r/AskReddit 1d ago

What stop you from killing yourself?


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u/Xbox_truth101 1d ago edited 1d ago

My cat howling like he was hurt downstairs, he was just offended that he could see the bottom of his bowl. Fed him and sat next to him crying as he paid me no mind and chomped away.


u/KovolKenai 1d ago

Somehow thinking about my cat hits me harder than thinking about my parents. They're great people, I have no reason for this preference, but like, I couldn't make my cat understand what happened to me. Aw fuck I'm tearing up.


u/Aeonskye 1d ago edited 1d ago

I didn't have a cat until last year.

I didn't plan on having a cat or any pet.

Up until 3 years ago, I had had dogs for most of my life until i had to have my last one put to sleep.

Then she showed up as a 6 month old skinny kitten in the garden - meowing outside at me when i came home. I fed her and that was it. Now I would live for her

Black and white cat in pictures is my housemates cat


u/Xbox_truth101 1d ago

I’m convinced nobody intends on getting a cat. the universe just decides you have one. I found my fur savior as a kitten chasing a rat twice his size behind a job I hated lol


u/rommie 1d ago

Almost every story people tell me, ‘the skinny malnourished cat/kitten just appeared’ and they were compelled to take it home


u/27_magic_watermelons 9h ago

no literally, i had something happen to me. when my grandma was dying in hospital around 2 years ago, there was this cat who we saw around quite a lot but only really noticed around that time. my family are cat people (nothing against dogs, we love them, just prefer cats) but have never owned one due to cost (no longer an issue, hoping on getting a cat soon). cats seem to get drawn to me in particular for whatever reason, so we tried to get this cat to trust us because he was so skinny you could see his ribs. so it ended up with us feeding him for the next two years and he basically adopted us. he never stayed, he was very content being outside but he did come and see my household for food and affection. he died (we think) the same week i got my final exam results back. he came and went in my biggest times of support


u/CookWho 1d ago


u/Flimsy-Goose-8626 1d ago

I've only ever happened upon 1 kitty. He'll be 5 this summer. The others were on purpose. But I love all the kitties


u/distantlistener 1d ago

Almost 200k members and I'd never heard of it! Joined immediately.


u/Togepi32 1d ago

I believe this. My family used to proclaim ourselves as dog people until my mom’s friend needed to rehome her cat and that was it for us. Cat people ever since. I miss that old dude but the rescues since have him to thank for their spoiled lives.


u/Garrden 1d ago

It is believed that cats domesticated themselves. 


u/StarrGazzer14 1d ago

LOL I love this! What did you name him?


u/Xbox_truth101 1d ago

His name was Hawk, after Henery Hawk due to his big hunger/attitude and teeny body.


u/StarrGazzer14 1d ago

LOL Great name!


u/TheRealGongoozler 1d ago

My void wasn’t supposed to be mine. I had picked her out for an ex who wanted a black cat. Then she decided she liked me and only me


u/Saint-monkey 1d ago

So true. I somehow have 4 and I never intended on getting any lol they all were rescues and now they’re my little family. Plus my doggo and my boyfriend also has 2 cats that we saved and his dog. Together we have a veritable zoo


u/m1kz93 14h ago

You don't get a cat, the cats find you. Sometimes they just appear on your front door.


u/Katriina_B 1d ago

They choose us. I went to the Humane society specifically to adopt a cute grey kitty and a little slip of a black kitty pushed her right off my lap. That was it for me. I had my little panther for 14 years.



Can confirm.

I have two cats: Katya and Scooter.

Katya ran up to me and my mom as we arrived home from my mom's birthday party. She was less than a year old and must have been a runaway, as she saw already spayed and trained to use the litterbox. Got her in 2015.

Scooter came to us in 2021. His previous owner, my neighbor's daughter, was unfortunately killed by her psycho BF (yes, big left turn). Scooter could not be found a home, since everyone was allergic. My mom found out, and said that she would take Scooter in.


u/Estellalatte 18h ago

It’s called the CDS, Cat Distribution Service.