u/DSC-Fate 9h ago
That my husband’s nephew stole our wedding rings (that had Legend of Zelda inscriptions) during the three hours we had them stored in my inlaws house when we were moving to our apartment.
They were at a box with other valuables and important documents, the kid has a history of being a klepto, its a fan of the Zelda games AND was seen loitering by that box during that time period by myself and my mother-in-law.
But I have no way to prove him that he took them other than that fact. His mom (my husband’s cousin), my husband aunts and my FiL all say that ‘there’s no way he would do that’ and refuse to believe he stole the rings and won’t do a thing.
That was a year ago, Im still pissed at that kid and refuse to acknowledge him anymore since I can’t really do anything without upsetting my husbands family.
Kid and his mom are permanently banned from our house despite their protests
u/SexGodSatanico 4h ago
Out of all the comments I've read, this story is pissing me off the most. I feel livid for you and your husband. I hate that his parents won't make him fess up for this. I mean, what message are they sending him by protecting him? I have kids, and I can not imagine the shame, embarrassment, and anger i would feel if one them pulled some shit like this. I'm sorry you guys lost your rings, and I hope this little shit and his shit bag parents eventually come to their senses and do the right thing.
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u/peoniesnotpenis 3h ago
Which is exactly why he is the way he is. No accountability. Ever. His parents raised him that way.
u/Icy-Computer-Poop 3h ago
Contact him from an anonymous email account. Say "A friend of yours told me about the Zelda rings you have. I'd like to buy them from you. How much?"
See if he falls for the bait.
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u/Rselby1122 4h ago
Omg how terrible! I, too, would ban him from my house. Just sucks how greedy and low some people are.
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u/Elricador 3h ago
I like that you've stuck to your guns and banned him from your house. Some small justice at least.
u/MHoaglund41 5h ago
That we absolutely can sense changes in the weather in our bones. Particularly healed injuries. The fluid sacks around joints hurt when they swell. Why wouldn't they work like a barometer?
u/blink182_allday 3h ago
As someone that can tell when it rains without looking out the window due to my ankle aching (many sprained ankles throughout my sports career) I can confirm this is true. We can be watching a movie in our basement and I’ll tell my wife it is starting to rain and she’ll go check and I’m always right.
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u/EmbarrassedPick1031 3h ago
Unfortunately that has been proven. My kid's Dr warned us about it after they broke their leg. He told us that our kid would be a "human barometer". Poor kid would almost start crying because of pain if there was a storm coming.
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u/NebulaKey5777 3h ago
I broke my wrist at 5, pinky toe at 13, and at 35 I was playing volleyball in my house (Haha) and went to spike the ball and slammed the back of my hand flat against my ceiling. I'm almost positive I fractured my right middle finger. When it gets cold the last joint will lock up and ache. They all hurt when the pressure drops. When the rain is coming I have 3 points of verification.
u/VanillaTortilla 3h ago
Metal in your body can do the same, especially for cold weather.
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u/KerriNoir 3h ago
I have arthritis and the joints in my hands always act up in the days leading up to rain-despite taking a daily arthritis medication. My hands will suddenly get stiff and sore and I'll check my weather app and see that rain is coming in a few days.
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u/Mystica_Maya 11h ago
I sold my Nintendo wii for a profit as a kid. My parents bought it for 250 I sold it for 400 so I made $400 since it wasnt my money. I showed my uncle the day I got paid, next thing you know I check my money again that night because $400 was a lot for me and now it’s only $200. I guess my uncle left me half which was generous. I can’t prove this but he was arrested for breaking into a house and stealing some things so that leads me to believe that I was right
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u/Simon_Ferocious68 10h ago
GIRL I don't know the ins and outs of a hustler family - but it does sound like you did in fact get fleeced by your uncle.
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u/AJL912-aber 10h ago
Hearing about a close family member not just take without asking, but outright steal anything other than maybe leftover food or a tool they'll bring back later reallly maies me appreciate my sheltered life
u/SportsYeahSports 5h ago
Sheltered has nothing to do with it, you just didn't have a trash family.
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u/lookingforpizzaburek 6h ago
That people are getting stupider. I genuinely, whole-heartedly believe this but avoid saying it because it makes me sound like a corny old person even though I'm 26. I genuinely think people read less, engage with the world less, and know less about everything and it frustrates me lol!
u/lochnessmosster 3h ago
This is a known phenomenon, it's just not "intelligence" that's declining--it's education. People seem dumber because of lower functional literacy and worse education overall.
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u/Goreimm 2h ago
As a highschool teacher outside of the US, I can 100% say this is the case. A lot of my students are helpless, they don't have any social skills, refuse to think for themselves (e..g if I prompt them with a question, they don't TRY answer they just continuously say 'I don't know.') and lack comprehension skills. As someone who loves my job, it's really sad how much I need to baby my students when I believe in letting them explore the world personally.
