r/Aquariums 15h ago

Would a few goldfish do OK in here? Help/Advice

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55 gallon. 1 Gourami, 10 pencil fish, some small loaches and some corydoras, a squeaker catfish and a smallish pleco. Would they be OK with all the plants?



u/Cheap_Arm_6844 15h ago

I'm not an expert, I don't know much about goldfish, but I don't think the Temps match up, and from goldfish I've seen, they'd eat the plants


u/AquaticByNature 15h ago

Your tank is stocked as is. My goldfish live in a 100 gallon pond due to bioload. Not worth overstocking your tank.


u/RainyDayBrightNight 14h ago

Definitely very different temperatures, plus it’ll add too much bioload. The gourami might also be a risk of fin nipping any fancy goldies.


u/Conscious_Play7069 15h ago

Say goodbye to the plants