r/Aquariums Jul 31 '17

Finally got these guys settled in and eating! Cichlid

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u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Most of them are Stendkers from Discus Hans (learned too late that you aren't supposed to mix German and Asian discus...oops -1 fishkeeper point for me) who had clearly never eaten anything other than Hans' homemade beefheart mix before; the rest are LFS runts who were fed only live California Blackworms so as you may imagine getting them to eat anything else was a struggle.

But I'm happy to report that after a mighty battle of wills (not really) they now voraciously eat most frozen foods and only slightly grudgingly eat flake. Haven't had much luck with pellet yet, oh well...

My fish have a more varied diet than I do.


u/rywolf Jul 31 '17

Out of curiosity how much do all those cost? That is a beautiful group.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

They all had different prices, but here are the prices from left to right:

Brilliant Turquoise 2.5" (Stendker) $27

Blue Diamond 2.5" $65 (way overpriced, I got it for $27 because I had store credit and he was pretty, otherwise I would never have bought it. You're better off buying a BD from Hans at that price but I stupidly didn't buy one when I placed my order and didn't want to pay $40 shipping again for a single fish)

Red Snakeskin 4" (local store) $49

Yellow Pigeonblood 2" (local store) $20 (he was much smaller and duller coloured when I bought him)

Blue Pigeonblood 2.5" (Stendker) $30 (this is the pale peach coloured one--his colours haven't come in yet)

Silver Pigeonblood 2.5" (Stendker) $30

Red Melon 3" (local store) $49 (but I got it for $39 because the manager of the store likes me)

Red Checkerboard 4" (Stendker) $55

Not Shown: Marlboro Red 2.5" (Stendker) $30

Uh...I'll leave you to do the math because I'm afraid to know the total :D


u/RandyHoward Jul 31 '17

That comes to right about three fiddy


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17


u/Macroft Aug 01 '17

How much does your setup cost? I'm curious if a fish tank with some exotic looking fish would be feasible for me. Looks awesome!


u/travelingjack Aug 01 '17

Discus are by no way, novice fish.


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

Oh shit yeah this. Sorry, I've been totally absorbed in DiscusWorldTM but seriously for your first fish do not get discus.


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

I bought the tank and stand secondhand, so I couldn't give you a total on how much that would be new or guarantee you'd be able to find a similar deal, but here's what all the other gear cost:

Glass Canopy $60

SunSun HW304B Canister Filter $65

Filter Media $50

Hydor Theo 400W Heater $26

Beamswork LED Light $66

So that comes to $267, not including the tank and stand and fish, and keep in mind that isn't in addition to all the other supplies not directly related to specifically this tank, that I already had--water treatments, food, and medication.

Also the tank's not decorated yet but when it is I expect that will probably be another $300ish between sand, rocks, plants, and supplies.

A few notes, most of the gear I buy is budget stuff, I'm not rich, I just try to avoid buying total junk while still making purchases that I will like and keep around longterm. I hate buying "stopgap" items that are placeholders for the thing I really want, it just seems like a waste of money because I know I'll eventually buy the other thing. So I'd say the glass canopy and LED are not strictly necessary items, I bought them to display the fish to maximum potential and also to keep the fish from jumping out and killing their silly selves but you could achieve the same end goal more cheaply than I did, perhaps just not as aesthetically.

If you're not set on large fish like discus you could also do a smaller tank that is much more wallet-friendly. I'd just recommend thoroughly researching the needs of any fish you're interested in, never buy a fish on impulse at the store. Because like 80% of the time the small fish at the store has a massive adult size and that sh!t rarely ends well.


u/LyricalWillow Aug 01 '17

If you want colorful fish that aren't quite as expensive as these beautiful discus, consider African Cichlids. There are some gorgeous cichlids out there. Still costly, and you'll need to do your research, but perhaps perfect for you.


u/ChineseNonsense Aug 01 '17

African cichlids are much more fun to watch as well.


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

TBH their aggression stresses me out. I can't take fish violence, catfights, cool, dogfights, I break 'em up. But fish violence ratchets up my anxiety. I think it's because I can't hear them fighting so the idea that they may kill each other without me knowing is horrible.


u/Alcoholic_jesus Jul 31 '17

Wow it actually does. Gahdamn that's a lot of money on some fish


u/RandyHoward Jul 31 '17

Yeah, as a fellow discus owner, some of those prices were a good deal that OP paid. I'd say I average anywhere from $50-$60 per fish.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Yeah I started out with the smallest size (2.5") on many of them because of price. The next size up would have been way more and you can sort of see that reflected in the three larger discus (red snakeskin, red melon, checkerboard).