Edit to add: This is what I've seen for me at least
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u/ActuallyFuryYT 3h ago
We were doing an activity in economics that was naming every us president. The teacher went around to each student, selected a random US presidents picture, and we had to all guess. We all got one eventually until there was one girl left. She couldn’t name anyone.
In desperation to get the activity done, our teacher held up a picture of Abraham Lincoln (who another student already got and guessed correctly).The girl couldn’t name who it was. This was senior year of high-school. I was so flabbergasted that I was super rude and straight up said out loud “there’s no way”. I couldn’t believe it, so much so that I disregarded all politeness.
That was when I realized people are genuinely getting more stupid. I can’t say the exact reason, it’s probably multiple, but it’s definitely real. This girl could not name one of the most recognizable people in American history.
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u/screwyouguys4351 5h ago
This. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older and interacting more with different groups of people, but I’m really shocked at some people’s thinking - or lack thereof. No one reads, and if they do their reading comprehension levels are abysmal.
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u/Labradawgz90 2h ago
I taught for 30 years and just retired. You are correct. Here's why. One, we have excellent prenatal care now for infants. Babies that would have never survived long ago, survive but they aren't without many complications such as mild to severe mental impairments. Second, (in American schools at least), teachers are forced to pass students that would not have been passed in schools. When a student refused to complete work, a parent will threaten law suits and go to the school board. The school board will threaten the teacher or just change the grade themselves. So even though a student might be intelligent, they come out uneducated. Third, more young people spend their time believing influencers and doing less critical thinking. Less is expected of them because as educators, we aren't allowed to expect anything of them. I was in a school where the entire academic team was Indian. And they were really good. Their culture was one where they are expected to achieve. So they did.
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u/down-with-homework 10h ago edited 5h ago
Coca-Cola fired their R&D department and now use the aggregate data from Coke Freestyle machines to make new flavors. It’s every company’s goal to have us work for them for free.
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u/Thexer0 7h ago
I loathe those machines. I just want normal Coke but it always comes out with hints of the other flavors.
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u/Wonderful-Push8834 10h ago
I am a wildlife biologist, and I believe that there is a possibility that the thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) may still exist in the wild. I mean, what proof do I have? none. Would camera traps pick them up already? probably....but then again, the distribution of cameras have been known to bias capture rates for specific species in some cases. Lack of carcasses could be due to a low (but spread out) population, scavengers, and simply being covered by brush.
I mean, I work in an area that had (emphasis on that) a high population of leopards and despite months hiking for kill sites (made by the leopards, not of the leopards) I only found one dead leopard and it was only a partial skull.
ok, I just more want to believe!
u/Notyouraverageskunk 9h ago
I want to believe there are still Ivory Billed Woodpeckers somewhere deep in the Louisiana swamps.
u/KissMiasma95 5h ago
I usually google this at least a few times a year to see if any new evidence has come to light.
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u/Wingnut150 3h ago edited 2h ago
I am absolutely sure that I saw one of these deep in rural Arkansas. It was later suggested that perhaps what I saw was a pileated woodpecker, which is already a huge bird (colloquially known as the Good-God, as in "Good God that bird is HUGE") but the bird I saw was BIGGER than that and had a distinct, white, bill.
This was way back when I was a teenager, though. It's been a long time
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u/Ra_phi 10h ago
I remember once reading something like this, saying how it's logically impossible for us to 100% co firm something like "x doesn't exist" because that could just mean we just didn't look hard enough.
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u/caffeineandvodka 5h ago
I hope we don't find them, if they're still out there. Humans are too cruel to let them live. There would be rich people paying millions for a pelt or even a few teeth or claws. I hope they're out there, but safe somewhere far away from civilization.
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u/ThickLove_ 6h ago
That my cousin’s coworker was killed by a government official and it was covered up.
She works in D.C. and her coworker always used his bike to get around. One day a car with government plates ran a stop sign and hit him, leaving him critically injured. The car didn’t stop and kept driving. There were witnesses and someone wrote down the plate number. He ended up dying from his injuries and no one was charged despite the fact a license plate number was taken and given to the police.
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u/createthiscom 6h ago
I'm convinced instagram uses the mic to record background noise, extracts keywords, and uses it to target ads. I have multiple situations where the mic was enabled and something I was talking about came up in my feed, but every time I try to reproduce it on camera, I can't.
u/EvadeThisBan 3h ago
Just assume every app on your phone is listening to you and tracking you and recording everything you type.
You'll be correct far more often than not.
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u/Bazoun 4h ago
I had a one-off conversation with my niece about her marriage plans, and my in box (Gmail) suddenly started showing me wedding dresses, wedding venues, wedding cakes. It was crazy. I hadn’t even looked anything up.
u/Preparingtocode 3h ago
It’s much more likely based on proximity and search history.
The apps definitely track location, it will know you were near each other. Her search history is wedding related, so it assumes you might also want wedding related stuff.
Much simpler than trying to understand your gutteral noises to figure out what to advertise to you.
