Aw c'mon, don't be one of the xenophobes. When our state is run by an incompetent fuckboy like Bobby J, we need all the help we can get. Just don't come here and turn it into Brooklyn.
This goes doubly for all the immigrants to Louisiana who feel they have license to bitch about anyone who came after them.
If someone's final deciding factor in whether or not they'll move here is the loose public intoxication laws, I doubt they'd be much help.
Also, living here my entire life and seeing people come here in their 20s and get wasted day in and day out, and pretending they have some egocentric understanding of "the city" and then want to bitch about the people who have lived here their entire lives can turn one into bit of a misanthrope. This city is the black hole of shit holes and people coming here and glorifying it's debauchery are the ones keeping it that way.
Or maybe I just walked passed one too many crusties today.
Yes! Everytime I go I'm still surprised that it's literally the norm to be drinking/holding a bottle of alcohol in the streets. In Toronto, and basically Canada in general (besides Montreal), you can't drink in public (or you just have to be really good at hiding it) and last call is at 2am. In New Orleans, I don't think I've ever been told "last call" lol the party is all night. One of the many reasons New Orleans is absolutely amazing, and why I love going.
you can drink on the streets in butte? I once had to kill a three hour bus layover there, when nothing was open and if I had known that, (and any bars had been open) I'd have drank on the street. Instead some hippie guys got me stoned on a roof, so it was still ok.
No, actually. Walking the streets back to the hotel at around 8 PM and was absolutely manhandled by two creeps. My sister and I were visiting for the first time.
This is probably the worst thing about nightlife in the US. Other countries have so much fun with streets vendors because you can have a beer outdoors with your amazingly greasy food :c
It's pretty much the same across South Florida as far as I've seen. Whether you are going fishing, going to the beach, golfing, or just bar hopping, drinking outdoors is just part of it.
It's not really allowed in town and city centres unless your sitting outside a pub, but as long as you're not loud or as previously mentioned ed an aresehole, police don't seem to mind.
In Switzerland for instance you can drink anywhere you want in public. Even right in front of the Federal Palace, if you want. And no one will bother you.
As far as I know in Belgium as well. Only thing I have seen pop up more and more recently in busy pub streets is that it's forbidden to have glasses or glass bottles outside after a certain hour. Plastic cups and cans are no problem.
This. It's illegal but the cops aren't looking for an excuse to come around unless you're causing trouble. In the US, the cops see it as a good excuse to bust someone.
R u kiddin me, every collection of bars in Houston has a food truck nearby! Midtown is where all the night life is at has kabab guys, mexican Korean fusion, pizzas
I've heard Japan has something similar but don't know how common it is there.
It's been a while so my memory could be playing tricks on me, but I think I once came across a claw vending machine in Korea that included a bottle of alcohol (cheap scotch?) as one of the things that could be won. However, it could also have been a giant paperweight that only looked like alcohol.
I guess this was very "foreigner" thing to do since it is seen as rude to walk while drinking or eating anything in Japan (but legal to have alcohol on the streets), but when I studied abroad there we'd do "convenience store crawls." There's a convenience store basically at every other corner in Tokyo, probably similar to Korea.
You buy a beer at the first convenience store and you have to finish it before you get to the next convenience store, if you're not done you have to chug it and pay for someone else's at the next one. Proceed to get ridiculously shitfaced.
I'm guessing you're in a country where it's not a social norm, and I think that's the reason most are arseholes for you. Normal people are scared of getting nicked or scolded. Here in Ireland people drink in public a lot more than in, say, America and are mostly normal people because our police don't care as long as you're not causing trouble.
I, for one, am certainly more of a goofy/funny drunk than I am an angry one. I feel it has to do with the metaphorical dick measuring contest that many guys my age get into.
In America, I've found a few small, dive bars with only a handful of regulars where everyone gets along. Everytime I went to a "popular" bar, someone had to be an asshole and there were usually multiple people ejected every night. I've had people get aggresive towards me for absolutely no reason. Some bars even have super aggresive bouncers that escalate things for no reason, one of the bars had a lawsuit because one of their roided out bouncers punched a woman in the face. I don't even go to bars anymore. Why pay $12 for a shot just to be hassled by idiots all night?