Apparently it's really not advised to start out with juvies as a new discus keeper and I got at least two people tell me not to bother with ones under 4", but...well, clearly I opted to ignore that excellent advice.


u/RandyHoward Jul 31 '17

Personally I like starting with juvies because you get to see them grow up. And because they're cheaper of course.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I'm enjoying the juvies too. Especially the yellow pigeon which I got as a rinkydink little 1.5" thing. He was a dull little pale yellow thing the colour of provolone cheese and his pattern was barely visible. He's coloured up so nicely now and grown much bigger, even though he is the cheapest of my lot I have a real soft spot for him.


u/keef_hernandez Jul 31 '17

It's a lot more work if you want them to grow up large, healthy and round. I did it once, but never again. 4" and over for me.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Hah! You should see what I spend on my cats.

-gif of OP huddled in cardboard box under threadbare blanket while my pets are living the life-


u/Burningfyra Aug 01 '17

dont look up championship koi then


u/ISettleCATAN Jul 31 '17

Those are great deals compared to all my sources for them.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

You think so? Discus Hans ships anywhere in the US though, if you're in the States you could get some at that price. His 2.5" juvies are all $27-30 each. The $20 LFS yellow pigeon was a great score but I think I got lucky with him, most of the small juvenile discus that I see in stores tend to be in rough shape.

One well-regarded LFS in my area got a shipment in of juvenile discus and are letting them go for $10 ea.


u/ISettleCATAN Jul 31 '17

Oh yeah. Very much so. For the quality of these and the color. It's a great deal. My LFS don't carry ones as nice as these, and if they do they're close to $100. I haven't heard of that cite, but I'll be checking it out for sure.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

If you want nice prices, Monster Aquarium in Flushing has beautiful discus and I've heard good things about their quality and shop practices. I think they ship fish if you aren't able to go to their brick and mortar store, check their Facebook page. They're great about responding to inquiries, from what I can tell their large discus (around 4" by my estimation but they'll tell you if you ask) go for around $60-65 and the very small juvies that haven't coloured up yet are $10 if you feel like taking a chance on their adult colours.


u/JaketheAlmighty Jul 31 '17

be careful with the different sizes of fish. (especially if they weren't added all together at the same time) the bigger ones will often keep food from the smaller, newer ones.

what's your water change schedule? I see some stunting already in what are presumably the fish that came from the LFS. (an unstunted discus is round in shape) With fish that come from LFS (or anywhere but high end breeder really) they're usually already stunted and you can only prevent any additional deformation.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I haven't noticed any of the fish bullying the others during feeding. I am aware that discus are, after all, still cichlids so I monitor them carefully.

My roundest discus are actually the fish from the LFS: the blue diamond, yellow pigeonblood, red snakeskin, and red melon are fish store fish. The other discus including the least round fish, the brilliant turquoise on the far left, are ordered from Discus Hans. I may be wrong but they're all still fairly young fish and from what I've read juvenile discus start out much less circular and will develop a more round shape as they mature, so the lack of roundness could be more due to their age than from being stunted.

Only time will tell, although truth be told I'm not fussed about my fish being perfectly round...it may not be show-quality standards but I actually like the look of discus with pointed faces.

I change 50% of the water every other day right now. According to Hans this is excessive, but oh well.


u/JaketheAlmighty Jul 31 '17

yeah they're probably just young then. observe them carefully as they develop. liking non-round discus is sacrilege I think (haha), but nothing wrong with liking something different than what the discus elitists say is "perfect"


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Lol it definitely is sacrilege. I don't like super football-shaped discus where it's obvious they suffered from malnutrition and are clearly stunted, but I think a little pointed snout is cute because it reminds me of this...oops.

The yellow one was smaller when I got him and was pretty football shaped and pale but he's filled out to an almost perfectly round shape. I've had him the longest.


u/TheLiqourCaptain Jul 31 '17

Where do you live? I've seen them from $70 to $110


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

NYC. These are all really small though, I've seen roughly comparable prices for similarly sized fish from breeders and importers selling online. Uncle Sam's Discus sells 2.5-3" discus for $30-40 IIRC.


u/FriendlyAnnon Aug 01 '17

I am so jealous, in Australia the minimum price you pay for a discus seems to be $60-$70.


u/Burningfyra Aug 01 '17

from what I have seen of the few times I have seen discus in shops they seems to be of a better breed (comparing shops to shops not breeders)


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

Well that's what happens when you use Monopoly money instead of real 'Murican dollars! sic a dropbear on me I dare you

In all seriousness and curiosity though, what size are these $60-70 discus? I think the exchange rate of AU to US dollars might bridge the gap if it's a 3-4" discus. Juveniles are markedly cheaper than even an inch or so larger because their survival is less certain without labour-intensive care.


u/FriendlyAnnon Aug 01 '17

Dont diss our Monopoly money. We can even wash it, so its cleaner than your green bills. I will hop in Skippy's pouch and sic him on you.