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u/EpOxY81 5h ago
I actually have a saved screenshot of the Google AI admitting that Google listens to our conversations to target ads.
It later recanted though... :P
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u/BubblyMango 5h ago
For google that is definitely true. Beyond the fact i see ads about things i talk about.
They have permissions to your mic as the runners of the OS, thry provide free/cheap services to other companies for sound and voice analysis (such as speech to text), android phones constantly wait to hear "hi google" or similar, and newer ones are even able to distinguis your voice from others'.
Why in the world woulsnt the biggest data collecrion company in the world not listen on you when this is the reality?
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u/Reasonable_Reach_621 5h ago
I believe Apple has long ago agreed to give a back door to the 3letter agencies and that law enforcement generally has access to all info on iPhones and in the iCloud.
Every couple of years, there’s a public lawsuit where one of the agencies sues Apple to open some suspect’s phone and Apple very vocally fights it. This is a win-win for both of them- it makes Apple appear to the public to be “secure” and it advertises to criminals that law enforcement “can’t” access anything they conduct using an iPhone.
In reality they have access to everything
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u/J_Keefe 3h ago
The government did publicly ask Apple for access (and was denied), but it is also public knowledge that the government got into the phone anyway in a matter of days.
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u/StationOk7229 10h ago
That the universe is teeming with life. Where life can exist, it will exist, and given the enormity of just our own galaxy, it is a given (to me) that there is life all over the place.
u/Skankz 6h ago
Agreed! Most people think of life as human beings but the tiniest organisms count...I think
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u/KookofaTook 2h ago
Other than size, there could be untold species so strange in their composition and basic needs that we might not even recognize them as life. One of the things old school Trek did very well was hypothesize about wild life forms.
u/Skankz 2h ago
These ideas really fascinate me. I think the comparison i heard was planes being so inconceivable to ants that they essentially cant see them or something
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u/MyDamnCoffee 6h ago
Statistically, with the amount of galaxies and solar systems and whatever else is out there, there is no way we are the only life. Even microbes count as life but I'm willing to bet there's way more; we are just too far away to reach each other.
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u/nobullmitt 3h ago
Yep. In fact, our solar system may be teeming with life. The oceans of Europa and Enceladus - tidal stress from Jupiter and Saturn are going to create thermal vents in those sub surface oceans. The clouds of Venus, maybe even deep underground in Mars. All microbial life, or near it, but it still counts.
And that’s just carbon based / water using life. Titan may have its own thing going with methanogenic life.
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u/rougekhmero 8h ago
Dead internet theory. Even in this very thread there is proof that bot/ai users/comments are more pervasive than we might initially believe.
u/Thier_P 5h ago
Absolutely you can actually see all the bot comments on Facebook reels. Alot of the same comments. Not people having the same opinion but litteraly the same words Over and over again. Its just artificial post boosting
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u/Sauterneandbleu 8h ago
The dead internet theory suggests that much of online content is generated by bots or AI. While AI use is widespread, its presence is typically transparent, as seen here. Human users still dominate meaningful discourse. 😉
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u/xNaughtyCupcake 5h ago
I think the Costco they built in my town has been causing the neighborhood across the street from it to flood. Like they raised the ground 8 feet or so for the Costco and its parking lot. That was a few years ago and since then the neighborhood has flooded twice to the rooflines when it never has done that before. The reason they built up the ground is because when it rained a lot, water would pool in that area. Well now it can’t do that and has to go somewhere...like the neighborhood below the Costco.
u/bogzaelektrotehniku 11h ago
That people that offer thoughts and prayers when something bad happens don't really think about the victims / their families nor do they pray for them
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u/UnyieldingConstraint 10h ago edited 10h ago
You think they're just doing it so they look like they care? I agree.
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u/KillianJonesLifer 10h ago
Sometimes it’s less about actually caring and more about performing care for others to see.
u/CumTrumpet 5h ago
You speak your prayers to your god. Not Facebook. It's definitely performative.
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u/Locked4MyLuv 4h ago
O.J. killed Nicole. I know a jury found him responsible, but that’s not the same as a criminal conviction. He did it.
u/itida001 10h ago
Intuition / vibe / gut feelings exist and are accurate. I don’t know how to establish this 😅
u/lil-whiff 9h ago
It's usually an intuitive response after picking up on different environmental cues like sounds, scents, body language, tone etc.
You don't notice it until you do, then you nope out of there
u/butternutbuttnutter 4h ago edited 4h ago
I was driving in dense fog at about 3 am in northern New Brunswick, Canada near the Quebec border.
Suddenly I just KNEW there was a large moose on the highway ahead of me. I slowed down gradually (worried a tractor-trailer would rear-end me), and kept peering into the fog to confirm that I saw it. My passenger could not see anything and thought I was just being paranoid. I kept peering into the fog, leaning over the steering wheel, concentrating, searching as hard as I could for it, looking for a large dark shape.