I can't really relate to a lot of it as here you only really get that shit in clubs, which I don't go to, proper pubs here are brilliant (if you ever plan to come here, I have lots of recommendations). But yeah, if you want to get a buzz with some friends, the park isn't a bad option at all!
To be fair, I moved to a different area in the US and people seem much happier and friendlier here. I'm realizing my hometown is kinda shitty. It really turned me off to the whole bar scene, though. There's only one bar I like and I ended up becoming friends with the owner. There would be 5 or 6 people on a regular night and it was a good place to kick back for a beer. Most places in my hometown have turned into the "Club Scene" or "Sports Bar" to drive up business. They all feel like they're in the same franchise or something.
I've never seen this one as a social issue so much as a safety one. Rather like general public intoxication and drunk-driving regulations. If your'e getting sauced in public around other people/traffic/etc, odds are there's going to be an issue.
I'm also American (I just live in Germany). We can drink on the streets in Missouri as well though. I never really thought much of it until I realized that most of the States don't allow it.
Drives me crazy. I could be at a friends house drinking a beer about to head over to a friend's place two blocks away and I either have to dump it or chug it cause I could get a $300.00 ticket if a cop drives by when walking that two blocks with a beer.
Being drunk might cause a safety issue, but just because I'm drinking doesn't mean I am (or even will be) drunk. It's nuts that I can't legally walk across the street with half a beer in my hand because I decided to see if the neighbor wanted one.
That specific instance would be covered under most places' "open container" laws. The same thing that can get you in trouble if you have an open bottle or open case of beer in your vehicle when pulled over, drinking or not. Also, what kind of asshole offers his neighbor half a beer? ;)
At least in the lovely state in which I reside, the open container law isn't just a traffic regulation, and is written vaguely enough that it's an offense in public period.
It makes no sense though that I can walk into a bar take 6 shots of tequila and then walk right out into the streets, but if I enjoy a single beer while walking outside I'm now breaking the law. It's absolutely ridiculous.
If we're going to debate the ridiculousness of laws I can point you to a place where it is still illegal to take a bath in the front room of your house on Saturday night. I just came for the 'socially unacceptable' vs 'actually illegal' bit.
Went to Savannah, GA last spring break. They have no laws against drinking in the streets and everything seemed to be going perfectly fine for them. I didn't see a single person stab someone else with a bottle.
And in most cases, you wouldn't. Just like most bars go most days without people being beaten, shot, or stabbed. Unfortunately laws aren't written with any kind of applicable sense in mind, and have to be tailored to blanket protect as much of the lowest common denominator as possible. You think we have speed limits because vehicles can't handle driving down the highway at rates greater than 55mph? No, it's so that tickets can be written and there are a lot of people that would do double that without the training or capability to do it safely.
No, it's so that tickets can be written and there are a lot of people that would do double that without the training or capability to do it safely.
Because driving faster than 55 mph is significantly more dangerous than not. The same isn't necessarily true for drinking in streets being legal vs. not.
Makes sense but getting sauced inside and then walking outside would be just as dangerous. Bringing your drink with you doesn't make it more dangerous.
Yeah, I guess you can't really have people walking around drinking all day but I was imaging just walking from bar to bar. Like certain streets at certain times could allow public drinking and I don't think it would be much of problem.
Nor do I...but I was just stating that I don't think it's a 'social' thing like OP's question, and more of a regulatory issue, at which point I was saying I think it falls more under those regulations than being something in particular.
I've never understood why drinking on the street is illegal an many places. It's not like you can't get wasted at home then leave and cause public disturbances.
Well here it's okay. There are even public events on public spaces where people go to drink. If it's aimed at younger people you see them streets away going towards or from it with alcohol in hands.
You can also just get drunk in the city's park
Too bad alcohol is such a lame drug
Ps: it's not drinking events per se but people like to use every occasion to get drunk
Don't blame the alcohol, bub. It's "nicotine" by they way. For future reference. And nicotine does suck, but alcohol is way better for those of us whose bodies are kind enough to not flip out on it. My condolences for that.
That and pissing in public. I mean as long as the guy isn't just pissing on a window downtown with people inside and is instead taking time to head in the bushes and be discreet about it and whatnot, I could really give a shit. It's just piss, why should someone get a ticket because they're walking down the sidewalk and every bathroom is "customer only". We really have to pay money to take a fucking piss or else we get a ticket and pay money?