The $60-$70 discus are probably about 4-5". Here is one ad that is generally considered a reasonable price.

Edit: Here is a LFS site. Discus are so expensive here http://www.sydneydiscusworld.com/9-cm-discus/


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

Your prices are about equal to what I paid then, if $60-70 AUD is your benchmark. It comes to $48-56 USD, and you'll note that I paid $50-55 for my 3-4" discus (the exception being the red melon that I got a special discount on, otherwise it would have been $50 too).

The LFS site has a lot of rarer/newer strains which are about equally expensive to what I've seen for those strains in US importer sites, the newer strains tend to be really pricey. The cost of them will probably come down in a few years once more breeders figure out how to breed them/keep the lines stable and consistent.


u/shortstop803 Aug 01 '17

Which is the red and white one on the far right in the pic? He's awesome.


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

Stendker Checkerboard from Discus Hans


u/DefinitelyHungover Jul 31 '17

Discus are my favorite freshwater tank fish. So beautiful. Can be a pain in the ass to care for. Man I miss working with fish.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Why not keep a tank of these beauties? You could even do a smallish one (55gal) with just 5 or so.

I have a lot of fishy loves--bettas, rams, even my poor unpopular monster hybrid blood parrot, but I have to admit my discus are my current, finicky-hearted favourite. Damn are they a lot of work but it's like the more energy I put into them the better I like them.


u/DefinitelyHungover Jul 31 '17

I'm not living where I will live for the next however, and I don't like moving tanks from place to place every year. I plan on getting a 55 gal fresh tank like you suggested and I want to make a custom salt tank. Haven't decided what I want the salt to be, though. Hopefully in the next 5 years I'll be able to realize these dreams.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

The prospect of moving my tanks is definitely a nightmare dwelling on the edge of my consciousness.

I've been daydreaming about reef tanks lately but hit something of a stumbling block in terms of needing RO/DI water.


u/DefinitelyHungover Jul 31 '17

I'll never forget - sorry this is off topic but funny - this one guy who came into our store.

I'm filling up RO water for someone, we had a huge tank and filter - could do like 100+ gallons of RO a day easily when needed. This guy is asking about RO filters. Through conversation I find out he has a 55 gal. Then I find out he needs 50 gallons a day. I connect the dots and realize he wants this water for something else. I give him his info and he keeps browsing the store. I see him later checking out the lights on our coral tanks. We didn't sell those fixtures in store because typically people don't need the ones we were using as they were large and spreading over multiple tanks. I could tell he wanted them and told him we can order them. His eyes lit up. He ordered some from the owner.

I like to think I have bought weed he's grown lol.

RO setups aren't too bad, but it is an investment for sure. Definitely a pain in the ass to have to go to a store, but justifying an RO filter is equally painful.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Support local business lol.

I'm looking at a 4-stage RO/DI filter setup on Amazon (can't remember the brand but if you sort by least expensive there it is) that has decent reviews and is like $65, which is really not bad, but it's like...suspiciously cheap. I read a bit about the brand and their whole deal is "affordable RO/DI setups" but still...$65? I'm skeptical but not so skeptical that I probably won't wind up buying it to try it out. Will definitely need a TDS meter though.

And I live in a city where we mostly take public transportation, I don't have a car...so lugging 10gal worth of water on the subway is sort of...not gonna do that.


u/DefinitelyHungover Jul 31 '17

65 bucks? What company is it? That does seem suspiciously cheap, but if it's legit then that just means it's a steal!

Yeah, I live in texas, so we're basically required to have cars. It's still not fun even lugging around 5 gallons of water. I had a few regulars that would get between 20-100 gallons a month and I always wondered why they wouldn't just set up their own filter at that point.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

The brand is Aquatic Life and the product is called "RO Buddie". It has 4/5 stars on Amazon out of 312 reviews so it's not a total blind buy but yeah...suspicious...here is the link.

I feel like there's probably some kind of caveat, like the filter needs to be replaced stupidly quickly but I only have space for a 10gal nanotank anyway (I know how totally inadvisable it is to start with a nano-anything in the aquarium hobby but as I've established in this post I fail at taking advice) so I wouldn't need much water, it might end up totally worth it.

My arms are like ramen noodles so I can't lug water anywhere.


u/DefinitelyHungover Jul 31 '17 edited Jul 31 '17

Well I'm a rule breaker, and I like the nanos lol. Imma check out that link...

Edit: damn I can't find anything wrong really.