I couldn’t see anything but grey - at least not consciously. I kept gradually slowing down. I can’t say for sure how much time passed - probably only 6 or 8 seconds, but it felt much longer.
And, just as I was slowed down to a bare crawl, almost ready to stop if needed, there it was - one of the biggest moose I’ve ever seen, right in the middle of the lane.
Two things that I don’t believe: 1) I wasn’t just being paranoid by coincidence, and 2) I’m not psychic.
I’m completely convinced that my eyes detected slight variation in the colour of the fog, an extremely faint sillouette, that wasn’t enough for me to consciously perceive as a visual, but was enough for my brain to register danger. Intuitively knowing that it was going to be a moose was likely just predictive - I was driving in a heavily forested area know for a LOT of moose.
But, man, it really did feel spooky, as if something supernatural had warned me.
ETA: For those that don’t know - moose are huge - 6 or 7 feet at the shoulder, with long, spindly legs. If you hit one directly with a car, the legs snap or are swept forward and the moose’s body falls on TOP of the car, likely demolishing the hood and the roof, and often going right into the windshield. It carries a MUCH greater risk of death than hitting a relatively smaller deer, which will generally just bounce off your bumper.
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u/Art3sian 6h ago edited 5h ago
Fun fact. In your brain - specifically the limbic system which is responsible for emotion, you have something called mirror neurons.
Without your knowledge or control, mirror neurons in your brain copy what you see in others so you get a ‘feeling’ of their intentions as your brain exactly replicates it. Your mirror neurons act and react on subtleties and micro expressions of the observed that you don’t consciously see.
So, yes, intuition is real.
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u/Perfect_Restaurant_4 5h ago
I dreamt most nights that my now ex husband was cheating on me with an older woman. I didn’t think he was having affairs, we had only just come out of lockdown. I’d wake up each morning and tell him he was dream cheating again. Anyway he was cheating with an old woman! I had no idea in my awake brain. But either I had a gut feeling or a guardian angel. It was a relief because it meant he had somewhere to go. I told him to get his stuff and move in with her! I completely agree with gut feelings being accurate when you don’t have any rational proof.
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u/pm_me_gnus 8h ago
They can be accurate. They very very often are not.
One thing I know and can prove is that a bunch of people who always trust their gut because "I'm never wrong about these things" are super wrong all the time, but never bother to check back. They decide something, assume they're right, and never find out more info.
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u/holdonwhileipoop 10h ago
You are right. However, there are clues - we just get microseconds to analyze and react, so miss them. It's a survival thing . Read "The Gift of Fear".
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u/gweedle 8h ago
Read “The Gift of Fear” if you haven’t already. Everyone should read this book.
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u/stoned-owl 10h ago
There's some spooky shit in the Appalachian mountains
u/Scarlet_dreams 4h ago
Currently in the heart of the Appalachian mountains and have been my whole life. The only spooky thing here is Matthew from down the road.
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u/NeekoPeeko 3h ago
I admittedly don't know what I'm talking about here, but as someone who lived in the Rocky Mountains I would assume that the "heart of the Appalachian Mountains " wouldn't be a place with roads?
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u/Puzzleheaded-Cod5608 9h ago
Could you elaborate?
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u/FrungyLeague 9h ago
I got you. Ahem.
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u/Dr_DavyJones 4h ago
Lol, that's easy to prove. Just bring whoever you want to prove it into the mountains.
As a side note, why wouldn't creepy shit happen in those hills? Do you know how old they are? They predate trees, they predate sharks. They might predate life itself (i can't recall exactly how old they are). Those mountains arent just ancient, they are beyond ancient. Some spooky shit definitely resides in those mountains.
u/Leipopo_Stonnett 11h ago
That an external, objective world exists beyond my own mind.
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u/Stargazer5781 6h ago
219 squared is 47,961.
I assume you did not know that.
I've always thought that people knowing things that I do not know, but that I can verify as true, is strong evidence that they or something exists independent of me.
u/MetalMedley 5h ago
This is actually a really neat extrapolation of cogito ergo sum.
I think, therefore I am; and you think, therefore you are.
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u/Salty-Tip-7914 2h ago
Unless of course your mind made all of it up. Their answer and the answer when you look it up. Hell, even math itself.
u/Panic-Adventurous 3h ago
This is going to sound crazy, and it probably is.
I’m a nurse. I take care of all different types of patients but here lately I’ve been getting a disheartening amount of cancer patients with cancers that are sudden, malignant, metastasized and of course previously undiagnosed or very recently diagnosed. And we go through the motions of deciding to fight or hospice or something of the sort. But all in all these people are just outright dying.
