You guys need a code word(s). My SO and I tried "the look" and one of us always fails to notice. We now go into social situations with an emergency exit strategy.
If it's a small party then we always thank the host for the invite and offer to help clean up. But at a big event (wedding, etc) sometimes it's best just to bolt.
Our decision usually goes like this:
Me: IGB? (Irish Goodbye)
Wife: IGB (nods head)
We both exit the wedding/party. If we pass the host we thank them and tell them we're off, if not we just keep going.
Yeah telling the host goodbye is polite, but I don't see any reason to have to say goodbye to everyone, either. As a kid, I'd be forced to say goodbye to every single person, no matter if there were 8 or 80 of them. The ones I never even said hi to, too. My dad still gives me shit if I just book it at family events.
I have an uncle that just ups and leaves at anything in a group larger than 5 people. Everyone in the family thought it was incredibly rude but I never really cared. Then again, when you go to a family reunion with 60+ people and every single damn one of them (even those you've never met before) expects a hello and goodbye as well as a 10 minute conversation at one point, It's no wonder he perfected the art of sneaking out. I want to do that sometimes too, but I happen to be really bad at sneaking in general (also my dad would kill me if I did that at a family gathering).
i mean, even that's the wrong definition but it's closer than "a reference to literally anything else that exists on reddit." people just like using memetic buzzwords to sound cool, and hate when people call them out on their bullshit.
If people understand the meaning and still find it funny, does it matter? I understand where you are coming from but is using the correct meaning of a word when making a joke important?
Different askreddit thread. The one about things that happened to you as a kid and didn't understand until you were older. One person was almost abducted, but the abducter didn't know the secret phrase: Catch ya later, alligator.
my wife and I use a pattern that we can tap on things or each other unnoticed.
the pattern is what I've heard called 'let's go rally clap' - i briefly searched for a link but couldn't find a good example. think of it like 1 2, 1,2,3 or tap tap pause tap tap tap.
i can casually place my arm around her and give a quick tap with my hand without anyone seeing or at least noticing. for us it's the " hey - i'm ready to go, either we exit or I'm uber-ing home' . This doesn't mean sprint out the door but just start wrapping it up.
if it's just me then "ghost" or irish goodbye works too.
People always called my husband and I "fast leavers." For us, "the look" always worked. But, now I have to go to a lot of school and social functions with my daughter; we have a code word that works every time.
My wife and I have two hand signals: Discreetly tapping your watch, or twirling your index finger in the "wrap it up" motion. The trick is doing them without anyone noticing.
My buddy and I in college had a signal when we went to parties: we would look at each other from across the room, raise our fists up next to our heads, and pull them down like a fighter pilot ejecting, as a signal to "bail out."
My SO of the time and I had a not too uncommon, but specific enough word to signal to the other when we wanted to leave and gathering or event without being too blunt or rude to the hosts - "apricot"
My friends and I have code words for everything. If we're at a party and want to leave early/feel uncomfortable, one of us just mentions how we left the ice cream on the counter and have to head back. Perfect solution for social anxiety.
I've always used the "I like your shirt" if I'm in conversation with a girlfriend as being code for "I want to leave". As in if we are in a group of people and she tells me she likes my shirt, I start saying my quick goodbyes to who I need to then we buck.
I dated this girl for a short while and our code to leave was 3 knocks on something or three taps on your glass with your finger or whatwver. It could be a question and an answer so I could ask her if she was ready to bail if we were infront of people and I didn't want to be rude.
You can use it by patting on the back, squeezing a hand, knocking on a table, tapping a foot... once you start using it together, you can use it everywhere, and implement it so discretely that it's difficult to pick up on.
At Grandmas and she wants you to stay for dinner? "Hmm.." and knock twice on the side table you're resting your hand on, next to your drink. Wife quips, "We've got a roast in the crockpot at home, and speaking of which..."
u/KabukiBaconBrulee Jul 13 '15
You guys need a code word(s). My SO and I tried "the look" and one of us always fails to notice. We now go into social situations with an emergency exit strategy.