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u/nicodemi Jul 31 '17

I use the RO buddy...my tank exploded with green hair algae after i started using it. Also switched to a new light at the same time so I'm not sure what is causing it. I don't have any tests for RODI water to tell either

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u/raella69 Jul 31 '17

Why is it bad if different Discus types mix?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Supposedly, because of the concern that the German-bred and Asian-bred strains have had exposure to different bacteria/parasites and different immunities, so it's a risk to mix them.

My discus have thus far remained disease-free for a month so maybe I just got lucky or maybe I'm about to eat my words. Who knows with fishkeeping?


u/NotAzebu Jul 31 '17

Noob question time!

The second one in from the left with the kind of striped colouration is amazing, is that a pigeonblood?

Why can't you mix types of discus?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

That one actually came from a LFS and was not labeled with a predetermined strain type, but it most closely resembles what Discus Hans and DiscusFish.com have labeled as "Red Snakeskin" so I'm going with that.

And Stendker/Discus Hans advises against mixing Asian and German discus due to concerns that the differently regionally bred fish have been exposed to/are carrying different types of bacteria and parasites over the many generations of their breeding, and thusly have different immunities and would be poorly equipped to handle a disease from the other side of the world. It's not like you can't mix them, as I have obviously done...and may or may not live to regret. We'll see!


u/Whiterabbit-- Aug 01 '17

If you are keeping multiple breeding lines together why not mix German and Asian lines?


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

The concern is about exposing the different lines to potential bacteria and parasites they potentially haven't developed immune systems to combat, since the German and Asian lines theoretically have been bred for generations in very different environments.


u/Kimmi126 Aug 01 '17

I love the color mix! Very beautiful fish you have there sir


u/therealradishz Aug 01 '17

They look awesome. Good luck.


u/tampaguy2013 Jul 31 '17

Fun fact: my mother was the first person in the US to successfully breed these fish. She used to supply fish to the Cleveland Aquarium. I remember as a little kid in the 1960's going to see our fish at the aquarium with a little plaque explaining this.

She did it by putting a clay flower pot in the tank and after they got comfortable the fish do this wiggle dance to each other to signal mating. She would sit there and shake her head real quickly, like "no" and got the fish to breed.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

That is so cool! You must be very proud of her.


u/tampaguy2013 Jul 31 '17

Yeah, it was neat as a little kid. She raised all kinds of fish. Our basement was set up like a fish store with dozens of tanks. But the Discus were her favorite. I remember when the class went to the Aquarium I got to talk about it to my class in front of the tank.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

You must have had an awesome time on Career Day haha.


u/DomoVahkiin Aug 01 '17

That is insanely cool. Your mom sounds awesome.

Edit: I just realized that my comment may come off as sarcastic but I promise it's not haha


u/tampaguy2013 Aug 01 '17

:-) it's all good


u/O_fiddle_stix Aug 01 '17

Was reading through the comments and I came across yours... your mom sounds like she was very passionate about her fish. I'd love to have a discus tank someday. ATM I'm just a little afraid of failing and killing a very expensive fish.


u/Burningfyra Aug 01 '17

do you have any old pics of the setup? that would be really cool to see!


u/tampaguy2013 Aug 01 '17

Sorry, no, not sure why. It was a bunch of rows of racks made from 2x4's down both walls of the basement. In the center was a table that had a few tanks and the food and stuff. On the end were these two big round tanks about 3 ft, tall that she kept full of water that she would let sit so the chlorine and whatever would leech out. You guys probably know more about that than I do. Then around the corner on the other end was the big 90 gal. that had the those guys in it. They were the orange and black ones. It was all fresh water. She raised guppies, angel fish, beta's, cichlids, pretty much all the basic fish you find in a fish store.

Seriously, though, thanks to everyone for asking. I hadn't thought of this in over 40 years! Mom's been gone a long time and it was nice to bring back those memories.


u/DanBaileysBigToe Aug 01 '17

Care to explain how her shaking her head made them breed?


u/tampaguy2013 Aug 01 '17

I was like 9 or 10 when this was happening so keep in mind this is a near 50 year old memory from a kid but this was the idea. The fish do a wiggle dance for their mating. If you've ever seen the videos of the salmon spawning and how they wiggle in the rocks? Same kind of thing. I think it is important to note that she sat there for hours on end for weeks and weeks. It was kind of her chill time. I guess the fish got used to seeing her all the time and accepted her. One day she saw them do that wiggle and then just messing around shook her head like that and the fish responded. Then more of them did and before you knew it they were laying eggs on tank and ate them. So she used the clay flower pots because I guess they were non toxic or something. Then, when ever she needed them to breed she'd put the flower pots in and give them a few days to acclimate and then she'd shake her head like that. It's like shaking your head 'no' real short and quick. The fish pick up on it and she got to a point where she could have them lay eggs when she needed to supply someone. Then she'd take the pots out because they would eat the eggs sometimes and hatch them in different tanks. She used to supply fish to most of the pet shops and stuff in the Cleveland area in the late 60's and early 70's.