That’s where my weird belief comes in. I go to touch these dying folks and I feel this sort of pain come off them. They’re hot (not feverish numerically) but somehow burning. It physically hurts me to touch them. I’ve been callin it the “death burn”. Now I’m not sayin it’s like puttin your hand on a stove pain, but like if you were to touch something hot and it gave you this little mildly uncomfortable sensation. I believe I can feel this death burn. And I’m batting 1000 so far with the people getting diagnosed with the previously stated things and then shortly passing away. It’s weird as fuck. Anyway I believe im magic. But in an anxiety way.
u/011_0108_180 6h ago
That the uncanny valley exists because at one point in human history we did interact with dangerous, vaguely human creatures. Probably other branches of our evolutionary tree.
u/Superb_Accident1799 4h ago
I used to think this too! However I think now that this isn’t because there was a predator physically mimicking humans, but because we evolved to stay away from dead bodies, as to not attract disease. I think this makes sense!
u/011_0108_180 4h ago
I just came my conclusion because a lot of pre humans look pretty similar especially in the facial region. I think the dead body/disease part definitely explains why we dislike certain uncanny things like mannequins and zombies.
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u/TheRealJanior 4h ago
It actually exists so you don't go playing around with corpses. 🤣
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u/TrungusMcTungus 6h ago
That a guy I sucker punched in Oakland who was trying to mug my friend ended up being the guy who murdered and raped a different woman later that night
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u/Combat_Commo 9h ago
Driving down the road in Afghanistan as a turret gunner. I saw what looked to me like mini fireworks sparks on the right side of the road. I literally thought it was kids just messing around even though there was no one outside their houses in that village, it was around 9 pm or so.
A few seconds later, our convoy started take direct small arms fire from the same spot where I saw those sparks.
None of our guys got hit, but I took out 1 insurgent after returning fire, they actually found a grenade in his hand.
I told my unit about this and had to write a witness report and I included the fireworks thing, they thought I was talking nonsense.
Years later, I’ve decided that maybe the sparks were only visible to me, and it was a warning about what was going to happen seconds later.
Aside from not being able to prove I saw the sparks, I also tell people I wasn’t scared at all as the taliban and me were shooting at each other, it really just felt like a training event and I just reacted the way I was trained.
u/AbroadRemarkable7548 5h ago
He was probably smoking and flicked his ash off. Those could be the sparks you saw
u/StrangeJayne 2h ago
I was gonna say the same thing. The locals over there smoked a lot. Watching for a cig ember on dark nights was absolutely smart convoy behavior.
u/meme_medic95 6h ago
I had a similar experience.
Helmand province, 2020. I was the medic in PSG's truck, last vic in line. I swear to Allah I heard our TC say "contact 2 oclock" ... and then silence. I replied, "roger, 2 oclock" braced myself and started scanning for muzzle flashes. About 5 seconds later we start taking shots from our 2 oclock.
The whole thing lasted less than a minute before it ended. Afterward, the entire truck said they didn't hear our PSG say anything before contact, even the PSG himself. I don't think I imagined it though, because I immediately went on edge when I heard him call contact, plus from where I was seated I couldn't see our 2 oclock anyway.
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u/bit_shuffle 8h ago
Hot dry weather? Static electricity from clothing or fabric moving as they came out of a hide site or spider hole?
Flashlight or light source shining through fabric or camo netting or sheet plastic? He may have needed to see in the dark under a tarp to get his grenade or other weapons ready as your convoy approached.
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u/createthiscom 6h ago
Like, your subconscious chose to alert you that way? That's possible. I often think I see something strange, then scrutinize the area and realize my subconscious was trying to alert me to something that was actually there.
u/Electrocat71 11h ago
Elections are not free and fair in the USA anymore. The politicians are just a front for a few hundred super rich people
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u/AeroZep 10h ago
I think a lot more people would believe this now than they did a decade ago.
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u/111210111213 6h ago
They were better at hiding it then. Now they don’t care.
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u/StingerAE 4h ago
Well it turned out that you could do a lot of things blatently with no consequences. A certain someone demonstrated that nicely.
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u/drsciencegeek1 4h ago
My job is working with dogs, and I swear that one of them is my childhood dog reincarnated. The way she looks at me is so familiar and even when I first met her, she acted like she recognized me. I cry every time I see her and I can’t explain it. I don’t really believe in that stuff but this situation makes me want to because I really miss that dog
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u/Independent-Guess-79 5h ago
I believe people are generally more forgiving of those that tell us lies and are dishonest to us than those of who call out those people’s lies and dishonesty and I can’t work out why.
Person A: here’s some bullshit. It’s definitely true.
Person B: uhh, that sounds like bullshit. I’m not sure that’s true.
Person C: OMG person B, how dare you.
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u/pm_me_gnus 8h ago
Zero people have legitimately thought that Elton John sang "Hold me closer, Tony Danza." It started as a joke, it was popularized by Friends, and has been in the public mind since.
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u/Zealousideal_Bag778 5h ago
There's an Australian song called bedroom eyes.
I legitimately sang petrol eyes - despite the song name - until corrected.
Some of us are just idiots
u/butternutbuttnutter 4h ago
There’s a line in Broken Social Scene’s “Almost Crimes” that goes “your call keeps me up all night”.
I only heard “your cock keeps me up all night” and never really questioned it until I decided to look up the lyrics one day.
