r/AskReddit Jul 13 '15

What socially unacceptable things are you OK with?


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u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

It really depends where the person is from I think. I met a cute Ukrainian girl at my train station last week, she accidentally bought the wrong ticket and asked me a question. We then spent the next 45 minutes talking and sitting next to each other, traded information and the hugged when we hard to go our ways... It's nice to meet people.


u/orange_blanket Jul 13 '15

Did u have a Freudian slip by saying "hard" instead of "had"


u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15



u/Harbltron Jul 14 '15

"I hope she doesn't feel my boner... or do I? Shit. What is the procedure here"


u/JohnnyBratwurst Jul 14 '15

Stranger Boners: A Memoir


u/OldTimeyPugilist Jul 14 '15

Invading her like Putin probably isn't the way to go.


u/Danni293 Jul 14 '15

I hope you got her number or something or stayed in touch!


u/Crown4King Jul 14 '15

She only has Facebook, her cell phone doesn't have an American number yet, the exchange people gave her a SIM card but she hadn't figured it out yet.


u/Danni293 Jul 14 '15

So... You talk to her through Facebook right?


u/Crown4King Jul 14 '15

Yes. We're just trying to coordinate schedules because we both work weird times. She's only her til the end of the summer so it's kind of crunch time here..


u/Danni293 Jul 14 '15

Well I hope things work out. I have a fair share of people I wish I had stayed in touch with after leaving the place we met.


u/Crown4King Jul 14 '15

Same here, so I made damn sure this time!


u/Agemrepus Jul 17 '15

Nice man... so what was her number again?


u/kjata Jul 13 '15

Ah, Freudian slips. When you say one thing but mean your mother.


u/MrStigglesworth Jul 14 '15

This works better when spoken, but well played.


u/AtheosWrath Jul 14 '15

Freudian slips. When you say one thing but mean to fuck your mother.



u/Bot12391 Jul 13 '15

How do people even notice things like this?


u/orange_blanket Jul 13 '15

I'm really tired so I can't read as fast as I usually do. He also said "the" hugged instead of "then" hugged


u/skydreamer303 Jul 14 '15

hah im opposite, whenever i reddit at night, i completely miss small things like that.

I have the habit of reading things wrong too. D:


u/weirdoone Jul 14 '15

What do you mean? It strikes my eyes when I read it. I saw that word "hard" the moment I read it, and my first thought was "this is some freudian slip irony shit". Then saw the comment and giggled as someone is thinking just like me.


u/freudian_nipple_slip Jul 14 '15

It could be another kind of slip


u/Piece_Maker Jul 14 '15

Just the tip.


u/CoconutMacaroons Aug 08 '15

Freudian Slip: When you say one thing but mean your mother.


u/Nix-geek Jul 13 '15

...and where you live. People in different areas have different levels of acceptance when it comes to random public talking. It is much more acceptable where I'm at now, and it took me a bit to get used to the random person behind me in line just blurting something out loud and expecting me to be paying attention.

It makes me smile, now.


u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

I'm from New York, it's totally a mixed bag. People will be total dick heads when something is a problem in the slightest to them, but then there's a sense of bonding at certain points. Like, there was a small fire in a building down the road from where I work in the City, and at least 100 people were just standing by, watching and talking with each other as if watching the fire department work is just another form of entertainment.


u/Alagane Jul 13 '15

Based on what I've heard from tourists and travelers, people from the US generally are more open to striking up a conversation than a lot of other places. And people from the south are more likely than northerners.


u/TheseMenArePrawns Jul 13 '15

Size of an area matters a lot as well. The smallest towns I've lived in or near were pretty much gossip mills no matter where they were located. Unfamiliar faces got chatted up pretty quick.


u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

Good old southern hospitality


u/doommonkey Jul 14 '15

Where are you at now, if you don't mind me asking?


u/Nix-geek Jul 14 '15

Eastern North Carolina, USA. It's a friendly place.


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

Agreed, once the ice is broken it's so much easier...


u/bobthejeffmonkey Jul 14 '15

Or if you can properly segway.

"Hey you know when the next train to wherever is?"

"Nah but I got a segway if you want a ride there"


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

So when's the wedding?


u/my_cat_joe Jul 14 '15

Long distance train travel is great for this. I'm an insomniac, so overnight on a train would be hell, but I just head to the dining car with a deck of cards. It only takes a few hands of solitaire before you're playing poker or rummy with some stranger. I've met some great people that way. No regrets.


u/Jay_Bonk Jul 13 '15

hard to go our own ways I am sure you were hard


u/SpacePirate003 Jul 14 '15

Ukrainian girls. The only female strangers that have ever talked to me like we were best pals have been Ukrainian girls. How do I know? Because we became good friends afterwards. Is Ukraine like European Canada?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Meeting people on planes and trains is my absolute favorite


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

I feel like you have a chance with her.


u/Finsternis Jul 14 '15

Europe is very different in this way. It's far more common for strangers to interact. Especially in situations such as trains and restaurants.


u/Crown4King Jul 14 '15

Funny thing is that she was all smiley, but during out conversation she mentioned how Russians and Ukrainians don't smile very much unless they're actually happy. (Good sign?)

She ask that they'd rather not use those facial muscles for no reason haha.


u/Finsternis Jul 14 '15

The problem is, they are rarely happy. ;-)


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

This is an every day occurrence in Alabama.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

That sounds fantastically pleasant.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

How was the sex?


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

North Americans tend to have much more of a shield up about that sort of thing than people in other countries.


u/Ridry Jul 14 '15

I'm from NY and I'll talk to lost tourists all the time on the train. If another NYer tries to talk to me they must be nuts though...


u/RemoveScrotum Jul 14 '15

so you passed up an opportunity to get laid. what a waste.


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

They exchanged information, so they might fuck in the near future if they haven't already.


u/RLsteinofbeer Jul 13 '15

Let's be honest here, that didn't happen


u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

Legit, 100% happened, she's almost 19 and is doing an exchange program thing in my town like a mile from my house, it was like the Twilight Zone... hopefully hanging out with her Thursday. Fingers crossed for me, Reddit.


u/CJ101X Jul 13 '15

Good luck m8


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15



u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

Do it up!


u/MrDerpsicle Jul 13 '15

Damn man you're lucky as fuck. Good luck. :)


u/141_1337 Jul 14 '15

Do it and report back, we look forward to hearing of your success (hopefully not in the local news)


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

You're going to blow it because you're a little bitch.


u/Crown4King Jul 13 '15

Thanks, Richard!


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '15

Nie ma zo co.

(Or, as is more pertinent, Будь ласка). Unlike you, I've actually been to Ukraine. Fucking poser.


u/lokadarr Jul 14 '15

Why the fuck does it even matter? Are you jealous that he gets to hang out with a cute girl and you can't?


u/banesvoice Jul 14 '15

The butt hurt is pretty obvious


u/[deleted] Jul 14 '15

Szukaj - jesteś kurwa.


u/RLsteinofbeer Jul 13 '15

Truer words have never been spoken