r/AmITheAssholeTTRPG Apr 03 '24

Need some advice from some veteran ttrpg players here Discussion



u/Latimas May 12 '24

Not a ttrpg expert: If this story is told truthfully and with no bias it definitely doesn't sound like your fault. GM should've communicated to you that he or W didn't like you minmaxing and kindly asked you to stop, or established in session 0 if there was one that he didn't want that.

If he plans on being GM for more games in the future maybe tell him that he should communicate and establish that stuff beforehand instead of being petty.

I can understand why W was upset though, never nice feeling left out or useless.  Btw did W specifically ask DM to kill off your characters or was that DM's idea?


u/fuzzyborne Jul 11 '24

Taking you at your word, no this is absolute bullshit. You can't simultaneously be balancing different games for your players, and that thing with the waves of enemies against your wife was absolutely atrocious railroading. If the GM can't acommodate a party of mixed capability you all need to sit down and revise.