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u/Da5ren 5h ago
Remember when Tones and I was number one for 11 weeks (UK) with ‘Dance Monkey’? Pretty sure that was just a money laundering scheme because I’ve yet to meet a single person who willingly admitted to liking it! I’ll die on that hill.
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u/InitialEquipment6656 4h ago
My wife runs the hot tap in the kitchen when she thinks I’ve been in the shower too long. On our old hot water system that caused the water to run cold… even on the new system it causes a drop in pressure which is noticeable.
She denies it.
I know it.
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u/Amazing-Gazelle3685 5h ago edited 3h ago
My ex is a diagnosable psychopath and he will take someone's life during one of his bouts of anger. I have spoken with multiple professionals who all say I do not have enough proof for them to help or interviene in any way.
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u/Afitz93 3h ago
Those losers that throw paint at things in the name of protesting oil are actually funded by big oil to discredit any other actual protests.
To be clear, when I say funded, I don’t mean directly. The people carrying out the stunts are useful idiots a few layers down the line. But, I believe that big oil pays someone who pays someone who organizes these protests. And the protesters think they’re actually doing it for a good cause. It’s the only way any of this actually makes sense.
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u/cleanallmt 5h ago
The "UAPs" being spotted all over the place are government drones being used to test the public's reaction.
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u/FTLast 9h ago
Jeffrey Epstein did not commit suicide, and he was not murdered. He was taken out of prison and is living incognito somewhere.
u/Adventurous-Pen-8261 3h ago
Why would powerful people want the risk of him walking around, even if he was incognito? That doesn’t make sense.
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u/huberttmedia 5h ago
I don’t think anybody believes he killed himself. I think he was about to spill all of the names and someone got nervous.
u/MediocreVermicelli39 2h ago
That in January 2020 the type B influenza I had was actually early covid. There was a massive type b surge in my state before covid hit but we were all experiencing what we now know as covid symptoms. It was here before march, just wasn't ramped up yet.
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u/hexagram520 5h ago
When I was in middle school my high school aged sister had a controlling boyfriend who went crazy on her and she had to call the cops on him. She was not seeing him anymore and the school got involved to separate them from seeing each other (pretty big high school). Anyway, about a week or 2 after this happened I was getting the mail as she was leaving to go to work and as she was driving away I saw him look up and peak out the back window. I immediately called my mom at work because this was before cell phones. Later on my sister said she didn’t know anything about him being in the car. I told her privately she could tell me if she was seeing him again and she has forever insisted she knew nothing about him being in the car. I’ll never stop wondering if she knew or if he was intending to do something to her and he knew I saw him and bailed on his plan (or if this was somehow my imagination or a weird shadow or something…I know what I saw though…)
u/Dill137 4h ago
This is horrifying. I want to thank you for speaking up. What did your mom do? Most importantly, is your sister okay?
u/hexagram520 3h ago
She called my sister at her job (a restaurant) and asked her about it then talked more about it afterwards. Never saw or heard from the guy again after that. She’s now happily married with children :-)
u/Pitiful_Winner2669 5h ago
My dad worked with a Mexican cartel. He managed factories in Mexico, and he did have to deal with them, because they wanted a cut of what the factories made.
Every year, for the last twenty-ish years, he gets a case of tequila dropped off at his house. No postage.
Yesterday was his birthday, and yup, tequila at his doorstep.
For context, my dad kept the factories running after he retired. That kept people employed, and cartels will of course skim from the top.. that he couldn't change.
But I know for a fact he rubbed shoulders with a Mexican cartel, and did his best to do the right thing for the workers.
I mean, he came home one time all beat up, and said it was the border police. That didn't add up, or make sense.
u/katsuya6 5h ago
When i was young i went camping with my family in wiscon area and we had arrived late to our campground. I decided to wander around the area and was looking at the trees. I noticed a spider on a tree but this spiders BODY was larger than a basketball. I screamed my head off as it scurried up the tree never to be seen again. My parents and sister came running to me but didnt make it in time to see it. Now i need it be nown Ive never been know to have hallucinations as a kid and this isnt sleep deprivation as i slept most of the rid there. I also wasnt half asleep as i had been awake for a while as the campsite was almost set up completely while i wondered around. I know what i saw and it scared the shit out of me. Spiders dont get as big as what i saw.
u/drdildamesh 3h ago
That a skunk made it in and out of my chimney last week. My wife woke up one night saying she heard noises and that the house smelled awful. There were very specific places that were most definitely skunked and I tracked it over to the fireplace. I wasn't about to open the flue to find out so we called animal control and taped up the hearth with garbage bags.
Animal control came out, checked everywhere. Guy said there's no way a skunk could have made it into the chimney based on how it looked and then he left.
I'm never opening that flue again. No one comes into my house, shits in my mouth, and then tells me it was a tootsie roll a second time.
u/Tonberrian 4h ago
I'm convinced Trump and Elon did something shady during the 2024 election, too many numbers didn't add up and too many odd things were said prior to the election. But it will clearly never be investigated or addressed in any meaningful way.