Ticket? It's also possible to become a registered sex offender if someone wants to make a big deal out of it. It is a bit ridiculous but is not without it's health hazards too.
I'm fine with someone giving you a ticket for pissing in the street... Along with the 378 other hobos pissing on my back door every week... And in regard to them it makes sense, because it's not like they can just go piss in the toilet at home.
Nah, don't treat the street like a public toilet. Accidents happen (Little kids I understand) but usually it's drunk people behind the club, right down the alley from my studio, and I'm honestly not impressed by the constant funk of concentrated urine being continually re-hydrated by a fresh stream of hot rejected beer.
I think that's more of a safety issue than anything... In college, if I got a dollar for every time I saw someone stumble in front of a moving car just to have them slam on the breaks and barely avoid hitting them, I'd be rich.
That's not to do with drinking on the streets, it's because the drinking age in America is so high that kids in college don't know how to handle their alcohol.
Actually now that you mention it you're exactly right. When I heard "drinking on the street" my young brain automatically jumped to "getting shitfaced on the street."
I'm more annoyed by people walking around carrying on loud phone conversations than I would be by somebody drinking a beer on Main Street. Just don't be a drunk asshole and cause problems for anyone else
I moved to Savannah, Ga about a year ago. I wholesale avoid the area north of Jones Street (where public drinking is fine) Thursday night through Sunday. From what I can tell, it's only assholes that drink on the streets. To be entirely fair, they're almost all tourists. But, still, it's people getting stumbling, mumbling, drooling drunk.
And forget about the major holidays. It's people getting blind drunk, puking in the streets, peeing in the street, beating each other up, etc. I'm amazed that no one has died of alcohol poisoning/dehydration/heatstroke like all the time.
I don't mind people having a good time and all, but there's such a thing as too much at once. If you want to get that drunk, don't do it in the middle of a busy city where people live and puke on their rosebushes. It honestly wouldn't be so bad if it weren't THOUSANDS of people doing it instead of just a handful.
Alot of states have no rules about drinking openly in the streets. Typically it is against a municipal ordinance to do so, but not everywhere has an ordinance that forbids it. I live in a mid sized town in Illinois that doesn't have a prohibition against drinking in public but you can't leave a bar with an open container because its against state law.
I know it's not a street but last month my gf and I went on a 8 mile hike. We ended up at this beautiful lake that was perfect for sitting shore side and sippin' on a beer. We busted out the natures valley bars and threw back a Rainier beer each because we're classy. Both of us are very conscious of litter and pack out what we bring in, even going so far as to pick up random pieces of trash we see if we have the room for it. This old couple just glared at us from about 50 feet away while we sipped out cheap beers as if we were tarnishing the pristine landscape just by being there. It was the weirdest thing but I'd be damned before I let them ruin my blue sky nature hike beer. I earned that shit!
Problem is there are a lot of assholes that drink publicly, so you have to ban it as a whole. I think it's better that way anyway. Can't they wait until they're home on in a pub.
This is completely legal and commonplace in Korea, and most of the time it's no big deal. But sometimes problems arise from this. From what I've heard they are considering a law prohibiting public drinking.
Drinking in public is legal in many places, such as Japan and many countries in Europe.
I have no idea why it's outlawed in North America. I see people in Canada behave way worse under the influence than people in Japan.
I used to take 4 cans up to the seafront, sit on the hill and watch the ocean. It was lovely, threw all my cans in the dustbin and never bothered anyone I just had a nice couple of hours peace and quiet.
It's supposed to protect against drunks destroying public property, but most of the time I see that police goes after those who are drinking instead of those who are destroying property.
That's the funny thing about certain freedoms in America. Some places you can carry a concealed gun, but I don't know of any place you can drink on the street. Actually come to think of it, a bunch of drunks carrying guns around sounds kind of terrifying.
In Japan it's ok to drink on the streets but not ok to drink (anything) while walking. So we stood outside of a convience store and drank like Jay and Silent Bob.
u/Narcli Jul 13 '15
People drinking on the streets... I don't care as long as they're not arseholes.