r/ARKitCreators Sep 24 '22

ARkit focal length and or field of view.

I am trying to get the focal length in milimeters from the ARFrame camera but can’t seem to manage.

I found a stack exchange post about computing the field of view in degrees which gives me a number that changed slightly every frame which I expect as the camera probably adjusts focus.

Howrver the field of view in degrees is not so useful to me, I need the focal Length. Which the sceneview camera provides but that is a static number and when I try to match that in a 3D application it does not seem to match. I assume because the ARframe is cropped somehow.

Does anyone have experience with this?



u/archiflew Nov 01 '22

Hello there, as I remember, there is a Facebook Group called CrossCreators Family where you can ask other developers technical questions. They also have a website called crosscreators that I highly recommend checking out if you have any cool projects, you can sell them on the platform.