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u/Frosty-Diver441 4h ago
The fact that Musk is even involved is shady in itself. What a terrifying thought that we have this mega rich, evil and looney snake hissing in the president's ear.
u/kazmosis 9h ago
The Cubans killed JFK, but they didn't really want to. Castro had a ton of attempts on his life by the CIA, so he got annoyed and set one up for JFK, expecting it to be uncovered/thwarted. Only it worked. Cuba knew it would be WAAAAAY worse if they were found to be to blamed so they kept it quiet.
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u/prettygoodist 5h ago
One, or both of the following happened:
The republicans played the long game of sowing so much doubt in the 2020 election, putting Dems on the defensive to prove over and over again that elections are secure and honest. Meanwhile, Repubs figured out how to cheat, and stole 2024. Dems could never say a word after standing up so strongly in 2020.
However, if the election was legit, then I believe that another long game has been played to dumb-down the populace to such an extent that a majority really believes that such a ridiculously unqualified man should be running the country. Just look at what passes for news and entertainment in today's world. Two out of three people are addicted to the little machine in their hand, feeding them a curated line of bullshit every day. The internet has allowed all of the worst and dumbest people in the world to find each other, thus legitimizing their own views, opinions and practices. I'm 58 and I don't believe I will see our country recover from the politics of division.
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u/Macdaddy357 5h ago
Vietnam was about opium, not communism. Southeast Asian opium was disrupting the global market. The ruling class were not going to tolerate that.
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u/Ok_Response7972 4h ago
that everything we do in life is a coping mechanism for life itself , cuz we don't know why the fuck we do exist .
u/powerlesshero111 9h ago
Elon Musk has never actually had sex with a woman. All his children are through artificial insemination.
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u/hensethe1 5h ago
I believe we are way past the point of no return in regards to global warming and world governments are aware, but keeping it secret to avoid hysteria/panic
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u/platedpenguin 2h ago
I think the lockdowns proved how fast the earth could recover, but it's just too inconvenient for people so we just keep going.
u/fishnwirenreese 10h ago
Trump assassination attempt was staged.
u/botlegger 9h ago
Staged or not, amazing that it’s nearly forgotten and rarely discussed
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u/lzwzli 6h ago
This is in itself a clue. If he really was shot and survived, you think he'd not talk about it all the time?
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u/swampfish 8h ago
What was the snipers name? Who knows. It was not big news.
What about the CEO sniper?
Everyone knows.
I don't know. But I find it odd.
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u/ekun 7h ago
Because he was immediately killed and the other disappeared into thin air before being caught. Also, Luigi is handsome and smart whereas the other dude was an ugly incel.
u/swampfish 7h ago
Also, maybe the ugly incel was set up for the fraud, and the media shouldn't be looking any further into that story.
u/magkas28000 11h ago
That there's a secret society of cats plotting to take over the world. I just know it.
u/cornedbeef101 11h ago
Don’t start looking into it. You know what they say about curiosity..
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u/jeffweet 6h ago
Originally published in The Sandman #18 (1990), “A Dream of a Thousand Cats” follows a kitten to her first gathering of cats. There, she and the others listen to an old cat called the Prophet, who tells her audience about a revelation she was given by the Cat of Dreams. While in a period of deep sorrow, the Prophet slept and visited the Dreaming, where the Cat of Dreams – Morpheus, in cat form – revealed an earlier world, in which giant cats ruled over tiny human beings. These cats domesticated humans, hunting them for sport or forcing them to brush their fur. But all of that changed one night, when the humans dreamed of a different world, one in which humans ruled and cats were pets. So powerful and widespread was the dream that, when the humans and cats awoke, the dream had come true.
u/WalkingCloud 6h ago
Tenacious D didn't really play the best song in the world, they just said they did.
u/ech0_7ruth 5h ago
We had been divorced for two years and I was embracing a life finally of a normalcy and freedom to be a happy single father half the time to our children. My business working from home was picking up after being laid off and life seemed great. I had a new girlfriend who I loved and to this day feel horrible for breaking it off because she probably would’ve been my wife. But my ex-wife got jealous And wanted to get even for me divorcing her and moving on after 14 years of intermittent joy but mostly hell. My ex-wife the nurse emailed everyone we ever knew saying she wanted to get the family back together and she was so sorry. It was the first time I think in 14 years she ever apologized for anything. Wanting nothing more than to have a happy healthy marriage and the kids to have both parents. I accepted her back and broke things off with my girlfriend. After two months, she became the same old person again and I became deathly sick.
Doctor told me to get my affairs in order and as they begin running more and more tests and added a medical investigator to the team of specialist, supporting me my ex-wife created a massive argument and left with the kids and everything they had and went back to her house. After doctors, thoroughly ruled out cancer and my levels began to normalize in the next couple of months, they suspected I was poisoned and opened a police investigation on my ex who passed the polygraph and even left and bragged about it.