u/ShadowRancher Jul 31 '17

They look lovely. If I ever get discus I think I'd like to do a crazy display tank with school of all different colors.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I was somewhat conflicted on whether to do a school of different colours or a school of pigeonbloods/checkerboards with one or two solid reds thrown in for visual diversity. I feel like the second would give a more cohesive aesthetic effect but I'm the kind of person who likes to name all their fish which would be impossible if they looked the same, so I went with the rainbow school after all.


u/ShadowRancher Jul 31 '17

I love it. Usually I prefer a "natural" look but I've seen a couple of tanks with multicolored discus and they all look amazing. Like skittles :)


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Haha it's funny you say that because I've lurked on another fishkeeping forum where "skittles" is used as a somewhat derogatory or at the very least condescending term to describe tanks that have multiple species of different fish, often with the minimum number of schooling fish considered necessary as to fit as many different fish in the tank as possible (while presumably still respecting the tank's bioload), rather than a more "cohesive" sophisticated tank with large schools of a few species.

My planted tank right now would probably qualify as "skittles" to that board right now lol. I guess I am just a trash fishkeeper with unsophisticated taste.


u/ShadowRancher Jul 31 '17

That's actually a term I've never heard before. You do you man, as long as your fish are happy anyone that complains is a silly person.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

It's definitely exclusive to that board, apparently a person on the forum coined it and also wrote a single-spaced MS Word post explaining the term and whenever a newcomer to the board posts a tank they deem "skittles" and the Newbie is all "what's skittles?" they get a link to that gargantuan post. Yaaaayyikes. You can perhaps imagine why I only ever lurked.


u/kitcia Jul 31 '17

They look amazing! Me and my fiance are hoping to eventually have a tank full of discus :) What size tank do you have for them, and do you plan on adding more?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

It's a 90 gallon tank which I plan to keep barebottom while they grow out a bit, then add a custom 3D background, sand, and live plants.

I did a lot of reading on discus stocking and came to the conclusion that everyone seems to have drastically different ideas on what the appropriate number of fish is...Stendker recommends 80gal for 10 fully grown discus so I figure I'm good with 9 (one not pictured here) in a 90gal. I've also seen 6 quoted as the max for my tank size on SimplyDiscus but since I already have 9 I'll have to go with Stendker on this one and trust that they know what they're about.


u/kitcia Jul 31 '17

It's amazing how much of keeping fish is sort of a "he said, she said" thing haha. I'm sure they'll be perfectly happy in that tank! They look great, and it's awesome you already got them eating frozen foods. Great job!


u/iCameToLearnSomeCode Aug 01 '17

The only difference between the two is how willing you are to do water changes, as long as they are a happy school socially they shouldn't be too cramped the it is all about lots of filtration.


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

They are not very active fish so I'm inclined to believe you on that, I think even once they've grown they should have plenty of swimming room since they seem to prefer to stick close. Also the more discus I've acquired the better they school.


u/ArgonGryphon Jul 31 '17

Do you have a sump? Could add a little gallonage that way.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I considered it but the space underneath the tank stand is occupied by my cats' food bowls and water fountain, and my apartment is tiny enough (just over 300sq ft) that there is really no better place to put those without tripping over them; I've settled for a lot of water changes--have Python, am not afraid to use it. I'm also planning on doing a riparium-style setup with some pothos which should improve the water quality.


u/ArgonGryphon Jul 31 '17

Ah nice. That's sounds cooler anyway, honestly. And more attractive.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17



u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

It's a 90 gallon! My first really big tank (my 29gal is no longer considered big).


u/RandyHoward Jul 31 '17

You might be pushing the limits of that tank with that many discus. You'll be fine for a while until they get big, but you might want to keep the thought of a bigger tank in the back of your mind (like it's not already, ha!).


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I always have thoughts of a bigger tank TBH but when I was trying to figure out how many discus I could keep I came across veeery different opinions...some people say 6 max (the smallest number) and are really vehement about it, and I've seen about double that also quoted as being fine.

At the time being I'm going with Stendker's rule of thumb of 10 fully grown discus per 80 gallons. Since they're a pretty well respected breeder I figure that it's probably at the very least acceptable, even though we fishkeepers all know the really humane thing to do is to desalinate the Pacific ocean for our fish hahaha


u/RandyHoward Jul 31 '17

I generally go by the rule of 5 discus minimum in a 55 gallon tank. Beyond that, an additional 10 gallons per discus after 5. Of course I'm currently housing 3 of them in a 20 gallon tank while I prepare my fish room for an upgrade.


u/SwissBiscuit Jul 31 '17

He's fine 10g per Discus and it's bare bottom and assuming he's got adequate filtration


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

SunSun HW304B with one tray of nylon pot scrubbies, one tray of ceramic filter media, one tray of Seachem Matrix, and one tray of Purigen. It's rated for 175 gallon tanks at 526gph, I figure even assuming they overestimate its efficacy it probably wouldn't be less than half as efficient as it's supposed to be.

