra weird because "girls don't sweat" I've actually had someone tell me that ):


u/Weaponized_Octopus Jul 14 '15

If it's over 78 degrees (25.5C) I'm sweating no matter what I do.


u/AngryJawa Jul 14 '15

Holy shit!!! Me to! I was in this line and it was hot and sunny outside. I was getting sweaty back and I wasn't wearing underwear (big mistake) and I started getting sweaty lower crack/taint area.

This line was for a shower though.... And I definitely did lots of drugs n drinking the night before.

That shower helped me though.


u/Definitelynot_a_duck Jul 14 '15

Just a question from another sweaty person, which brand of deodorant do you use?


u/pyroSeven Jul 14 '15

Trying being able to sweat easily AND leaving in a tropical country AND wearing a suit.



u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I'm a slightly larger guy, which obviously means I sweat slightly more than others but I'm not unfit. .

But fuck me, if I even get ever so slightly warmer than room temperature the amount of sweat I give off could drown a small child


u/Tvix Jul 14 '15

Going to buy and try on clothes is like the bane of my existence. I went to buy a suit the other week. Went for the spare t-shirt I had in my car half way through because of it.


u/Alidooo Jul 14 '15

I sweat just sitting at my desk at any heat above freezing cold. I am not well suited to warm climates...


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I cant even wear grey :(