r/AquaticSnails 15h ago

built in snail egg hatchery Picture

unused built-in filter box finally coming to good use, lights in the lid keep the eggs warm/humid too



u/Gastropoid Snail God (Moderator) 8h ago

Fyi, your snail is a Channeled Apple Snail, and invasive everywhere outside it's South American range. In many places in the US and Europe they are illegal to possess, and they are voracious plant eaters, so giving the babies to a fish store or other keepers who might not be aware of this would be extremely unethical.

(If it wasn't obvious from the shell, the color of those eggs is a dead giveaway. Mystery snails make very pale pink/white eggs. Channeled Apple Snail eggs are that salmon pink color.)


u/Most-Mine6580 1h ago

I’m telling you now from experience you do not want to hatch all those even if u plan on giving away or to a fish store they will not take as many as u think they will and most people would only want one or 2. Not to mention the tank size. Freeze and crush