I also have a sponge filter and an airstone because a few weeks ago I had an oxygenation blunder that scared the crap out of me.


u/SwissBiscuit Jul 31 '17

Yeah easy didn't even fret. As you had discus and bare bottom I knew your filter would be good


u/mikeripsitbad Jul 31 '17

Nice eclectic group of discus. Keep them hot, keep them well fed, and do plenty of water changes. Growing out discus is no small feat. Slacking when they're young will result in smaller, less perfect adults.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Yeah when I was doing research on discus people were all "don't start with juvies, they're super high maintenance" and I was all "Okay I won't" AND THEM WHAT DO I FUCKING DO? Go out and buy juvies.

Oh no.

I knew what I was getting into lol.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17

Is there a reason so many people keep discuss in totally empty tanks?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Yes, there is--because discus, especially juveniles, are very finicky about water quality, and it heavily impacts their growth. A discus has the best chance to grow to its largest potential size if kept in pristine water, and to this end a lot of discus keepers when growing out small discus will do multiple water changes each week or even daily. Vacuuming out any excess food before it has the chance to contaminate the water is also very important, and this is far easier in a barebottom tank.

I have plans to decorate the tank once they put on some size though.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17

After keeping african and south american cichlids I figured the lack of cover in the tank would stress them out to the point of not eating stunting the growth of all the fish but the most dominant. Amazing that the behavior of discus is so different from the types of cichlids I am familiar with?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

They hid in the corner for like three days scurrying from side to side in a school when I first got them but they don't really seem to care now and wander all over the tank independently of one another and all of them eat well. They still school occasionally though which I think is really cute.

There doesn't seem to be a single dominant fish, occasionally one of them will peck at another but nothing prolonged or severe. Compared to my rams, these are very peaceful fish lol. They're considered to be schooling fish unlike most cichlids, and they do school for real (rather than just schoaling) so that likely has a lot to do with the difference in behaviour compared to other cichlids.


u/Attentive_cactus Jul 31 '17

What is the difference between schooling and shoaling?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

To put it simply, schooling is when fish swim around in unison, with the effect that the entire group seems to move as one entity.

Whereas shoaling is just similar-sized fish hanging out close to each other for safety, but they don't all swim together in one cohesive direction the way a true school would.

I saw an amazing example of schooling when snorkeling in Bermuda last week with schools of Blue Fry: every fish in the school is attuned to the group. If I moved, the fish closest to me moved, and in a few seconds fish two meters away are swimming away from me (the big clumsy mammal) to get the rest of the group to follow them in order to distance the school from me.


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '17

In my youth raising a Discus was the "in" thing. This post brings back those memories. Thank you for that!!

I remember long discussions about tank quality and the effort put into raising them and how fragile they are. And boasts about the number of partial water changes to show how dedicated they were to the fish.


u/ArgonGryphon Jul 31 '17

I like barebottom because then you don't have to clean substrate. Can't speak to if it's a specific discus thing but it's a big plus.


u/BearBryant Jul 31 '17 edited Aug 01 '17

The robo anus is fully operational.

Edit: Okay what the shit reddit...I posted this on this thread and it ended up here...


u/Burningfyra Aug 01 '17

join us get an aquarium :>


u/BearBryant Aug 01 '17

Those fish are pretty dope.


u/mcfandrew Jul 31 '17

I will always upvote discus. I miss keeping them!


u/peehSSheep Jul 31 '17

Image Granted this was a show fish but this is what Hans' fish can grow into.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17

It's floral arrangement being emulated by fish. Absolutely, beautiful.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Yes! Normally I wouldn't take/post a photo where the tank is all dirtied up with food (Hello, NLS pellet my discus still don't like) but they were in perfect formation.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17

What's it like owning fish?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Like being a small god of an underwater wonderland.


u/Burningfyra Aug 01 '17



u/[deleted] Aug 01 '17

in what way?


u/Burningfyra Aug 01 '17

well there are so many diffrent types of fish in the hobby and they are not all compatible and you cant just stuff heaps of fish into one tank, because of that you usually end up with multiple tanks. I currently have 2 tanks a 65ish gallon community tank and a 15 gallon shrimp tank, I want to get a betta but it wont be too happy in my 65g and i dont want it to eat my shrimp so I will most likely getting a third some time soonish.


u/katrina_pierson Jul 31 '17

Nice. My mom just started a 100 gallon tank with several & plans to double that. Not sure how great of an idea it is to add more.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I'm not the best person to ask about discus stocking levels since this is my first discus tank, if you skim the comments I mention a little about my struggles in determining what the correct stocking levels are and how I basically read a ton of conflicting info on what the max number of mature fish for this size tank is.