From that point, she did all she could to try and take the kids permanently, take my house , before she moved out, she ruined my business and reported me to the police saying I was a big ganja dealer throughout the US, which was false and spread lies in the community. Not sure if she had a policy on me, but I found out she opened $1 million life insurance policies on each of the kids. To this day I wonder if she poisoned me I’m pretty sure she did but not sure with what, toxicologist said it would be too late to find out by the time docs suspected poisoning.
u/_Ashen_Grey_ 4h ago
Neil deGrasse Tyson's theory on dying. I believe there's some sort of after life but not what people think. I hear people say stuff like "my grandma is up in heaven playing UNO with Elvis" etc. When I just don't see the after life recreating human made objects like UNO or wearing man made clothes for that matter. I think we'd either all be naked or just a blob of energy floating around. I also believe we're a cell or a germ living on something much larger. Kinda like Horton hears a who.
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u/cherryflannel 6h ago
That women's periods sync up when we're around each other often. Apparently there's no evidence to back this up, but it's happened with my sisters, close girl friends, and at every job I've had. That's too much to be a coincidence
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u/Ill_Establishment406 4h ago
My daughter started her period in September. This month we finally synced up. It’s hell in my house 😂
u/HansKorner47 5h ago
Going around with smartphones in our pockets every day is harmful to our health.
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u/sirhackenslash 5h ago
This reality is actually a level of hell. We're all dead but we weren't good enough for heaven, but not bad enough for red hot coals in the anus level of hell. We're just spending eternity being taunted by low level demons like trump in an endless loop
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u/lajaunie 5h ago
The rise in autism numbers have more to do with the rise in the number of premature babies that survive than anything else
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u/badmother 9h ago
Every star has a planetary system. Also, there is a supermassive object at the centre of every galaxy.
It makes complete sense that post big bang, matter was drawn together to form localised denser regions, and within those whirling denser areas, matter clustered into lumps. Many of those lumps clustering together into larger lumps attracting each other. Some merging, but some not, and staying in orbit around the densest objects.
We can even see this at a galactic level as well as at the solar system level. The stars within a galaxy could combine into a larger mass object (supermassive black holes), but a huge number don't, and they are the 'outlying' stars we see. They will remain in orbit and never merge with the central mass.
Whether you're looking at a galaxy, a solar system, or just a gas giant planet, you always see the same model.
u/MidnightShampoo 10h ago
Black holes are the points at which we punch through the veil and deposit information and material into the next universe, where the material and information coalesce into the next Big Bang. We don't observe these "reverse" black holes in our universe because the information and material only flows one way.
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u/WongoKnight 6h ago
There was a right wing talk show host in Cleveland named Mike Trivasano years ago. He was anti-maks, pro Trump, climate change denier, etc. He died shortly after lock down ended. The reason for his death was never reveled.
I think he died of Covid or Covid related reasons, and they've hidden this detail
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u/Thursaiz 9h ago
That the entire basis of the Muslim religion was just a drunk guy who rode his horse off the side of a cliff and plummeted to his death. But the other drunks who were with him are convinced that he rode the flying horse into the sky.
u/leopard_eater 5h ago
The entire basis for Christianity was a woman whose family were complicit in her lie that she’d never had sex.
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u/Fairyblossom2 6h ago
That’s ghosts exist. Or something that we can’t explain exists. I grew up in a ‘haunted’ house in the 90’s all my family experienced it, friends that came to stay did too but we have never experienced anything since we left. Can’t prove it but I believe there was some weird energy in that house. I would never set foot in there again.
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u/bigh73521 7h ago
Money I was scammed out of can be recovered. I don’t know how and don’t trust anyone who says they can.
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u/jeffweet 6h ago
My daughter was playing with my wife’s credit card when she was a baby. I told my wife to take it away. She said ‘what’s gonna happen?’ Never saw the card again. I’m sure my daughter dropped it in the AC duct. But we’ll never know.
u/critical_hit_misses 5h ago
Lynx/Axe deodorant is designed to absolutely reek a few hours after application, tricking teenagers into applying more and more. Rinse and repeat day after day.
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u/Snoogles_ 3h ago
That my sister stole all my unopened BNIB perfumes. I had 10+
She took care of the cats when I was on vacation and they’re all missing when I got home. Well over $1000 worth of fragrances.
u/Lopsided_Pancake 11h ago
Around 1995 I was away in college. Broke up with a girlfriend and when she left she took the remote for the TV. I just figured I misplaced it. I moved back to my home town a month later. Soon I bought a new TV and never thought about it again.
About 4 years later we get back in contact (We were from the same geographic area). She drops by my new place for a coffee and after she leaves I can't find the remote for my, now new, TV.
I search everywhere and in a crack under the back cushion on the couch I found the remote for the old TV. Never did find the remote I needed for the new TV.
I'm sure she stole both of them and pulled the switcheroo years later.