My tank is 90gal, I have 9 discus which I think will be fine even once they grow to full size, but I'm sure you could find five people who would agree and five who are all "NO WRONG YOU DON'T DESERVE ANY DISCUS". So... :D

In any case the proof is in the pudding so I can't say anything concrete until these guys grow up and we see how they do.


u/Flynn_lives Jul 31 '17

Amazingly beautiful fish.


u/songalong Jul 31 '17

damn thats quite beautiful, that variety just looks so nice


u/makebelieveworld Jul 31 '17

Does anyone else feel like they are plotting? I would keep an eye on them if I were you.


u/-mattybatty- Jul 31 '17

The pretty white and pink one on the right knows what's going on.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

That one is the boldest, he swims right up to me and blows bubbles silently...sinisterly...


u/zetamale1 Jul 31 '17

So cute!


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17 edited Dec 29 '17



u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I'm planning on keeping it bare until they grow out some more, then I'm doing:

Caribsea Torpedo Beach sand (large-grained white sand, easy to vacuum)

Rose quartz boulders for foreground scaping

Custom 3D stone background painted to match the rose quartz and sealed with epoxy, to hide filtration and heating and to stop all the food from getting sucked up before these slow-ass fish can eat it (biggest struggle thus far). This is my design for it.

Red leafed Tiger Lotus and Banana Plants (banana plant roots will be hidden behind rockwork because I like the leaves but not the roots).

Ivory leafed Marble Queen Pothos in the top, in the filtration section, to help with filtration.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17 edited Dec 29 '17



u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Just looks, I think the colours will work well with the rose quartz and pink faux stone, plus they grow pretty well under low-tech conditions. I have a bunch in my planted tank that are growing like crazy with just a decent light and irregular dosings of Excel (irregular because I suck and always forget). Plus, since they grow from bulbs/those weird chunky banana roots, it will be super easy to pull them out and give the substrate a good vacuuming and them stick them back.

I have a paintball CO2 setup that I'm putting together for my 29gal planted tank but I probably won't put one on this tank because fewer components=fewer things that can go horribly wrong and if I gas my discus I will cry. Not that I want to gas my other fish, you understand, but they're a bit hardier than these beauties.


u/send_me_your_traps Aug 01 '17

I am full on jealous. They're beautiful. I wish I had the patience to care for a tank.


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

Mmmm IDK if patience is what I'd term it, but more like dedication and being willing to invest time in what is ultimately a pretty monotonous task (water changes). Consistency?

What we're talking about is about is at least like 30min/week to do a water change (if you have the right equipment and enough experience to streamline the process, this is about how long it takes). The average tank will need a change once a week, this one is kind of a special case as I do a change on this tank every other day so that's 2hrs/week.

I would say it's really not that much time to dedicate to a hobby you're really into, what's 30 minutes in a day after all? I probably spend more time reading books or playing videogames. But I think a lot of people eventually get sick and tired of sticking to it and tank maintenance just becomes one more boring chore they avoid.

I just haul out my Python, hook it up to my sink, unplug the filter and heater, stick the intake end in the tank, and then plop down in front of the tank with a book. Once the level gets low enough to easily reach the bottom (the water level when full is armpit-level for me), I suck up the detritus at the bottom and then switch the Python vac to pump water back into the tank, add dechlorinator, and then fill it back up and plug everything back in. Physically very little work...although I have to admit storing the Python is a total PITA.


u/matteb18 Jul 31 '17

Beautiful group


u/BashfulTurtle Jul 31 '17

Gorgeous fish, but why no plants or anything?


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

I'm growing them out right now and due to discus' sensitivity to water quality, it's easiest to do this in a barebottom tank. Since poor water quality can stunt then for life, plus the highest-quality foods (also very important to discus growth) tend to pollute the water quickly (currently feeding frozen but I'm planning on moving to making my own discus feed out of beefheart, shrimp, whitefish, spinach, and bananas, that shit will totally destroy the water), you need to do a lot of water changes to give the discus the best chance to grow to their fullest potential. And it's just easier to keep the tank barebottomed at least during their juvenile grow-out phase.

I do have plans to decorate the tank eventually, I'm going to do white sand with rose quartz scaping. I want to make a 3D rock background possibly with a sandfall (if I'm feeling extra masochistic) with some nooks for plants--thinking all red-leafed plants, like tiger lotuses, and some marble queen pothoa out the top for additional water quality control.


u/BashfulTurtle Jul 31 '17

Oh that's awesome - I see people doing this all the time with discus and have just wondered why. I'm the type to get lost in aquascaping, though.

Hope you keep posting more, seriously. These are awesome fish and it sounds like you're doing the ideal growth methods.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Oh I'm really into aquascaping, in fact I love plants (the single window in my apartment is just about blocked out with houseplants). In fact you can maybe see my love of plants in my 29gal progress pictures...you may also notice I like pink, lol.

I'm really looking forward to the day when I can decorate and scape the tank to my heart's desire, I've bought like a dozen pounds' worth of rose quartz boulders to that end so it's totally happening, but yeah in the meantime I want these guys to have ideal growth conditions to get big and pretty.


u/BashfulTurtle Jul 31 '17

That's awesome, I love the set up - it grew in really nicely. I like how you see a bunch of exposed fish and then they're all hiding in the bush. That's what I try to go for - destress them as much as possible while sporting cool plants. I aquascaped a 50g long and then stocked it with LFS bettas because they look so sad in cups. The plants went crazy, but the bettas liked it. Only have one left, the others died off intermittently for some reason (API test came back fine).

Almost all of the discus I've seen grow out in a bare tank, I was just curious. It's an awesome hobby, aquascaping is a big part that keeps me coming back to it.


u/BashfulTurtle Jul 31 '17

Wow, your post history is full of great shots. Sucks to see the one about the 2 tangs and a clown in a tiny box...


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

The marine aquarium isn't mine, I submitted it to /r/shittyaquariums which is a sub for posting terrible tanks. I found it in an Amazon review.


u/jellyfishiesx Jul 31 '17

Wow, they are beautiful!


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '17

Just wanted to pop in and say how mad jelly I am.


u/Etella_Amer Jul 31 '17

Most beautiful discuss I've seen in my life! 😍❤️🐠


u/ke28 Jul 31 '17

Absolutely stunning and I love your future ideas for the tank too!


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Thanks! Had fun planning it. Making the 3D background will be very new for me, I hope It comes out well.


u/TheMedusasCascade Jul 31 '17

Wow they're gorgeous


u/defsentenz Jul 31 '17

Sweet collection! From one discus fam to another, cheers! They're dirty little things, but they are fun to have and super social.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Yeah for such delicate pretty fish they take huge poops. Kinda funny. Makes me like them more. Everybody poops.


u/kikkroxx777 Aug 01 '17

Wow truly gorgeous


u/dudenamedfella Aug 01 '17

Disc are so environmentally sensitive


u/CuteThingsAndLove Aug 01 '17

This looks eerily like the exact same fish my dad has....

Dad.... did you make a reddit account...?


u/MilkPudding Aug 01 '17

No I didn't, daughter.


u/jenncomo Aug 01 '17

Those are gorgeous!


u/kaylibabyy Aug 01 '17

They are so beautiful 😍 I've been wanting discus


u/[deleted] Aug 01 '17

Oh my they are beautiful


u/tomastaz Aug 01 '17

So beautiful


u/BAXterBEDford Aug 01 '17

Absolutely beautiful.


u/god_blvckscvle Aug 03 '17

breathtaking bro 👍


u/Gotu_Jayle Jul 31 '17

Nooo don't eat them


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

That would be a very pricy lunch.


u/peehSSheep Jul 31 '17

You can literally put 30 or more full grown adult discus in a 90 gallon as long as you maintain water quality. Of course with that many in a tank you'd be doing 100% water changes 3 - 5 times a day. You'd also need a lot of water agitation. You've got a BB tank so I'd expect you've done your research. Hind sight is 20/20 but its best not to get fish from separate distributors if possible. If anyone is looking to buy discus ordering 5 - 10 juveniles directly from Hans is your best bet. You'll pay extra for shipping but you'll do a lot better in the hobby starting with quality stock. I need to call that guy. Good looking fish.


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Yeah I had massive anxiety attacks about introducing the fish from different places. Not like I haven't done that dozens of times with my other tanks but with fish as sensitive and expensive as discus it's really not worth the risk, so even though I did it with seemingly no adverse effects (it's been about a month) I probably won't risk my stock again, at least not without an extensive quarantine.

I'm not up for doing that many water changes though so this is probably it lol.


u/LaShawn_Akimbo Jul 31 '17

Maybe you should have left them in the ocean


u/MilkPudding Jul 31 '17

Honestly wondering if this is a joke post because I saw an identically ignorant comment on KaylenDiscus' Instagram page last week, but in case it isn't...these are freshwater fish, and they've been domestically bred for decades. They never came from the ocean, and if you released them into the wild they'd probably die.